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Current Status of Solid Breeder TBM in China Presented at CBBI-16 meeting Sep. 8 -10, 2011, Red Lion on the River, Portland, OR, USA Presented by: Kaiming.

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Presentation on theme: "Current Status of Solid Breeder TBM in China Presented at CBBI-16 meeting Sep. 8 -10, 2011, Red Lion on the River, Portland, OR, USA Presented by: Kaiming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Status of Solid Breeder TBM in China Presented at CBBI-16 meeting Sep. 8 -10, 2011, Red Lion on the River, Portland, OR, USA Presented by: Kaiming Feng (On behalf of Chinese HCCB TBM Team) Co-Institutes: 1). China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), Mianyang, P.R. China 2). Chinese Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), Beijing, 100084, P.R. China. 3). Chinese Institute of Nuclear Power ( CINP), Chengdu 610043, P.R. China 4). Shanghai Ceramic Institute, Chinese Academy of Science (SCICAS), P.R. China

2 OUTLINE 1 1. Introduction 2. Progress on Updated Design 3. Progress on Relevant R&D 4. Test Plan and Cooperation 5. Summary

3 1. Introduction ITER is an unique opportunity to test tritium breeding blanket mock-ups in an integrated tokamak operating conditions; Helium-cooled ceramic breeder (HCCB) test blanket module will be the primary option of the Chinese ITER TBM program; China has the position of Port Master (PM) in port number 2 and is leading the HCCB concept as the TBM Leader (TL). CN HCCB TBM will be tested at different phases of ITER operation; In order to reduce the effects of magnetic field ripple, the TBM design was updated with reduced RAFM mass; Related R&D on key components, materials, fabrication and mock-up test have being implemented in China.

4 It was assumed that DEMO is a next step after ITER. DEMO will demonstrate the integration technology, materials, economics, safety, and environment for the fusion energy applications. TBM testing on ITER is an important approach toward to DEMO. Roadmap to DEMO HL-2A ITER DEMO Power Plant Fusion Breeder? ITER -TBM IFMIF 2020203520502010 EAST CTF? FNST?

5 5 As one options of breeding blanket with the Helium-cooled solid breeders/RAFM steel (HCSB-DEMO) will be chosen as China’s DEMO blanket concepts. HCCB TBM will demonstrate the functions required for Chinese HCSB-DEMO blanket under at ITER operation condition. HCSB-DEMO Blanket Concept HC-SB DEMO Blanket 3-D View of HCSB DEMO blanket . K.M.Feng,, J. Fusion Eng.& Desgn, 84(2009)2109-2113.

6 TBM Concepts and Port-Sharing Six TBM Systems to be installed in ITER in different operation phases Port No. and PMTBM Concept A (PM : EU)HCLL (TL : EU)HCPB (TL : EU) B (PM : JA)WCCB (TL : JA)PMG: US/KO, LLCB? TL? C (PM : CN)HCCB (TL : CN)LLCB (TL : IN) PM : Port Master, TL : TBM Leader HCLL : Helium-cooled Lithium Lead HCPB : He-cooled Pebble Beds (Ceramic/Beryllium) WCCB : Water-cooled Ceramic Breeder (+Beryllium) HCCB : He-cooled Ceramic Breeder (+Beryllium) LLCB : Lithium-Lead Ceramic Breeder (LiPb & He, Dual-Coolant type) CN HCCB TBM will demonstrate the functions required for Chinese DEMO blanket in ITER condition HCSB-DEMO ITER cross-section CN HCCB TBM Relationship of ITER,TBM and DEMO

7 7  A series of the Chinese HCCB TBM design have been carried-out since 2004 within the space limitation and technical requirements specified by ITER. 2. Progress on CN HCCB TBM Design 2. Progress on CN HCCB TBM Design

8 Outline of HCCB TBM Design - TBM structure: Sub-module arrangement - Structure material: RAFM (CLF-1); - Tritium breeder: Li 4 SiO 4 pebble bed, 80%Li-6 ; - Neutron multiplier: Be pebbles bed; - Coolant and purge gas: Helium gas - Coolant pressure: 8MPa - Coolant temperature: 300 O C(inlet) -500 O C (outlet) - Tritium production ratio (TPR): 0.0505g/d Integration View of CN HCSB TBM Cross-section of SB Assembly scheme of Sub-Modules Basic design characteristics:  Originally design of CN HCCB TBM have been completed before 2009.

9 9 Updated Design of HCCB TBM for Reduction RAFM Mass HCCB TBM ModuleTBM Sub-module arrangement Cross-section of SM - The RAFM mass is reduced from 2.3t to 1.6t). - TPR is increased by factor from 0.051g/day to 0.0798g/day. Objectives of updated design: - to simplify Sub-module structure; - to reduce RAFM mass; - to improve TPR performance; Exploded view of sub-module Main modification An optimized all RAFM design with reduced mass of 1.3t is on going. A updated DDD report will be completed soon. Results shown: -Reduce radial dimension of the FW and sub-modules. -Bypass is introduced to TBM design to control the difference of flow-rates. - Arrangement of pebble beds in the sub-module is changed from the former transverse direction to the current vertical direction.

