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A G UIDE TO MARC Presented By: Jamie Griffith, David Shaw & Melissa Wehunt.

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Presentation on theme: "A G UIDE TO MARC Presented By: Jamie Griffith, David Shaw & Melissa Wehunt."— Presentation transcript:

1 A G UIDE TO MARC Presented By: Jamie Griffith, David Shaw & Melissa Wehunt

2 I NTRODUCTION TO MARC MARC = MAchine Readable Catalog. A computer can read and interpret data from a bibliographic record. History of MARC Henriette Avram MARC progression

3 T HE B ASICS IN M ARC V OCABULARY Field: a unit of information within a record i.e. Title (245 10 Genreflecting:/b a guide to popular reading interests) Subfield: if more than one element of related information, divide into subfields i.e. Subtitle (245 10 Genreflecting:/b a guide to popular reading interests)

4 T HE B ASICS … Tag: a three digit number that identifies the kind of data represented in a field i.e. 245 (245 10 Genreflecting:/b a guide to popular reading interests) Subfield codes and delimiters: identify separate information within a field i.e. subtitle preceded with /b or $b or |b (245 10 Genreflecting:/b a guide to popular reading interests)

5 T HE B ASICS … Indicator: the two spaces following a tag-provides info for processing of data i.e. (245 10 Genreflecting:/b a guide to popular reading interests) Record Structure: Communications format, Tagged display, Formatted display, catalog card Leader, directory, control fields (fixed fields), variable fields Field/Tag content, Parallel Field Content

6 MARC E VOLVES … Found in the paragraph section of a card catalog Title Statement of responsibility Edition Materials specific details Publication information Physical description: pages, illustrations and size Series Notes Standard Numbers

7 S TEP 1: C ARD C ATALOG GV943 Brenner, Richard J., 1941-.25 Make the team. Soccer : a heads up guide to super.B74 soccer! / Richard J. Brenner. -- 1st ed. -- Boston : 1990 Little, Brown, c1990. 127 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. "A Sports illustrated for kids book." Summary: Instructions for improving soccer skills. Discusses dribbling, heading, playmaking, defense, conditioning, mental attitude, how to handle problems with coaches, parents, and other players, and the history of soccer. ISBN 0316107514 : $12.95 1. Soccer -- Juvenile literature. 2. Soccer. II. Title: Heads up guide to super soccer. II. Title. Dewey Class no.: 796.334/2 -- dc 20 89-48230 MARC

8 S TEP 2: MARC C OMMUNICATIONS F ORMAT 01041cam 2200265 a 4500 001 002000000 003 000400020 00 5 001700024 008 004100041 010 002400082 020 002500106 020 0 04400131 040 001800175 050 002400193 082 001800217 100 003 200235 245 008700267 246 003600354 250 001200390 260 00370 0402 300 002900439 500 004200468 520 022000510 650 0033007 30 650 001200763^###89048230#/AC/r91^DLC^19911106082 810.9^891101s1990####maua###j######000#0#eng##^##$ a###89048230#/AC/r91^##$a0316107514 :$c$12.95^##$a 0316107506 (pbk.) :$c$5.95 ($6.95 Can.)^##$aDLC$cD LC$dDLC^00$aGV943.25$b.B74 1990^00$a796.334/2$220^ 10$aBrenner, Richard J.,$d1941-^10$aMake the team. $pSoccer :$ba heads up guide to super soccer! /$cR ichard J. Brenner.^30$aHeads up guide to super soc cer.^##$a1st ed.^##$aBoston :$bLittle, Brown,$cc19 90.^##$a127 p. :$bill. ;$c19 cm.^##$a"A Sports ill ustrated for kids book."^##$aInstructions for impr oving soccer skills. Discusses dribbling, heading, playmaking, defense, conditioning, mental attitud e, how to handle problems with coaches, parents, a nd other players, and the history of soccer.^#0$aS occer$vJuvenile literature.^#1$aSoccer.^\

