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Cross Word Puzzle Complete the Cross word puzzle on Chapter 14 This is an individual assignment not a partner assignment. Take your time because some of.

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Presentation on theme: "Cross Word Puzzle Complete the Cross word puzzle on Chapter 14 This is an individual assignment not a partner assignment. Take your time because some of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross Word Puzzle Complete the Cross word puzzle on Chapter 14 This is an individual assignment not a partner assignment. Take your time because some of the questions will end up on the quiz tomorrow.

2 Open Note/book Quiz Complete the short section activity on Chapter 13 Section 1. This information was went over in class yesterday. If you do not write in a complete sentence I will not grade your answer. This is a quiz you must do the work yourself.

3 Farmers and the Populists Farmer’s Problem Railroad Abuses The Grange Populism Free Silver Crusade Bryan and End of Populists

4 Farmers’ Problems Weather problems Falling prices Increasing debt Dependant upon railroads Need for cheaper money Deflation and inflation

5 Railroad Abuses Construction graft Bribes Stock watering Unfair pricing Long haul Short haul

6 The Grange Also called the Partons of Husbandry Began as social group Evolved into political group Called for regulation of railroads “Granger Laws”- mid-western state laws that regulated railroad abuses ICC-Interstate Commerce Act Federal law that regulates commerce Currency Reform

7 Populism Took the place of the Grange Strong mid-west support Reform based party Omaha Platform, 1892 Increase $ supply Income tax Secret ballots 8 hour workday Immigration control

8 Free Silver Crusade Panic of 1893 Nation enters a recession Many people promote silver and gold standard for $ Would create large money supply Gold standard only would decrease money supply

9 Bryan and End of Populists 1896 election William MeKinley-Rep. Gold Standard William Jennings Bryan-Dem./Populist Free Silver “Cross of Gold Speech McKinley wins election Populism dies

10 Mormons The Mormons were a religious group founded by Joseph Smith (1805-1844). In 1830, Smith published the, “Book of Mormon,” which he claimed was a translation of writings given to him by an angel. The Mormon community was heavily criticized for teaching and practicing polygamy. In 1844 a mob in Illinois killed Joseph Smith and forced the group to seek some place where they could escape persecution. Under the leadership of Brigham Young the Mormons journeyed west from Illinois and eventually setled in present day Utah.

11 Homestead Act Stated that anyone who would agree to cultivate 160 acres of land for five years would receive title to that land from the federal government.

12 Dawes Severalty Act Congress passed this law to assimilate (make like the mainstream of society) Native Americans into US culture. It abolished tribal organizations and divided up reservations for the purpose of allotting land to individual Native American families. The Dawes Act turned out to be a huge failure. Most Native Americans did not want to give up their tribal identity nor be assimilated into white culture.

13 Transcontinental Railroad The Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroad companies built from each end of the country. They joined the railroad at Promontory Point Utah. Irish and Chinese immigrants mainly built the railroad. The Transcontinental railroad connected America and helped create unit from coast to coast.

14 The Grange Overproduction of farm products caused prices to drop drastically, thereby leading to less profits. Simultaneously, the cost of farm equipment and railroad rates roses. As a result farmers lost money and fell further and further into debt. Many began banding together to protect theirs interests by collectively standing up to railroads and other industries, which they felt were overcharging them. Through the grange, they pooled their resources to purchase new machinery and supplies, as well as to sell their produce without paying other distributors.

15 Omaha Platform Politically, Populism appealed to the “common man.” It called for the unlimited coinage of silver, government regulation of railroads and industry, a graduated income tax, and a number of election reforms.

16 Interstate Commerce Act This law provided for the creation of an Interstate Commerce Commission and regulated railroad rates in the name of public interest.

17 William Jennings Bryan The Populist Party decided to back Bryan and his wing of the Democratic party called the “free silver” group. He was made famous because of his, “Cross of Gold” speech. In it he stated, “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold! He did not win the election and this marked the end of the Populist party.

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