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Revision of key terms Write down the 12 key terms for the definitions on the slides.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision of key terms Write down the 12 key terms for the definitions on the slides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision of key terms Write down the 12 key terms for the definitions on the slides

2  a statement of what a researcher wants to find out

3 Key terms  factors other than the independent variable which could affect the dependent variable (and therefore the outcome of research)

4  this statement predicts there will be no difference between the variables in research

5  this statement predicts the difference between two variables in research but does not state the direction

6  data that gives information about how people think or feel, written in the form of words

7  This statement predicts the type of difference (increase or decrease) between conditions or participants in research

8  this is the outcome/result in an experiment which is caused by the manipulation of the independent variable

9  numerical data which is easy to analyse (but may simplify results)

10  whether a study tests what it aims to test; can the results be applied to other situations?

11  Ps may try to guess the aim of the investigation (by responding to cues in the environment) and change their behaviour as a result

12  A variable which is manipulated in an experiment so that its effect on another variable can be tested

13  how consistent research findings will be over time

14 Review of key terms  Match the 10 definitions to the key terms in your booklet.

15 Read the study by Glanzer and Cuntiz and answer the questions on this slide: 1.What is the research method? 2.Identify the IV and DV. 3.What is the experimental design? 4.Identify a potential EV. 5.If you were to repeat this experiment, what type of hypothesis would you use? 6.Write an experimental and a null hypothesis for this research.

16 Reliability  Internal: consistency within tests, normally a questionnaire. Do all items on a questionnaire measure the same thing? Pts should not score above average in one half of the test or below average in the other half  External: the ability of a test to produce the same results every time the test is carried out on similar people under similar conditions

17 Task  Answer the 2 questions at the bottom of the page

18 Validity  Internal: whether a study tests the hypothesis it was designed to test; whether the DV measures what it intends to measure  Threats to internal validity are a study with a poor design – i.e. EVs, demand characteristics or investigator effects

19 Validity  Ecological: whether the results of a study can be generalised to other situations  Population: whether the results of a study can be generalised to other people  Time: whether the results of a study can be generalised to other eras

20 Validity  Answer the questions at the bottom of the page

21 Reliability and validity   Read the studies and answer the following questions for each: 1. 1.Is the study high or low in internal validity? 2. 2.Is the study high or low in external validity? Which type of validity is relevant to the study? 3. 3.Is the study high or low in reliability?

22 Homework – Review of reliability and validity Colour code each box so that it relates to the correct key term displayed at the top of the page.

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