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MASTER TEACHER / NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION 1 MS Code 37-19-7 State Board Policy 2700 Office of School Financial Services.

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Presentation on theme: "MASTER TEACHER / NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION 1 MS Code 37-19-7 State Board Policy 2700 Office of School Financial Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 MASTER TEACHER / NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION 1 MS Code 37-19-7 State Board Policy 2700 Office of School Financial Services

2 2 (2) (a) The following employees shall receive an annual salary supplement in the amount of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00), plus fringe benefits, in addition to any other compensation to which the employee may be entitled: Any licensed teacher who has met the requirements and acquired a Master Teacher certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and who is employed by a local school board or the State Board of Education as a teacher and not as an administrator. Such teacher shall submit documentation to the State Department of Education that the certificate was received prior to October 15 in order to be eligible for the full salary supplement in the current school year, or the teacher shall submit such..... Office of School Financial Services MS CODE § 37-19-7

3 documentation to the State Department of Education prior to February 15 in order to be eligible for a prorated salary supplement beginning with the second term of the school year. 3 Office of School Financial Services MS CODE § 37-19-7 (cont.)

4 NATIONAL BOARD From the appropriation bill (HB1648 Section. 39): "...It is the intent of the Legislature that each eligible employee who meets the National Board requirements under section 37-19-7 (2), Mississippi Code of 1972, shall be paid the full supplement and that such supplement shall be included on a prorated basis in the employee's monthly paycheck." 4 Office of School Financial Services

5 FY 2013-14 Payments  During the 2013-14 school year, National Board supplements will be paid in 1/12th increments.  The payments will initially be based on the number of national board eligible teachers from FY 2012-13.  Payments will be adjusted based on nationally certified teachers reported on 2013-14 Personnel Report (MSIS). 5 Office of School Financial Services

6 What this means:  You must have your national board personnel entered into MSIS by February 15th (including all newly certified individuals)  Once we run the report on the 2013-14 national board individuals, your district current payments will be adjusted to reflect actual. (The month of February thru 1 st week of March allowed for verifying reports & edits)  After the adjustment, payments will reflect the new amount for the remainder of the year.  Some districts may owe the State a refund. 6 Office of School Financial Services

7 7 902001 NBPTS - National Board for Professional Teaching Standards 902002 CCC - Certificate of Clinical Competence issued by American Speech & Hearing Association 902003 NCSC – National Certified School Counselor issued by the National Counselor’s Association 902004 NCSN – National Certified School Nurse (Contact MDE prior to adding this code.)

8 FY 2013-14 Payments 8 Teachers who have a certificate that expires in November 2013 are eligible for the full supplement for the 2013-14 year. Office of School Financial Services

9 FY 2013-14 Process For supplement reimbursement, remember to check the following on the teacher’s schedule:  XX in the reserved field  Course codes must be allowed (Ref State Board Policy)  District time (100% or other)  Instructional minutes are sufficient 9 Office of School Financial Services

10 FY 2013-14 Process Reimbursement for Supplements paid to Teachers There are many important things to remember when entering information for the reimbursement of supplements. 10 Office of School Financial Services

11 FY 2013-14 Process Information for reimbursement of supplements will be pulled from the Personnel/Accreditation Reports in MSIS. It is only necessary to submit forms for the reimbursement of fees and not for supplements. Reimbursement for the initial cost to obtain a national certificate must still be submitted by paper. Fees associated with the retaking of the NBPTS process are not eligible for reimbursement. 11 Office of School Financial Services

12 12 Enter Eligible Personnel in MSIS Office of School Financial Services

13 MODULES>PERSONNEL>GENERAL/SCHEDULE EMPLOYEE ENTRY>SCHEDULE TAB  Click on the SALARY tab. There are various salary fields. There is a Teacher Salary, Annual Salary, and Salary under the Non-Teaching Salaries section.  TEACHER SALARY - After clicking the salary tab, the cursor will be in the TEACHER SALARY field. Enter the teacher’s contracted amount for teaching duties.  ANNUAL SALARY – This is a computed field and does not allow any data entry. The system will add all non-teaching and teaching salaries in the ANNUAL SALARY field.  NON-TEACHING SALARIES - If the employee has a Salary from Non-Teaching Courses (bus driver, coach, etc.), those courses must be on the Schedule for the salary to be entered. All non-teaching codes on an employee's schedule will appear in this section and a salary must be entered for each before leaving the screen. A salary of zero is acceptable.  SALARY – Enter Salary  NATIONAL CERTIFICATION NUMBER – Enter National Certification Number  ISSUE DATE (MM-DD-YYYY) – The date the certificate was issued (must be before today)  EXPIRATION DATE (MM-DD-YYYY) – The date the certificate will expire (must be after today) 13 Office of School Financial Services

14 FY 2013-14 Process 14 National Board Personnel National Board Edits National Board Payments Office of School Financial Services NATIONAL BOARD PERSONNEL shows the salary entered by the district for each person. NATIONAL BOARD EDITS is the error report. NATIONAL BOARD PAYMENTS shows what MSIS is calculating as the reimbursement for each person.

