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Driving the revival of main streets in rural and regional Victoria What can councils do and what do we need to know? Stephen Sully.

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Presentation on theme: "Driving the revival of main streets in rural and regional Victoria What can councils do and what do we need to know? Stephen Sully."— Presentation transcript:

1 Driving the revival of main streets in rural and regional Victoria What can councils do and what do we need to know? Stephen Sully

2 2 Starting points Town centres are absolutely essential to economic and social wellbeing of communities. Town centres will never be “finished.” No single party has the capacity to achieve success alone. Need to integrate social, physical, economic and environmental aspects. Need to manage on a day to day basis.

3 3 Ingredients for a successful centre

4 What makes a great centre? A place where people can: meet work play purchase celebrate eat learn simply enjoy being in

5 More than just open spaces and streetscape “improvements” Stories and unique characters A place that has a distinctive character and point of difference What makes a great centre a successful centre?

6 Koonwarra VIC - A two business town that has become the “must stop” destination A place with desirable destination businesses Quality goods Quality service Attractive setting Open at appropriate times

7 Why do we go to one centre rather than another ? PHYSICAL Location Accessibility Attractiveness Transport MANAGEMENT Marketing Advertising Awareness Events Perception Safety and Security ECONOMIC Range of businesses, services, amenities and facilities Quality of goods and services Customer service Opening hours

8 Successful Centre Economic and Business Physical Environment Management and organisation Key ingredients of a successful centre

9 Management and organisation Provide leadership and foster collaboration Identify realistic roles, functions and relationships Provide training for business operators Establish and commit to a long term Business Plan for the centre Market and advocate the centre What can Council do?

10 Range and quality of goods, services and facilities Locate Council services and facilities in the centre Encourage government to locate education and health facilities in the centre Monitor business mix and ownership patterns Attract appropriate businesses to fill gaps Consider purchasing strategic properties to activate the centre What can Council do?

11 Physical Environment Develop a Framework Plan for the centre Provide uncluttered multi use public spaces Provide efficient parking facilities Maintain the public realm Provide informational and directional signage Well lit, safe, secure and walkable environment What can Council do?

12 Successful Centre Economic Development Town Planning Urban design Parks and Gardens Traffic and Transport Infrastructure Local Laws Community Development Sport and Recreation HealthCleaning How coordinated and consistent are they? Are all departments seeking common objectives? Council interacts with a centre in a multitude of ways

13 Partnerships

14 Processes: Sunshine Town Centre Partnership Group

15 Processes: Sunshine Town Centre Management

16 Processes: Sunshine Town Centre Marketing

17 In summary A successful centre is one that : Has an integrated approach Builds strong, equitable partnerships Understands its role, position and potential Has a distinctive brand Meets customers needs Reflects community pride Is managed on a daily basis Is planned, but with flexibility to accommodate constant evolution

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