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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 1 IEEE ITS DSRC Application Services – P1609 Thomas M. Kurihara.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 1 IEEE ITS DSRC Application Services – P1609 Thomas M. Kurihara."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 1 IEEE ITS DSRC Application Services – P1609 Thomas M. Kurihara TKstds Management

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 2 DSRC APPLICATION SERVICES Architecture Project Scope Components Concept of Operations DSRC Schedule Status

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 3 ITS DSRC ARCHITECTURE ILSME (part of P1609.3) OBU RESOUCE MANAGER ASMEAPPLICATION SERVICES APPLICATION UDP NETWORKING SERVICES (L3) ISO 21210 ROHC (IETF RFC 3095) LLC (IEEE 802.2) MXMEMAC EXTENSION MLMEMAC (IEEE 802.11) PLCP/PLMEPHY IEEE P1609.3 ASTM E2213-02 IEEE P1609.2 IEEE P1609.1 IEEE P1609.4 RM-ME

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 4 COLLABORATION ASTM E17.51 Committee, Writing Group for ASTM 2213-02 ISO TC204 WG16 Continuous Air interface for Long and Medium distance (CALM) M5 National ITS Architecture FOR MORE INFO ON CALM M5 K. Evensen, Convenor WG16.0, Editor CALM M5

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 5 P1609.1 – Resource Manager Project scope Describes a Application Resource Manager for 5.9 GHz DSRC similar to that described for the 915 MHz DSRC in IEEE Standard 1455-1999 and adopted by ISO TC204 as ISO 15628:2001 Describes services that supports DSRC applications and interfaces with the Application Layer Service (P1609.2) and Station Management Entity (SME) Maintain compatibility with the ISO 15628 and related ISO TC204 WG 16 CALM M5 projects and to develop a workable North American DSRC Application Resource Manager

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 6 P1609.2 – Application Layer Services Project scope Describes application layer (L7) services for 5.9 GHz DSRC similar to that described for the 915 MHz DSRC in IEEE Standard 1455-1999 Describes services that supports multiple protocol stacks, e.g., one representing traditional DSRC systems, TCP/IP, and streaming audio/video Proposed standard will interface with Network Layer and Lower Layer (MAC and PHY) standards developed by ASTM and now under consideration by the IEEE 802.11 SG, DSRC

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 7 P1609.3 – IP Services Project scope Describes services and interfaces between multiple protocol stacks in the lower layer services of 5.9 GHz DSRC (IEEE 802.11a R/A) Uses services built around IPv6 Provides standard MIB support within a DSRC device

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 8 P1609.4 – MAC EXTENSION Project Scope Describes the services that support a multi-channel system with the DSRC Medium Access Control (MAC) and physical layers via channelized queues Provides mechanisms for switching channels and changing transmit power and data rate according to a transmitter profile registered by the Application Services (P1609.2) Describes layer management interface for registering transmitter profiles and controlling the settings of the corresponding physical layer parameters on a per data unit basis

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 9 COMPONENTS Back Office EquipmentRoadside Unit Back Office Application Application Manager Beacon Messages Acknowledgments Registration Messages User Interface Commands embedded in ACTION.request Responses embedded in ACTION.confirm User Interface Resources Memory Transponder Other Onboard Equipment Controller On-board Unit

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 10 BASIC ARCHITECTURE OBE Layer 7: Application Application Sublayer: Resource Manager Application: (e.g. Electronic Toll Collection) Application: (e.g. CVO Mainline Screening) Application: (other) On-Board Equipment (OBE) Resources Connected On Board Equipment Resource Manager DSRC Layers 1 to 7 Layer 1: Physical      Layer 7: Application Layer 1: Physical      Back Office Applications (BOA) RSE ADU T-APDUT-ASDU

11 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 11 CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS APP “A”APP “B”APP “C” DSRC Layer 7 DSRC Lower Layers Multiple applications interact with Application Manager Application Manager (AID = 15) Application having other AIDs Multiple applications can exist in parallel with the Application Manager, such as ISO 14906. Application Manager provides common interface to L7 EFC using ISO14906 (AID = 1)

12 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 12 CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS Application Services (L7) Application Services (L7) Network Layer (L3) DSRC Lower Layers DSRC Lower Layers In-Vehicle Network (L1- 7) OBUIn-Vehicle Device RSUBack-Office Computer IVN Lower Layers Local Lower Layers Local Network (L1-7) Application RoadsideVehicle In-Vehicle Network Local Computer Network Comm Session (DSRC Layers 1&2) Link Session (DSRC Layer 7), assumes a specific Comm Session which can change during the life of the Link Application to Application Session DSRC RF Link

13 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 13 Schedule

14 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 14 Current Status Drafts for P1609.1, P1609.2, and P1609.4 circulated for WG review Complete Sponsor Ballot 1 st Quarter CY2004 P1609.3 Draft delayed SAE developing Data Dictionary and Message Set project, coordination pending when project is approved and underway

15 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 15 Team/Resources Principal Contributing Organizations –Armstrong Consulting –TransCore –TechnoCom –Mark IV Meetings scheduled monthly FHWA ITS Support

16 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/0783r0 Submission September 2003 T Kurihara, TKstds ManagementSlide 16 Thomas M. Kurihara Chair, IEEE WG P1609, DSRC Application Services TKstds Management +1 703 516 9650 IEEE ITS DSRC Application Services – P1609

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