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St Paul Police Department’s Criminal Proceeds Unit

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Presentation on theme: "St Paul Police Department’s Criminal Proceeds Unit"— Presentation transcript:

1 St Paul Police Department’s Criminal Proceeds Unit
Commander Robert Thomasser Sgt Jennifer O’Donnell Officer Kevin Sullivan Officer Dan Michener

2 Who We Are: Pro-Active and reactive investigative unit which investigates felony level crimes where money laundering or concealing criminal proceeds is suspected. Assist other St Paul Police Investigative Units such as: Narcotics, Human Trafficking, Homicide, and Fraud and Forgery. Follow up investigations when asset forfeiture is appropriate.

3 The Importance of the Criminal Proceeds Unit
“Top Tier” criminals Long Term Investigations Deter criminals by seizing assets which are enabling their criminal activity.

4 FinCEN Recognizes High-Impact Law Enforcement Cases Furthered through Financial Institution Reporting First-Ever Awards Ceremony Promotes Feedback to Industry The purpose of the first-ever awards were to recognize law enforcement agencies who made effective use of BSA data to obtain a successful prosecution and to provide concrete evidence of the value of BSA data to the financial industry. FinCEN Director Jennifer Calvery stated “For twenty five years, FinCEN has served as the bridge between the financial industry and law enforcement, and we need to let more people know about how vitally important that partnership has become.”

5 Where Do We Start? Suspicious Activity Reports

6 Big Cases: Federal and Local Law Enforcement, Working with Banks

7 Cases With No SAR’S

8 Successful Business Man!

9 Papa Dimitri’s, “Business.”
TOTALS $213,646.72 $216,750.94 Total Deposits $207,796.45 Cash Deposits $189,891.82 Cash Withdrawals $79,208.45 Known Travel Expenses $43,970.38 Papa Dimitri Expenses $60,872.60

10 Take Down

11 Criminal Proceeds Unit More Than Drug Dealers

12 Recovered Assets in Meyer Case
Bank account. Three vehicles. One semi-truck. The above assets were traced through bank records which was key evidence in following the stolen money. These assets will be returned or liquidated to be returned to the company to lessen the loss from the theft.

13 TRENDS Cash in and Cash Out!
Minnesota deposits with out of state withdrawals. Particularly Minnesota to California. Multiple cash deposits with daily purchases to (Indicative of human trafficking or prostitution).

14 Working Together SAR Filings Call Us! Feed Back

15 Ask a Cop (Questions)

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