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Talking Face to Face  Follow the Samples Follow the Samples  Act Out Act Out  Put in Use Put in Use  Data Bank Data Bank Unit Three.

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Presentation on theme: "Talking Face to Face  Follow the Samples Follow the Samples  Act Out Act Out  Put in Use Put in Use  Data Bank Data Bank Unit Three."— Presentation transcript:


2 Talking Face to Face  Follow the Samples Follow the Samples  Act Out Act Out  Put in Use Put in Use  Data Bank Data Bank Unit Three

3 Follow the Samples Follow the Samples Sample One Sample Two

4 Sample 1 Gao: Hello, ABC Company. May I help you? George: Hello. This is George Richter. May I speak to Mr. Zhang Lihua? Gao: I’m sorry, but he’s not in at the moment. George: When will he be expected? Gao: He’ll be back in a few minutes. George: Thank you, I’ll call back. Gao: Hello, ABC Company. May I help you? George: Hello. This is George Richter. May I speak to Mr. Zhang Lihua? Gao: I’m sorry, but he’s not in at the moment. George: When will he be expected? Gao: He’ll be back in a few minutes. George: Thank you, I’ll call back. Any Message, Sir?

5 Gao: Any message, sir? George: Well, maybe... Would you mind telling him that his order will be ready on Thursday and asking him to call me any time before lunch. My phone number is 368-1130. Gao: I’ve got it. George: Thank you very much. Gao: You are welcome. Sample 1

6 Lady:Hello, who’s calling, please? Bill:Hi, Nancy! This is Bill. How’re you doing? Lady:I’m sorry, but I’m... Bill:Have you finished your paper? Lady:I’m sorry. You must have the wrong number. This isn’t Nancy. Bill:Is this 574-0731? Lady:No. It’s 547-0371. Bill:I’m sorry. Lady:That’s all right. Sample 2 You Must Have the Wrong Number

7 Task One Task Two Task Three Task Five Task Four Act Out Act Out

8 Act Out 1 A: This is the operator. What city, please? B: New York. A: Yes, go ahead, please. B: Can you tell me the number of the Bank Street Health Clinic? Health Clinic? A: The number is 353-1213. Task: You want to know the number of the employment office in Chicago. employment office in Chicago.

9 Act Out 2 Act Out 2 A: Hello. B: Hello. I’d like to speak to Dr. Heckler. A: Who? B: Dr. Werner Heckler. A: Nobody here by that name. B: I’m sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number. Task: You want to call Dr. Sun, but you dial the wrong number. the wrong number.

10 Act Out 3 A: Hello. This is Elise Young. May I speak to Anna Stehlin? B: I’m sorry, but she’s not here right now. Can I take a message? A: Yes. Please tell her that her mother is coming tomorrow afternoon. Ask her to call me this afternoon at 653-8923. B: Ok. I’ll tell her as soon as she gets home. A:Thanks a lot. B:You’re welcome. Goodbye. Task: You are calling Belinda, but she isn’t available. You are asked to leave a message. available. You are asked to leave a message.

11 Act Out 4 Act Out 4 A: Hello. Is this the Chemistry Department? B: Yes, it is. A: May I please speak to Mr. Mifflin? B: I’m sorry. He doesn’t want to be disturbed right now. He’s doing an experiment. He’s doing an experiment. A:Then may I speak to Mr. Miller? B:I’m sorry. He is doing the experiment, too. A:OK. I’ll call back. Thank you. Task: You are calling Mr. Smith, but he is at a meeting. Then you want to speak to Mrs. Brown, but she is Then you want to speak to Mrs. Brown, but she is at the meeting, too. So you have to call back. at the meeting, too. So you have to call back.

12 Act Out 5 A:This is the art museum. Can I help you? B:Yes. Can you tell me... er, what are your hours, please? A: The museum opens at ten in the morning. B: Opens at ten... A: And we close at half past four. B: Great. Thanks a lot. Task: You are calling the City Library to find out the work hours.

13 Put in Use  Exercise 1 Exercise 1  Exercise 2 Exercise 2  Exercise 3 Exercise 3

14 Put in Use 1 You: Hi, Judy. It’s Mike. May 1 __________ to Ken? Judy: I’m sorry, Mike, but Ken’s not here now. You: He isn’t? 2 _____________? Judy: He’s at a movie. You: A movie? Who’s he with? Judy: Well, uh, I think he 3 _____________ Eva. You: With Eva?!! He’s at a movie with Eva? I speak Where is he might be with Imagine you are calling Judy. Complete the following conversation with her by filling out the blanks.

