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Why? – Examples Speaking Computer-ise – How – What – Environment (windows) Basic Instructions – Declare – Conditional – Loop – Input Write a quiz game.

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Presentation on theme: "Why? – Examples Speaking Computer-ise – How – What – Environment (windows) Basic Instructions – Declare – Conditional – Loop – Input Write a quiz game."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why? – Examples Speaking Computer-ise – How – What – Environment (windows) Basic Instructions – Declare – Conditional – Loop – Input Write a quiz game Programming in bioinformatics – Transcription – Gene Structure – Blast

3 Computers do tedious work without complaining Computers don’t make arithmetic errors (but they can make a rounding error) We want to be lazy Its fun!

4 Declare a variable Define a data structure Test a condition Iterate through a loop Get input

5 Calculating huge equations accurately – projectile tables – Discrete models Searching – Quickest route – Matches to a database – faces in a picture Examples?

6 Calculating huge equations accurately – projectile tables – Discrete models Searching – Quickest route – Matches to a database – faces in a picture Examples?

7 Make Diagnoses – Identify mutations – Organize and decode test results (fMRI) Develop treatments – Create and parse connected graphs Research – Simulating an environment or reaction (protein folding) – Deriving probabilities of dependent states

8 Transcribe DNA Identify genomic positions Parse a BLAST report

9 Piano Roll, Sewing loom punch cards (1800) FORTRAN (1940s) C++, PERL (1980s) Ruby, Python (1990s) Go, C#, Clojure (2000s)

10 Write Code Computer Interprets Programmed Results

11 A text editor to store commands (code) in a text (source) file – We will use notepad ++ A command line to talk to the computer (execute code) – We’ll use cygwin to call Perl on our code Cygwin Perl Notepad++

12 Edit source file Save Execute source file (run) View results Repeat

13 Edit source file Save Execute source file (run) View results Repeat Notepad++

14 Edit source file Save Execute source file (run) View results Repeat Notepad++ Cygwin Perl

15 Edit source file Save Execute source file (run) View results Repeat Notepad++ Cygwin Perl

16 1. Launch Cygwin from the desktop 2. Type (all on one line): hyphen q big o hyphen wget -qO- | bash This will retrieve all the code and launch notepad++

17 Use “hot corners” to organize the command line and the text editor

18 In Cygwin Change directory to codecd code List Filesls Execute perl OR try “tab completion” perl 0push tab button In notepad Edit fileedit between the “ and ” Save fileFile->Save OR Ctrl+S Re-Runperl OR perl 0push tab

19 In Cygwin Change directory to codecd code List Filesls Execute perl OR try “tab completion” perl 0push tab button In notepad Edit fileedit between the “ and ” Save fileFile->Save OR Ctrl+S Re-Runperl OR perl 0push tab

20 In Cygwin Change directory to codecd code List Filesls Execute perl OR try “tab completion” perl 0push tab button In notepad Edit fileedit between the “ and ” Save fileFile->Save OR Ctrl+S Re-Runperl OR perl 0push tab

21 In Cygwin Change directory to codecd code List Filesls Execute perl OR try “tab completion” perl 0push tab button In notepad Edit fileedit between the “ and ” Save fileFile->Save OR Ctrl+S Re-Runperl OR perl 0push tab

22 RunEdit and SaveRun CygwinNotepad++Cygwin perl 00_start_here.plCtrl+Sperl

23 SAVE your changes before RUNNING every time you edit your file and want to run it save or the new code will not run (it’s not saved!) In a string of text always remember to close your quotation marks: “ bioinformatics” “ ”, ( ), and { } should exist in pairs Always remember the ; semicolon at the end of each command.

