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2.2 Continental Drift Movement of earth’s continents relative to each other Alfred Wegener – Pangaea- supercontinent (250 mya) – Panthalassa- ocean surrounding.

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Presentation on theme: "2.2 Continental Drift Movement of earth’s continents relative to each other Alfred Wegener – Pangaea- supercontinent (250 mya) – Panthalassa- ocean surrounding."— Presentation transcript:

1 2.2 Continental Drift Movement of earth’s continents relative to each other Alfred Wegener – Pangaea- supercontinent (250 mya) – Panthalassa- ocean surrounding Pangaea Not accepted at first – Meteorologist not geologist, couldn’t explain how continents were moving

2 Evidence – Shapes of continents (jigsaw) – Fossils- similar fossils found on adjacent continents Mesosaurus- Brazil and S. Africa Lystrosaurus- S. American, Africa, and Antarctica Glossopteris fern- through southern hemisphere, seeds too heavy to travel by wind and too fragile to cross sea Coal-found in Antarctica, only forms in tropical regions


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