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闵行区中心小学 执教:陈雪萍 4 月 27 日 上海世博会宣传视频 No. 41 the Expo Family.

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2 闵行区中心小学 执教:陈雪萍

3 4 月 27 日

4 上海世博会宣传视频

5 No. 41

6 the Expo Family

7 Mr Chen Mrs Chen EddieWendy Grandma Grandpa They are the Chens. Their family is the Expo Family.

8 We’re _______. Our family is the Expo Family. the Les

9 Look, this is Eddie. He likes reading books. He’s busy reading a book. It’s about Expo stories. He can tell the story to Jenny, their Expo guest( 客人). Eddie’s busy reading a book. be busy doing 忙着做 … It’s about Expo stories.

10 Busy, busy, busy. Be busy doing.( 忙着做 …) Busy, busy, busy. Eddie is busy reading a book. It’s about the Expo stories.

11 I’m Grandma Chen. I’m busy making Chinese knots with my friends. In China, many people like Chinese knots. Chinese knots We like to put the Chinese knot on the wall or in front of the window in spring festival ( 春节 ).It means good luck( 好运 ), safety( 平 安 ) for the family. But most of us can’t make Chinese knots today. 1.Can you make Chinese knots? 2.Where can you put the Chinese knot? 3.What does the Chinese knot mean?

12 on the wall in front of the windowgood luck safety can ’t making Chinese knots We can put the Chinese knot __________or ____________________. It means _________ and _______ for the family. But most of us _____ make Chinese knots today. Grandma Chen can make Chinese knots. Look, she’s busy ____________________ with her friends. Grandma likes making Chinese knots.

13 learn English.Grandpa is busy ing Grandpa, what are you busy doing? I’m busy learning English. Can you speak English now? Yes, I can speak a little now. I can talk with Jenny. I’m happy. You’re great, Grandpa. Thank you.

14 Mr Chen, what are you busy doing? I’m busy cooking. What are you busy cooking? I’m busy cooking ________. zongzi I like to eat zongzi. But I can’t make it. How to make zongzi? Put the _____, _____and beans on the _____. Tie them with the ______. Now you can cook it. ricemeat leafstring Thank you, Mr Chen. You’re welcome.

15 Hello, I’m Mrs Chen. I’m busy doing the room. I’m sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, making the bed, cleaning the table and putting the Chinese knot on the wall. This room is for Jenny. It’s small but clean now. I’m busy and tired but I’m very happy.

16 do the room sweep the floor mop the floor make the bed clean the table put the Chinese knots on the wall 整理房间 This is Mrs Chen. She’s … do the room sweep the floor mop the floor make the bed clean the table put the Chinese knots on the wall busy tired happy

17 Eddie is busy reading a book. It’s about the Expo stories. Grandma can make Chinese knots. She’s busy making Chinese knots with her friends. Grandpa is busy learning English. He can speak a little English. He’s happy. Mr Chen is busy cooking zongzi. Jenny will like it. Mrs Chen is busy doing the room. It’s for Jenny. It’s small but clean. Where’s Wendy? What’s she busy doing? Wendy is busy writing a letter to Jenny in her bedroom.

18 Eddie is busy reading a _______. Grandma is busy making Chinese _____. Grandpa is busy _________________. Mr Chen is _____________________. Mrs Chen _______________________. knots busy cooking zongzi They are busy for Jenny’s coming! Busy, busy, busy. How busy they are! Busy, busy, busy. Be busy doing. book learning English is busy doing the room

19 1.Where is Jenny from? 2.What does she like? 3.What does she like doing? 4.What has she got? 5.What’s she busy doing?

20 Dear Jenny, We are the Chens. Our family is the Expo Family. Welcome to Shanghai Expo. We are busy now. Eddie is busy reading a book. It’s about the Expo stories. Grandma can make Chinese knots. She’s busy making Chinese knots. Grandpa is busy learning English. He can speak a little English now. My father is busy cooking zongzi. Do you like to eat it? My mother is busy doing the room. It’s for you. It’s small but clean. I am busy writing a letter to you in my bedroom. We are busy but we are happy! We’re ready for your coming. Yours Wendy

21 We are the Les. Our family is the Expo Family. We’re busy now. My husband is busy cooking jiaozi. My daughter is busy drawing a picture, Haibao. I’m busy doing the room. We’re busy but we’re happy.

22 Let’s be the Expo Family. We are __________. Our family is ___________. We are busy now. _______________________________ _______________________________ ____________________ We are busy but we are happy.

23 Shanghai Expo is coming. We can be the Expo Family. We can help the visitors. We can show Chinese knots and give them Chinese food.We can talk with them in English. We can keep Shanghai clean and tidy. We are busy, but we are happy.

24 Shanghai, a big family, a busy family. Shanghai Expo, we are ready for you!

25 歌曲: 2010 ,等你来 视频

26 Homework 1. Copy the phrases 2. Read Jenny’s letter and complete the writing task (A or B) 3. Try to do one thing for Shanghai Expo with your parents

27 Let’s be the Expo Family. We are __________. Our family is ___________. We are busy now. _______________________________ _______________________________ ____________________ We are busy but we are happy. A

28 Let’s be the Expo Family. We are __________. Our family is ___________. We are busy now. My father is busy ______________. My mother is busy _____________. __________________________ We are busy but we are happy. B cook, do the room, read a book, make Chinese ties, learn English, wash the dishes …

29 He/She’s busy … sweeping the floor do his homework cooking dinner mop the floor reading a book water the flowers be busy doing

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