15 Put in Use 1 Judy: Would you like to 4 _________________, Mike? You: Yes, please! Tell him to 5 __________ at 667-3452 this evening. Judy: Call you at 6 __________. OK. You: Thanks a lot. Judy: You’re 7 __________. Goodbye. leave a message call me 667-3452 welcome

16 Put in Use 2 S=Secretary Y= You S=Secretary Y= You S: Hello? Y: 1. ( 您好!史密斯先生在吗? ) S: I’m sorry, but he’s not in now. Would you like to leave a message? message? Y: 2. ( 是的。请告诉他给医生办公室打个电话。号码是 864-3509 。 ) Imagine you are a nurse of a hospital and you are calling Mr. Smith, but he is not in. His secretary is answering the phone. Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese version provided. Hello. May I please speak to Mr. Smith, please? Yes, please. Tell him to call the doctor’s office. The number is 864-3509.

17 Put in Use 2 S: 864-3509. OK. What time he’d better call? Y: 3. ( 最好是今天下午 2 点左右.) S: I’ll tell him as soon as he’s back. Y: 4. ( 多谢! ) S: You’re welcome. Goodbye. It’d be best if he could call this afternoon, at about 2 o’clock. Thanks a lot.

18 Put in Use 3 You: 1 (电话铃响了,您拿起电话接听。 ) Lady: Hello. May I speak to Mrs. Sato, please ? You: 2 ( 告诉对方她现在不在,并询问是否有什么事需要转 告。 ) Imagine a woman is calling Mrs. Sato, but she’s not in. You are answering the phone. Play your role according to the clues given in the brackets. Hello? I’m sorry, but she’s not in at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?

19 Put in Use 3 Lady: Yes, please. Tell her to call Betsy at Betsy’s Beauty Salon. The number is 567-9033. You: 3 (告诉对方她一回来你就转告她。) Lady: Thanks a lot. You: 4 (表示客气。) I’ll tell her as soon as she’s back. You’re welcome.

20 Data Bank 1. Person calling 打电话 Can you put me through to 23-5531? 请给我接 23-5531 。 Could I have extension 443? 请给我接 433 分机。 Could you tell me the number of the English Department? 请问英语系的电话号码。 Hello, this is Jack Simpson. 喂,我是杰克 · 辛普森。 Good morning / afternoon. Jack Simpson speaking. 早晨 / 下午好。我是杰克 · 辛普森。

21 Data Bank Can / May I speak to Jack Simpson, please? 请问杰克 · 辛普森在吗? Let me talk to Jack Simpson. 我请杰克 · 辛普森听电话。 I would like to talk to Jack Simpson. 我想找杰克 · 辛普森听电话。 I’d like to speak to Jack Simpson if I may. 如果可能的话,我想同杰克 · 辛普森讲话。

22 Data Bank When is he expected to be back? 他预计什么时候回来? What time could I reach her? 我什么时候能和她联系上? Can I contact him this evening? 今天晚上我能和他联系吗? What if I call tomorrow around nine? 明天九点钟我打电话怎么样?

23 Data Bank Could you ask her to call me back? 请她给我回电话好吗? Please have him return my call. 请叫他给我回电话。 Please tell him to phone 77-8961, Jack Simpson. 请告诉他打 77-8961 找杰克 · 辛普森。 Would you tell her I called? 请告诉她我给她打过电话。

24 Data Bank I must have dialed the wrong number. 我一定是拨错电话号码了。 Sorry, I must have got the wrong area code. 对不起,我一定是拨错地区号码了。 Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打扰你了。

25 Data Bank 2. Person called 接电话 A moment, please. I’ll connect you. 请稍等,我给你接通。 Just a minute. I’ll get the number for you. 等一下, 我给你接通这个电话。 One moment. I’ll switch you over. 等一下,我给你转过去。 The line is busy. 电话占线。

26 Data Bank Hello, this is Jack Simpson here. Who’s speaking? 喂,我是杰克 · 辛普森。你是哪位? May I ask who is speaking? 请问你是谁? May I have your name? 请问你贵姓? I’m afraid he isn’t in at the moment. 对不起,他现在不在。 He’s on another phone. 他在和别人打电话。 Hold the line, I’ll see if he’s in. 别挂电话,我看一下他在不在。

27 Data Bank Sorry, he is at a meeting now. 对不起,他正在开会。 You can call again one hour later. 请你一小时以后再来电话。 In half an hour, I guess. 我猜想半个小时以后可以。 Sorry, he won’t be here this evening. 对不起,今晚他不会在这里。 Sorry, he’s not available till tomorrow afternoon. 对不起,他明天下午才回来。

28 Data Bank Could I take a message for you? 你要留个口信吗? Do you want to leave a message? 你想留个口信吗? Is there any message I can give him? 有什么话我可以转告他吗? Do you want to leave word for him to call you? 你想留话叫他打电话给你吗?

29 Data Bank I’m sorry, it’s a wrong number. 对不起,你拨错号码了。 No, this isn’t the number you want. 这不是你要的电话号码。 Sorry, the number’s changed. 对不起,电话号码已经改了。 I’d like service for my new apartment. 我需要给我的新公寓装电话。

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