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Facilitating Government-wide Collaboration and Knowledge Management The MAX Federal Community Sponsored by the Budget Formulation and Execution.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitating Government-wide Collaboration and Knowledge Management The MAX Federal Community Sponsored by the Budget Formulation and Execution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitating Government-wide Collaboration and Knowledge Management The MAX Federal Community Sponsored by the Budget Formulation and Execution Line of Business (BFELoB)

2 Two of the Ten “Common Solutions” of the Budget Formulation & Execution Line of Business Program Management (Coordination, Standards, Architecture) Agency Budgeting Tools Analytical Tools Budget Performance Integration Data Collection & Tracking Document Production Knowledge Management - Tools and services that capture, organize, store, and share knowledge and experiences. Human Capital (the Federal Budgeting Profession) Budget Execution and Financial Management Integration Collaboration - Tools and services that improve information sharing, communication, and collaborative work among government organizations: o Government-wide collaboration site for Federal agencies and OMB. o Secure capability for online meetings that is certified & accredited.

3 An Integrated Federal Community with 6,100 users - Readily Accessible From a Single Dashboard

4 Example – The Budget Community

5 Countless Collaboration Activities Currently Occurring

6 Success Story: The Earmarks Exercise - Sharing Information Early and Often

7 The Earmarks Exercise - Communicating Using Threaded Comments

8 Collaborations Can Be “Restricted” To Any Combination of Users and Groups

9 Each Agency Has Its Own Space with Its Own Logo and Administration

10 Information Can be Dynamically Multi-purposed

11 Example: Highlights

12 Example: Data Calls and Exercises

13 Direct, Network-like Editing of Attachments in MS Office Applications

14 Create Drawings & Diagrams On Any Page - With Links to Other Content

15  Knowledge Management and Collaboration are closely linked.  Knowledge Management is only feasible when its creation and maintenance are integral to an organization’s course-of-business activities.  By using the MAX Community for information sharing and collaboration activities, a content base automatically accumulates.  The Community’s powerful capabilities for organizing and multi-purposing content can then transform this into organizational knowledge Pages Attachments Comments Diagrams Knowledge Knowledge Management Gardening

16 Robust Wiki Capabilities  Information organized into Spaces and Pages.  Pages can be put into a subject hierarchy or accessed across hierarchies through search.  Pages are easy to create and modify by anyone using either basic Rich Text or advanced Wiki formatting.  Layered access restrictions can be placed on any page or page families based on combinations of groups and individuals. Administration of groups is delegated so teams can self- manage.  Multiple Attachments on any page (maximum attachment size currently set to100MB each).  Threaded Comments on any page.  Users can self-register to Watch any page to be notified by e- mail of a change.

17 Government-wide Integration  Single sign-on with all of OMB’s government-wide data collection applications (MAX A-11, PARTWeb, ITWeb, Earmarks, Apportionment, many others), and the BFELoB’s secure online meeting service.  Integrated content search across all agency and government-wide community spaces. Search results honor individual user’s page restrictions.  Federal directory – 6,100+ user phone numbers, e-mail, organizations, and addresses.  Fully integrated with the BFELoB’s quick-turnaround government-wide data collection and tracking tools (Earmarks, PARTWeb, Across-the-Board Rescissions…)  Will integrate with agency HSPD12 cards. Will partner with interested agencies on true single sign-on.

18 Robust Infrastructure  FISMA Compliant  Software (Atlassian Confluence) is readily customizable and extendible  Industry standard relational database (DB2) capable of large data volumes  Multiple Redundant Servers  Business Continuity at two geographically separate sites Looking to partner with agencies on additional locations  Estimated capacity – about 50,000 users (10x current) Architecture allows straightforward expansion through clustering and federation

19 Current Scope  Government-wide “Management and Budget Class” that OMB interacts with (estimated at 30-40,000 potential users): Acquisition Budget E-Government Financial Management Human Capital Planning Performance  Available for use by agencies for their own activities and any federal cross-government community  (Future) will allow interactions with states and localities

20 Business Requirements for Government Collaboration & Knowledge Management  Single (federated) authentication Shared sign-on  True single login  Single (federated) organizational structure for assigning permissions/restrictions  Single (federated) search that respects content permissions/restrictions  User Friendly (wysiwyg) interface Single learning curve to facilitate adoption  Compatibility with MS Office applications (including track changes)  Records managed

21 Opportunities and Challenges  Opportunities: There is currently a fairly open field for federal inter- and intra-agency collaboration capabilities There is a growing interest in Web 2.0  Challenges: Fill that space with an integrated solution before it gets filled with incompatible point solutions that are an impediment to efficiency and effectiveness Focus our resources and efforts

22 Sponsored by The Budget Formulation and Execution E-Gov Line of Business BFELoB Organization and Contacts: LoB Executive Sponsor: Beth Robinson, Asst. Dir. for Budget, OMB Policy Lead: Andy Schoenbach, Chief, Budget Systems Branch, OMB Managing Partner: Tom Skelly, Director of Budget Service, Education Program Management Office Lead: Sandi McCabe, Education Contact the Budget LoB at: Learn More about the Budget LoB at: Visit the Budget Community at: (Federal government only) The MAX Federal Community

23 Budget Formulation and Execution LoB Vision and Goals

24 Budget Formulation & Execution LoB Vision Modern, interoperable, flexible, cost effective, and optimized solutions supporting all phases of the formulation and execution of the Federal Budget and linking budget formulation, execution, planning, performance, and financial information.

25 Budget Formulation & Execution LoB Goals 1.Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of agency and central processes for formulating and executing the Federal Budget 2.Improve the integration and standardized exchange of budget formulation, execution, planning, performance measurement, and financial management information and activities across government 3.Improve capabilities for analyzing budget, execution, planning, performance, and financial information in support of decision making 4.Enhance capabilities for aligning programs and their outputs and outcomes with budget levels and actual costs to institutionalize budget and performance Integration 5.Enhance the effectiveness of the Federal budgeting workforce

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