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Why July 22, 2015 Shay Amstutz Jaime Carroll Jo Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Why July 22, 2015 Shay Amstutz Jaime Carroll Jo Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why KAHOOT? @IntegrateED15 July 22, 2015 Shay Amstutz Jaime Carroll Jo Smith

2 Please go to Type in code to join. Type in a nickname and hit Start. Get ready to play!

3 Objectives Create an account. Search already made (PUBLIC) Kahoot! quizzes for topics that match your curriculum. Create your own Kahoot! quiz. Download and analyze data. Use for discussion. Use for surveying. Questions/Comments

4 Why Kahoot? Pre-test/Post-test (Quiz) Check understanding formative or summative (Quiz) Spark discussion (Discussion) Introduce a new topic (Discussion) Survey your class (Personal interest) (Survey)

5 Create an Account Go to Click on Get My Free Account Choose your role Choose your school Complete account details Watch introduction video and play intro quiz!

6 Search Public Kahoot Quizzes Click on public Kahoots in the black bar at the top of the page. Type in key words into subject area. Choose your audience and click quizzes. Once you have a list of quizzes, you can preview each quiz. You can see each question, answer/s, and time allotted for each. You can also complete a practice round yourself. Once you choose a quiz, save it in your favorites, and share it with a colleague. You won’t have to search for it again.

7 Create your own Kahoot Quiz! Under “Create Your Own Kahoot” tab, choose QUIZ. Title your Quiz. Start adding your question. You can drag an image, file or video to each question. Add your answers, and click which answers are correct. Click Add Question button and continue creating.

8 Download and Analyze Data Immediate results will be available at the end of the Kahoot game. Click the Feedback and Results button and a spreadsheet will download for you. OR…you can go to the My Recent Results section and view any past Kahoot quizzes. GhostMode is a new feature that allows students to repeat the quiz to see if they can improve!

9 Ideas Academic subject interest survey Learning style survey Organizational Gather student’s background/schema or spur discussion about an upcoming topic.

10 Hints Do you want them typing a name or a nickname? Be patient! Sometimes students get kicked out! Tech issues! Might want to consider having game code visible throughout. We HIGHLY recommend you preview the questions. We’ve found mistakes and what we would have considered “inappropriate for school” types of questions. Remember: ANYONE can create an account!

11 Questions/Discussion Points

12 Alternative Online Options Plickers – Quizzizz – Socrative- Zaption- Questbase- Quizalize- A helpful read: fast-formative-assessment-tools- vicki-davis A helpful read: fast-formative-assessment-tools- vicki-davis

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