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Integrating Outcomes Teaching Writing Intensive LSICs.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Outcomes Teaching Writing Intensive LSICs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Outcomes Teaching Writing Intensive LSICs

2 2 Add Section Title Here Add Section Subtitle Here

3 3 Objectives Review Writing Intensive outcomes and proposal process Describe effective writing assignments and review examples Discuss strategies for evaluating writing Plan for effective peer review

4 4 Introductions What do you enjoy or look forward to about teaching LSIC 179/379?

5 5 What Does WI Mean at UNCA? WI Outcomes: 1. Students will understand the importance of various genres of writing in their respective disciplines, including both formal and informal modes of written discourse. 2. Students will understand the purpose and the process of revision in writing projects. 3. Students will be able to articulate a coherent thesis or purpose in their writing and support it with evidence and argumentation appropriate to a given discipline or audience. 4. Students’ writing will demonstrate the conventions and tone appropriate for its given purpose.

6 6 What Does WI Mean at UNCA? WI Proposal Process: plicationMaterials.html plicationMaterials.html Sample Proposal: Heidi Kelley’s ANTH 455/460

7 7 What Will WI Mean in My Class? 1.How will writing assignments help students meet course outcomes? 2.What kind of writing assignments will meet these goals? 3.Through what means will students receive feedback and instruction on assignments?

8 8 Strategies for Developing Meaningful Writing Assignments


10 10 Qualities of Effective Writing Assignments 1.Fulfill specific goals connected to course content: What do I want students to learn or gain from this task?  How do my writing prompts demonstrate this?

11 11 My own writing Prompt: In a 4-5 page paper, describe the dispute between Nnu Ego and Adaku concerning their duties as co-wives and explain the significance of this disagreement in the context of familial interactions in a polygamist setting. Can you guess what I got?

12 12 Qualities of Effective Writing Assignments Assign tasks with taxonomies of learning in mind:

13 13 Appropriate cognitive functions: Remember (describe, identify, state) Comprehend (explain, summarize, illustrate) Apply (organize, solve, demonstrate) Analyze (compare, analyze, infer) Evaluate (critique, appraise, compare) Create (compose, develop, produce)

14 14 Qualities of Effective Writing Assignments 2. Specify a task, purpose, and audience: Why are we writing, and who might read the product?

15 15 Qualities of Effective Writing Assignments 3. Specify format, approximate length, and documentation style expected.

16 16 Qualities of Effective Writing Assignments 4. Vary writing tasks, length, and purpose as much as possible. Writing assignments can be long or short can take place during class or out of class can be individual or collaborative projects

17 17 Examples of Informal Writing-to-Learn Assignments Reading and writing journals Summaries Annotations Response papers Synthesis papers Discussion questions Learning logs or project notebooks Process analysis Problem-solving exercises

18 18 Informal Writing-to-Learn Assignments Case studies Letters Project or lab notebook Progress report Management plan Position paper Literature review Grant proposals Lab/field reports Multiple “microthemes” on the same topic with changes in perspective, audience, purpose, genre, or length

19 19 Qualities of Effective Writing Assignments 5. Include a rubric or grading criteria sheet

20 20 Qualities of Effective Writing Assignments 6. Include model responses/papers when possible

21 21 Qualities of Effective Writing Assignments 7. Require or encourage multiple drafts before completion.


23 23 Make it meaningful, not busy work Model comments for reviewers Train and instruct reviewers Provide students with guidelines Grade reviews How to make peer-reviewing a useful resource?

24 24 Martin Maner's The Research Process: ex.htm Feedback Forms from U. of Hawaii's Writing Program: Colorado State Peer Review guide: Peer Editing Resources

25 25 Qualities of Effective Writing Assignments 8. If possible, create a developmental model for the construction of writing assignments over the semester.

26 26 Qualities of Effective Writing Assignments Review examples of UNC Asheville WI assignments

27 27 Providing Feedback… Distinguish between formative and summative evaluation at different stages. Determine the relative weight of global elements (ideas, organization, evidence) and local elements (syntax, word choice, grammar, and punctuation) Use technology where appropriate to provide digital written comments or voice annotations

28 28 Time-Saving Strategies Dr. Hobby’s Voice Annotations Use the rubric Others: __________________

29 29 Let the Writing Center help! Writing consultants are trained to give critical, constructive feedback and ensure that student- writers are fully engaged in their own writing process. University Writing Center

30 30 Further Discussion and Feedback Deaver Traywick Ramsey Library 136 251-6593 Ana Teixeira New Hall 231 251-6277 Presentation slides will be circulated by email!

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