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BUT MOM... I don’t want to be a protein! Too bad..

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Presentation on theme: "BUT MOM... I don’t want to be a protein! Too bad.."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUT MOM... I don’t want to be a protein! Too bad.

2 Once upon a time... In 1902... Archibald Garrod, a UK physician, noticed certain illnesses recurring in families He came up with a hypothesis – Enzymes are under the control of THE hereditary molecule – A defective enzyme causes an “inborn error of metabolism”

3 Once upon a time... In 1902... He analyzed blood/urine samples of patients with alkaptonuria – A condition that turns urine black due to the presence of alkapton He proposed that individuals with alkaptonuria had a defective enzyme – A alkapton-metabolizing enzyme!

4 33 years later... George Beadle and Edward Tatum confirmed Garrold’s hypothesis studying red bread mold – Neurospora Crassa (N. Crassa) Hoped to discover a relationship between genes and enzymes Used multiple strains of N. Crassa and grew them on different media

5 33 years later... Procedure: Grew one strain of N. Crassa on a nutrient medium with simple inorganic salts, sugars, and vitamins – Result: N. Crassa was able to synthesize all complex AAs Mutant strains were produced via x-rays – Result: Descendents could NOT grow on medium they could no longer produce all essential compounds to sustain life

6 33 years later... To find out which AA they could not produce – They placed mutant strains in vial that had basic nutrients plus ONE EXTRA AA The only growth occurred with ARGININE – Thus, 1+ enzymes in the arginine pathway were defective Conclusion: a lack of a specific enzyme corresponded to a mutation in specific gene

7 Final piece of the puzzle... In 1956, Vernon Ingram confirmed all previous experiments using sickle cell anemia – Condition where red blood cells are deformed He studied the AA sequence of hemoglobin for individuals that had sickle cell anemia He found a single AA mutation that completely altered the shape of the red blood cell

8 Final piece of the puzzle... Ingram found that valine replaces glutamic acid in individuals with sickle cell anemia Conclusion: genes specify the type and location of each amino acid in polypeptide chain Other examples of simple AA mutations: hemophilia and cystic fibrosis

9 What’s the deal with proteins? Are the REAL building blocks of life. Technically… they shouldn’t exist at all. – There may be as many as a million types of proteins & each one is a miracle! You need to assemble AA in a particular order – Similar to assembling letters to spell a word – Except… Words using the AA alphabet are INCREDIBLY LONG

10 Try this out… Collagen needs 1,055 AA in its sequence – Get this! You don’t make it, it creates itself… AUTOMATICALLY Picture a slot machine… *That has 1,055 wheels (not 3) *that’s 90ft long! *20 symbols on each wheel What are the odds of getting all AAs in order?

11 Try this out… Most proteins have 200 AA – The odds of creating that is 1 in 10 260 That’s A LOT of zeros Hemoglobin has 146 AAs – Max Perutz took 23 years to unravel the sequence “Assembling a protein is like a whirlwind spinning through a junkyard… … and leaving behind a fully assembled jumbo jet” - Fred Hoyle

12 So how are proteins made? There is a problem: DNA makes proteins, but… – DNA can’t leave the nucleus or it will be destroyed – Proteins are constructed outside the nucleus mRNA acts as the middle man – It can take the DNA message out of the nucleus to synthesis polypeptides

13 RNA – RiboNucleic Acid The world’s greatest translator Different from DNA in 3 ways 1.DNA has deoxyribose sugar RNA has ribose sugar (-OH on 2’ carbon) 2.DNA contains Thymine (A  T) RNA contains Uracil (A  U) 3.DNA is double stranded RNA is single stranded

14 RNA – RiboNucleic Acid 3 types of RNA 1.mRNA – messenger RNA *synthesizes proteins using DNA’s info 2.tRNA – transfer RNA *transfer appropriate AAs to build proteins 3.rRNA – ribosomal RNA *structural component of ribosome that is used to build proteins

15 TRANSCRIPTION The process of converting DNA’s genetic information into a more usable form (mRNA) There are 4 phases in transcription 1. Initiation 2. Elongation 3. Termination 4. Post-transcriptional Modifications **VERY SPECIFIC ENZYMES ARE USED**

16 PHASE 1: INITIATION A promoter is used to signal where RNA polymerase should bind to DNA strand – A promoter is a segment of DNA that is usually high in A & T They only have 2 H-bonds and will break open easily If RNA polymerase were to bind randomly, – correct genes & proteins wouldn’t be produced RNA polymerase will unwind DNA and begin to synthesize the complementary RNA strand

17 PHASE 2: ELONGATION RNA polymerase starts to build mRNA in the 5’  3’ direction – Starts as soon as RNA polymerase hits promoter **The promoter DOES NOT get transcribed** RNA polymerase uses one strand as a template is the TEMPLATE STRAND The strand not used for transcription is called the CODING STRAND

18 PHASE 3: TERMINATION mRNA will continue elongation until RNA polymerase hits the terminator sequence – Causes dissociation of RNA from DNA RNA polymerase is then free to bind to another promoter region

19 PHASE 4: Post-transcription mod’s mRNA can’t leave nucleus immediately after transcription ◦ Primary transcript The following 3 steps must first occur: 1.5’ cap of GTP is added to start of mRNA *this protects mRNA from enzyme attack which is inevitable in the cytoplasm

20 PHASE 4: Post-transcription mod’s mRNA can’t leave nucleus immediately after transcription ◦ Primary transcript 2. 3’ end obtains a poly-A tail (string of 200 As)

21 Introns vs. Exons The very interesting part of DNA is that 97% of it does nothing – Only 3% of our DNA code for genes that make proteins INTRONS = non-coding DNA EXONS = coding DNA

22 Introns vs. Exons If introns are not removed, proper protein folding will not occur – Leads to decreased function or death of proteins Introns are removed by spliceosomes Once removed, introns remain in nucleus – Broken down by enzymes to recycle parts

23 Errors with Transcription DNA replication used DNA polymerase I & III to act as proof readers to fix mistakes – Chances of mistakes are less likely Transcription has no quality control mechanism – Errors are more likely However, errors aren’t as detrimental because a gene is transcribed hundreds of times – If one copy of the gene has an error, it won’t have a huge effect Errors are a bigger problem in replication – error will be passed onto every cell

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