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Pusan National University, Korea Joon-Seok Kim Taehoon Kim Ki-Joune Li.

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Presentation on theme: "Pusan National University, Korea Joon-Seok Kim Taehoon Kim Ki-Joune Li."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pusan National University, Korea Joon-Seok Kim Taehoon Kim Ki-Joune Li

2  Introduction  Background  Scope of Project  Requirements and Issues  System Design and Architecture  Conclusion 2

3 3 Introduction

4  Title: Indoor Spatial Awareness Project (2007-2012)  R&D project  Funded by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation  7 teams from university and 8 teams from industry  Goal:  To develop a computing technology for ISA  To establish a basis for indoor spatial theory and data model  To develop systems for building and managing indoor spatial databases  To develop pilot application systems 4

5  Indoor spatial theory  Data model  Foundation of IndoorGML  Systems  Authoring tools  ISA server  Indoor spatial information applications 5

6  Motivation  Due to advantages of open source project (e.g. efficient maintenance, modularity, scalability)  Goal  To develop the indoor spatial data server as an open source 6

7 7 Flow of Indoor Spatial DB Data producer Data Provider Data Consumer - Construction of DB - Management of DB - Application of ISA

8 8 Requirements and Issues

9  Storage and indexing  Query processing  Including 3D spatial queries  Supporting international standards  IndoorGML and parts of CityGML  Analysis  Tracking moving objects in indoor space 9

10  Open source  Maximizing utilization of open source projects related to the ISA project  Environments for project management  Git/GitHub: management tools and archives 10

11  GeoTools  GeoServer  CGAL  SFCGAL  JavaCPP 11

12  GeoTools  An open source (LGPL) Java code library which provides standards compliant methods for the manipulation of geospatial data  Data structures are based on Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications such as GML, Filter, KML 12

13  Read-only complex feature in app-schema  Associations and attributes with multiplicity  Application schema such as IndoorGML may contain complex features  No 3D operation  Implementations of ISO Geometry: Unsupported  3D spatial operations: Not implemented yet 13

14  CGAL (Computational Geometry Algorithm)  C++  Robustness  Different data model from ISO Geometry  SF(Simple Feature) CGAL  Based on CGAL  C++  Supporting ISO Geometry including 3D operation 14

15  To combine SFCGAL with GeoTools  How to invoke C++ codes from Java  Candidates of bridges between Java and C++  SWIG (GPL)  JavaCPP (GPLv2) 15

16  GeoServer  Open source server based on GeoTools for sharing geospatial data  OGC compliant implementation of a lot of standards such as Web Feature Service (WFS), Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS) 16

17 17 System Design and Architecture

18 18 GeoServer ISA Server GeoTools Library Plugins xsd-citygml xsd-indoorgml Extensions ISA Engine3D GeometryComplex Feature InterfaceImplementation

19 19 3D Geometry SFCGAL CGAL SFCGAL Wrapper ISO Geometry Converter JavaCpp GeoTools Library OpenGIS

20 Relations SolidPolygonLineStringPoint Solid EqualsOOOO IntersectsOOOO DisjointOOOO TouchesO △△ O ContainsO △△ O WithinOOOO OverlapsO--- Crosses- △△ O 20

21 21 Complex Feature GeoTools Library Simple Feature Mapping Multiplicity Complex Feature TransactionQuery

22 22 ISA Engine ISA Schema Complex Feature GeoTools Library xml Plugins xsd-citygml xsd-indoorgml 3D Geometry Analysis Moving Object Space Topology Structure RoutingMap Matching

23 23 Conclusion

24  ISA Server  Open source library and data server based on GeoTools and GeoServer  To store and manage indoor geospatial data  To support queries and data formats  3D spatial operations  Analysis queries in indoor space  IndoorGML and parts of CityGML 24

25 25 ISA Server Based on PC or Kiosk Service for User Based on PC Service for Administrator Mobile Device Positioning Sensors Indoor Monitoring Indoor Managing Mobile Service Indoor Information

26 Q & A 26

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