24 In notepad++, replace the first (and only) line with: print scalar reverse (“TTGAGC”); What happened? Why is this not the reverse complement? Edit and SaveRun Notepad++Cygwin Ctrl+Sperl

25 We’ve only looked at executing one line code We need a bit more “fluff” for more complicated programs Lets check out how Perl code usually start

26 Open file Open Notepad++ Ctrl+O OR File->Open Select

27 Open file Open Notepad++ Ctrl+O OR File->Open Select

28 Open file #! is a “shebang” or “hashbang” – It directs the computer to the interpreter (PERL) use tells Perl to use a package. – warnings and strict help report errors Statements are ended with ; anything after a “#” is not seen by the computer (called a comment) Open Notepad++ Ctrl+O OR File->Open Select

29 We’re ready to look at some examples of – Variables my $variable – Conditionals if( ){ } else{ } – Input capture Try to determine the output of the follow code



32 wforan1@ug142 ~/code $ perl Pyrimidine contains 2 nitrogen atoms on its ring(s)


34 wforan1@ug142 ~/code $ perl Pyrimidine contains 2 nitrogen atoms on its ring(s) wforan1@ug142 ~/code $ perl Purine contains 4 nitrogen atoms on its ring(s)





39 We are going to transcribe DNA to RNA This will require – changing the directory in cygwin – Opening a file in a new directory with notepad++ – And exploring unknown code Listen to the instructions first, then proceed – Visit the URL for more precise directions sams/exercise/3-1.html

40 1.Run exercise (go to home directory) – cd ~ (go to exercise dir) – cd exercise/code/dna2rna/ (list files, check for – ls (run exercise1 program) – perl (use this sequence file) enter sequence.txt sams/exercise/3-1.html

41 1.Run exercise (go to home directory) – cd ~ (go to exercise dir) – cd exercise/code/dna2rna/ (list files, check for – ls (run exercise1 program) – perl (use this sequence file) enter sequence.txt sams/exercise/3-1.html 2. Open exercise file in notepad++ Ctrl+o (file->open) ; Go back one directory, then click on exercises then code then dna2rna Open

42 1.Run exercise (go to home directory) – cd ~ (go to exercise dir) – cd exercise/code/dna2rna/ (list files, check for – ls (run exercise1 program) – perl (use this sequence file) enter sequence.txt sams/exercise/3-1.html 2. Open exercise file in notepad++ Ctrl+o (file->open) ; Go back one directory, then click on exercises then code then dna2rna Open 3. Look for unfamiliar code 1. What is unfamiliar 2. What does it do

43 Background – Remember gene structure? (intron, exon, intergenic) – We will use human X chromosome. What is significant about this chromosome? Requires “print” and using defined variables my $variable = “badfadfy9osudlfj”; print “my variable is $variable,”; outreach/exercise/3-2.html

44 Open outreach/exercise/3-2.html outreach/exercise/3-2.html Steps 1 and 2 are already completed for you (chrX has been downloaded)

45 outreach/exercise/3-2.html Open outreach/exercise/3-2.html outreach/exercise/3-2.html Steps 1 and 2 are already completed for you (chrX has been downloaded) Step 3-4: cd and run

46 outreach/exercise/3-2.html Open outreach/exercise/3-2.html outreach/exercise/3-2.html Steps 1 and 2 are already completed for you (chrX has been downloaded) Step 5: open and edit the help message Step 3-4: cd and run

47 outreach/exercise/3-2.html Open outreach/exercise/3-2.html outreach/exercise/3-2.html Steps 1 and 2 are already completed for you (chrX has been downloaded) Steps 6: get position status Step 5: open and edit the help message Step 3-4: cd and run

48 outreach/exercise/3-2.html Open outreach/exercise/3-2.html outreach/exercise/3-2.html Steps 1 and 2 are already completed for you (chrX has been downloaded) Steps 6: get position status Step 5: open and edit the help message Step 3-4: cd and run Step 7: modify output

49 We are going to parse a BLAST report First, we need to save a BLAST search for ATATGCGTGCTAGTGCAGTGGGTGGTAGCGTGAATGC to C:\cygwin\home\[username]\exercise\code\blast as blast_report Now we can code! outreach/exercise/3-3.html

50 3. cd 4. run 5. Print all less than 100% 6. Modify the output to display something different

51 Declare variables – my $numRight = 0; my $userIn; Print question – print “What is my favorite color? “; Get input – $userIn = ; chomp($userIn); Count correct answers – if($userIn eq “pink”){ $numRight+=1} Tell the player how many they got right – print “You got $numRight correct\n”; BONUS: Give percent right – print $numRight/3; BONUS: Count the number wrong

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