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Plate Tectonics. Alfred Wegener Published The Origin of Continents and Oceans (1915) Father of “Continental Drift”

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics. Alfred Wegener Published The Origin of Continents and Oceans (1915) Father of “Continental Drift”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics

2 Alfred Wegener Published The Origin of Continents and Oceans (1915) Father of “Continental Drift”

3 Evidence for Plate Tectonics Jigsaw Fit of Continental Shelves

4 Mesosaurus (Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic) Evidence for Plate Tectonics Fossil Correlation Across Seas

5 Evidence for Plate Tectonics Rock Correlation Across Seas

6 Evidence for Plate Tectonics Rock Correlation Across Seas

7 Differences in Ancient Climates Evidence for Plate Tectonics Glacial Imprints in Rocks in Tropics

8 WW2 – Sonar – mapping seafloor

9 North Pole South Pole

10 Magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 )


12 Minerals retain their magnetic moment when they are cooled below the Curie Temperature

13 Magnetic Reversals North South

14 Magnetic Reversals Through Geologic Time

15 Magnetic Polarity Time Scale established back to about 180 million yrs

16 Earth’s Magnetic Flux Lines Intensity of Magnetism N S

17 Magnetic Stripes on the Seafloor

18 Age of seafloor determined – led to acceptance of Plate Tectonics

19 15 Tectonic Plates

20 Tectonic Motions

21 Location of World’s Major Volcanoes

22 Lithosphere –The rigid outer layer of the Earth, including the crust and part of the upper mantle Asthenosphere –The portion of the upper mantle below the lithosphere that is easily deformed

23 Subduction The thrusting of oceanic plate into the mantle at a plate boundary

24 Continent-Ocean Plate Orogeny

25 Juan de Fuca Plate

26 Mt. St. Helens, Before 1980

27 Ocean-Ocean Plate Orogeny

28 Many mountain belts are built by Ocean-Continent AND Continent- Continent collisions.

29 Mountain Building (Orogenesis) Continent- Continent Collisions

30 Continent-Continent Orogeny

31 Mt. Makalu, Nepal


33 Divergent plate boundaries

34 Birth of an Ocean at a Divergent Margin

35 Transform (or Strike-Slip) Faults

36 San Andreas: A Transform Fault on Land

37 Hot Spots

38 Tectonic Motions

39 Convection The transfer of heat by the movement of matter. Convection Cell

40 Double-Layer Convection Depressurized Melting


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