9 S TEP 3: T AGGED D ISPLAY Leader 01041cam 2200265 a 4500 Control No. 001 ###89048230 Control No. ID 003 DLC DTLT 005 19911106082810.9 Fixed Data 008 891101s1990 maua j 001 0 eng LCCN 010 ## $a ###89048230 ISBN 020 ## $a 0316107514 : $c $12.95 ISBN 020 ## $a 0316107506 (pbk.) : $c $5.95 ($6.95 Can.) Cat. Source 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC $d DLC LC Call No. 050 00 $a GV943.25 $b.B74 1990 Dewey No. 082 00 $a 796.334/2 $2 20 Pers Name 100 1# $a Brenner, Richard J., $d 1941- Title 245 10 $a Make the team. $p Soccer : $b a heads up guide to super soccer! / $c Richard J. Brenner. Variant Title 246 30 $a Heads up guide to super soccer Edition 250 ## $a 1st ed. Publication 260 ## $a Boston : $b Little, Brown, $c c1990. Phys Desc 300 ## $a 127 p. : $b ill. ; $c 19 cm. Note: General 500 ## $a "A Sports illustrated for kids book." Note: Summary 520 ## $a Instructions for improving soccer skills. Discusses dribbling, heading, playmaking, defense, conditioning, mental attitude, how to handle problems with coaches, parents, and other players, and the history of soccer. Subj: Topical 650 #0 $a Soccer $v Juvenile literature. Subj: Topical 650 #1 $a Soccer.

10 S TEP 4: F ORMATTED D ISPLAY TITLE : Make the team. Soccer : a heads up guide to super soccer! / Richard J. Brenner. ADDED TITLE : Heads up guide to super soccer AUTHOR : Brenner, Richard J., 1941- PUBLISHED : 1st ed. Boston : Little, Brown, c1990. MATERIAL : 127 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. NOTE : "A Sports illustrated for kids book." NOTE : Instructions for improving soccer skills. Discusses dribbling, heading, playmaking, defense, conditioning, mental attitude, how to handle problems with coaches, parents, and other players, and the history of soccer. SUBJECT : Soccer--Juvenile literature. Soccer. Copies Available : GV943.25.B74 1990

11 C OMPONENTS OF MARC Leader First 24 characters of a record (00-23) Each position has meaning, but most is for computer use MARC record creation and editing programs assists cataloger with input Directory Found immediately after the leader (in MARC communications format) What tags are in the format and where they are placed

12 C ONTROL F IELDS (00X’ S ) 001 – Control number Assigned by org. creating, using or distributing record / For interchange purposes 003 – Control number identifier MARC code for org. that created 001 005 – Date and time of latest transaction Of latest record transaction 008 – Fixed-length data elements Useful for retrieval and data management

13 V ARIABLE F IELD C ONTENTS … 0xx - Control information, numbers, codes 1xx - Main Entry 2xx - Titles, edition, imprint, etc 3xx - Physical description 4xx - Series statements 5xx - Notes 6xx - Subject added entries 7xx - Other added entries 8xx - Series added entries 9xx - Locally defined entries

14 P ARALLEL F IELD C ONTENTS For 1XX, 4XX, 6XX, 7XX and 8XX fields X00 – Personal names X10 – Corporate names X11 – Meeting names X30 – Uniform titles X50 – Topical terms X51 – Geographic terms

15 S UBFIELDS AND D ELIMITERS Valid Subfields vary from field to field Subfield codes – one lower case letter preceded by a delimiter Independently interpreted w/in fields For 650 field |a Topical term |x General subdivision |y Chronological subdivision |z Geographic subdivision |v Form subdivision i.e. (300 ## $a 675 p. : $b ill.; $c 24 cm) a= extent b= other physical details c= dimensions

16 I NDICATORS Two numbers following the tag Two single digit numbers Values range from 0-9 Some fields may use 1, 2, or 0 (# - blank) indicators Interpreted independently depending on the field Used to supplement field data

17 W HY IS MARC N EEDED ? Allows for the sharing of resources Prevents duplication of efforts Allows for increased information creativity while offering predictability and structure i.e. LOC Subject Headings and Authority records VS. Variable fields

18 B IBLIOGRAPHY Furrie, B. (2003). Understanding MARC bibliographic:Machine-readable cataloging. Retrieved June 14, 2008, from Harkin, S. (2002). Cataloging cheat sheet. Retrieved June 11, 2008 from s/abc/catcheat.htm s/abc/catcheat.htm Library of Congress. (2008). MARC21 authority. Retrieved June 14, 2008, from Minitex Library Information Network. (2005). MARC21 format for non-catalogers: A webinar [PDF document]. Retrieved from MARC format for Non-Catalogers: ts/marc.pdf ts/marc

19 Review!!! MARC-21 Content Designators 260 ## $a New York :$b Harper & Row, $c 1988.

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