15 NATIONAL BOARD PERSONNEL 15 Office of School Financial Services

16 NATIONAL BOARD EDITS 16 Office of School Financial Services

17 NATIONAL BOARD PAYMENTS 17 Office of School Financial Services

18 FY 2013-14 Fee Reimbursement Process It is only necessary to submit forms for reimbursement of fees (not for supplements). Must submit proof of completion of process (NBPTS Candidate Pass/Fail Letter) Must submit proof of payment 18 Office of School Financial Services

19 NBPTS - Master Teacher Proper NBPTS Documentation for process completion: 1.Copy of certificate 2.A copy of the NBPTS notification letter (indicates whether the teacher has successfully completed the process or was not successful) Note: Copy of the score report is not necessary 19 Office of School Financial Services

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23 Reimbursement of INITIAL NBPTS Fees Samples of proper documents to submit:  Copy of cancelled check made payable to NBPTS Please do not send copies of duplicate checks.  Copy of loan check made payable to NBPTS and the individual teacher A loan check from the lending institute made payable to the teacher is not proper documentation. We have to have proof of payment to NBPTS. Also, do not send a copy of the loan agreement.  A fee status report issued from NBPTS The teacher can download this from the NBPTS web site.  A copy of a credit card receipt indicating payment to NBPTS We will accept a copy of a credit card statement if it shows the teacher’s name and the payment to NBPTS. This would be an itemized statement.  A copy of the district’s purchase order indicating the name of the teacher and a payment to NBPTS on behalf of the teacher 23 Office of School Financial Services

24 24 Office of School Financial Services

25 NCSC CERTIFICATION ( (Issued by the National Board of Certified Counselors) Proper documentation for NCSC process completion: 1.A copy of the National Certified School Counselor Certificate (NOT National Certified Counselor.) 2.A copy of a Verification of Certification issued by NBCC which indicates that the counselor holds the National Certified School Counselor (NCSC) credential 25 Office of School Financial Services

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29 Reimbursement of INITIAL NCSC fees Samples of proper documents to be used for reimbursement of initial NCSC fees: 1.Copy of a cancelled check made payable to NBCC. Please do not send copies of duplicate checks 2.The Verification of Certification memo, if at the bottom it indicates the amount paid. 3.A copy of a credit card receipt indicating payment to NBCC. Note: We will accept a copy of a credit card statement if it shows the teacher’s name and the payment to NBCC. This would be an itemized statement. 29 Office of School Financial Services

30 CCC - American Speech & Hearing Association ( Proper documentation for CCC (Speech Therapists) process: 1.The copy of the ASHA card which expires on December 31 of the current school year. (i.e. the card used for the 2013-14 school year would expire on 12/31/13.) 2. A copy of a Verification of Certification issued by ASHA. This verification will indicate ASHA account number, effective date of certification and a valid through date. 30 Office of School Financial Services

31 Reimbursement of INITIAL ASHA fees Samples of proper documents to be used for reimbursement of initial ASHA fees: 1.Copy of cancel checks made payable to AHSA. Please do not send copies of duplicate checks 2.A copy of a credit card receipt indicating payment to ASHA. We will accept a copy of a credit card statement if it shows the teachers name and the payment to ASHA. This would be an itemized statement 31 Office of School Financial Services

32 32 Office of School Financial Services

33 NCSN - National Certified School Nurse ( Proper documentation for NCSN process completion: 1.A copy of the National Certified School Nurse certificate. 2.A copy of a Verification of Certification issued by NBCSN which indicates that the school nurse holds the National Certified School Nurse (NCSN) credential. 33 Office of School Financial Services

34 34 Office of School Financial Services

35 Reimbursement of INITIAL NCSN fees Samples of proper documents to be used for reimbursement of NCSN fees: 1.Copy of canceled checks made payable to NBCSN. Please do not send copies of duplicate checks 2. A copy of a credit card receipt indicating payment to NBCSN. Note: We will accept a copy of a credit card statement if it shows the teacher’s name and the payment to NBCSN. This would be an itemized statement. 35 Office of School Financial Services

36 National Certified School Nurse MS Code 37-19-7: “…the total number of licensed school nurses eligible for a salary supplement under this paragraph (ii) shall not exceed thirty-five (35)” (SB 2658 effective July 1, 2013) This will be determined by the time and date that the complete request is received by the Office of School Financial Services from the school district. A complete application will list the name, social security number, percent of district time as reported on the personnel report, the amount of salary supplement for each school nurse and a copy of the National School Nurse Certificate issued to the individual teacher. Incomplete applications will not be recognized as received by the Office of School Financial Services and the local school district will be notified. 36 Office of School Financial Services

37 Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT) SB 2658 provides for 20 certified academic language therapist who have met the certification requirements of the Academic Language Therapy Association to receive the national board supplement. The process of receiving applications and verifying eligibility for the certified academic language therapist will be administered by the Office of Educator Licensure. 37 Office of School Financial Services

38 Building Information / Square Footage Review & update every year. 38 Office of School Financial Services

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43 QUESTIONS ? 43 Office of School Financial Services

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