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By Hasaan Ahmed Anthony Landeros Chris Boquet. The most common wind electricity-generating method is using wind turbines. The wind turns large turbine.

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Presentation on theme: "By Hasaan Ahmed Anthony Landeros Chris Boquet. The most common wind electricity-generating method is using wind turbines. The wind turns large turbine."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Hasaan Ahmed Anthony Landeros Chris Boquet

2 The most common wind electricity-generating method is using wind turbines. The wind turns large turbine blades, which spins a generator shaft and produces electricity The electricity can then charge batteries, be connected to a building’s mains power, or connected to the national power grid.

3  Wind turbines come in all shapes and sizes, from large scale wind farms to small scale wind turbines used to power a single home or business.  the European Union is leading the way with 48 percent of the world’s installed wind power capacity.


5  Residential wind options include small wind turbines such as 500w rated turbine generators – enough to run lighting or a few appliances – to larger scale turbines such as a 2kw rated – enough to power an entire house plus sell some to the national grid depending on how much you use.

6  The most common model is the blade turbine, however a new style of turbine has recently emerged – vertical axis turbines.  Vertical axis turbines are smaller, lower to the ground, and create less noise – so are good for residential areas.

7  Wind turbines are installed to capture the power of the wind and be able to convert it to energy.  Wind Energy is best suited for generating general electric energy, which can then be used in various ways.

8  This can be on a broad scale, such as the wind turbines found on wind farms or can be on a smaller scale, such as individual wind turbines people use to generate power for their home.  Although other uses for wind energy do exist, such as the wind car and cargo boat, wind energy is primarily used for electricity

9  Today, nearly 13% of US electrical generation is from renewable sources.



12  Wind Power was dubbed the most promising renewable energy in a study published in Energy and Environmental Science in 2009.

13  Wind power growth was expected to seize due to governmental subsidies ending in 2012.


15  As a result of the deal between the White House and Congress to end the fiscal impasse at the end of 2012, the wind industry will get $12 billion in subsidies during the next decade

16  New wind farms will be covered by a production tax credit or an investment tax credit similar to the ones that expired.

17  The Department of Energy has estimated that wind power could account for 20 percent of the nation’s electricity supply by 2030


19  According to Altaeros Energies, the AWT is capable of reach altitudes where the wind is five times stronger and more consistent.

20  Clean energy, no fuel to drill, frack, mine, transport or burn.  Wind power is obviously renewable and sustainable.  It’s cheap to set up, and prices continue to go down

21  Abundant domestic supply  The power is essentially free once the infrastructure is paid for.  In eight months, the cycle carbon footprint breaks even with construction carbon costs.  Wind power can be implemented in any open space

22  Wind is unreliable and  There is still a large reliance on government subsidies for money to keep wind power a competitive form of power.  Wind farms are considered by some people to be an eyesore.

23  The wind farms and turbines create noise that can disturb nearby residents.  Birds and bats have experienced fatalities from flying into the turbines. Modern turbines designs are reducing this negative factor.  There may be a small impact on local weather

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