10 10 Performance Analyses for Updated TBM Design a) RAFM material b) Be pebble bedc) Li 4 SiO 4 pebble bed Parameters Previous design Updated design RAFM mass, ton2.311.63 Tritium Production Rate (TPR), (g/d) 0.0510.079 Peak power density (MW/m 3 ) 6.266.82 Total power deposit (MW) 0.5870.642 T max = 517 O C Tmax= 548 O CTmax= 621 O C Temperature and stress distribution of FW Temperature Distribution of Sub-module Main parameters meet design requirement. TPR is obviously increased. Main calculation results d)Sub-module

11 thermal analysis model RAFMs (CLF-1) Li 4 SiO 4 pebble bed Be pebble bed Thermal conductivity [W/(m·K)] 29.8 (400 ℃ ) 1.0-1.2 (500-900 ℃ ) 5.4, 8.8, 10.6 (500, 600, 700 ℃ ) Max. allowable temperature [ ℃ ] 550920700 Thermal analysis results of sub-module Primary stress Secondary stress Stress analysis Thermal analysis Performance Analyses for Updated TBM Design

12 12 HCCB TBM Auxiliary Sub-system HCCB TBM HCCB TBM HCS CPS V Port CellTWCS vault Tritium Building BC TES TMS NMS

13 13 CN HCCB TBM Auxiliary Sub-system Design

14 Basic configurationBOT (Breeder Out of Tube)Modules: 2×6 Sub-modules First wall area Neutron wall loading Surface heat flux 0.484 m(W)×1.660 m(H)0.803 m 2. 0.78 MW/m 2 0.3 MW/m 2 (normal condition) 0.5 MW/m 2 (extreme condition) Total heat depositionNT-TBM PI-TBM0.642 MW Tritium production rateITER operation condition0.079g/FPD TBM module dimension(P)× (T) × (R)1660mm×484mm×675mm Ceramic breeder (Li 4 SiO 4 )Single size Thickness Max. Temperature D = mm, pebble bed 90 mm (four zones) 699 ℃ Neutron multiplier (Beryllium) Two size Thickness Max. Temperature Diameter: 0.5~1 mm, Pebble bed 200 mm (five zones) 537 ℃ Structure MaterialFerritic steel Max. Temperature CLF-1 538 ℃ Coolant helium (He) Pipes size Pressure Pressure drop Temperature range (inlet/outlet) Mass flow Diameter (OD/ID) 8 MPa 0.08 MPa 300/500 ℃ 1.36kg/s 101.6/85.5 mm He purge flow (He)Pressure Pressure drop Mass Flow Diameter (OD/ID) 0.12 MPa 0.02 MPa 0.6 g/s 35/30 mm Design Parameters for the HCCB TBM

15 CN TBS Integration with ITER (Con’t) C5 CN-HCCB C6 IN-LLCB 15 2 half-ports View of Pipe Forest and TBM-Sets in Port #2

16 16 Port Cell area Tokamak Coolant Water System vault L2 of Tritium building for TES Interface 1Interface 2aInterface 2b Interface 3 India part China part Port 2# (Port Plug) Interspace (Pipe forest) Port Cell (AEU) Space reserved for CN TBS has been identified. Arrangements of CN TBS have been considered. Investigation of components which selected for CN TBS has been done. Strategy for Pipe Forest maintenance has been coordinated with IO people. Space arrangement Space Arrangement Identification of CN TBS CN TBS Integration with ITER

17 17 500kg Ingot of CLF-1 1-ton Ingot of CLF-1 3. Progress on R&D: 3. Progress on R&D: Structural Materials-CLF-1 Consumable electrode furnace Two RAFM alloys are being developed in China; CLF and CLAM A 500kg and 1-ton ingots of CLF-1 steel were recently produced by vacuum induction melting and electro-slag remelting method. The optimization of the melting technique for the larger ingots to is underway. Tensile strength of CLF-1DBTT of CLF-1 Remelting facility

18 18 3. Progress on R&D: 3. Progress on R&D: Ceramic Breeder Pebbles Relative density 94% TD Li 4 SiO 4 phase content  90% Closed porosity 0.72% Open porosity 5.2 % Average crush load 7.0 N Specific surface area 1.092 m 2 /g Li 2 TiO 3 Pebbles (D=1mm)@CAEP Li 4 SiO 4 Pebbles (D=1mm) by extrusion–sintering method @CIAE Two kinds of ceramic breeders (Li 4 SiO 4, Li 2 TiO 3 ) for TBM are being developed at different institutions in China; Lithium orthosilicate (Li 4 SiO 4 ) pebbles will be the primary option in the CN HCCB TBM. Li 4 SiO 4 Pebbles (D=1mm) by metl spraying method @SWIP Li4SiO4 Pebbles (D=1mm) by freeze-sintering method @CAEP Ceramic breeder (Li 4 SiO 4 ) pebbles fabricated by melt spraying method have good sphericity, and high density. Ceramic breeder (Li 4 SiO 4 ) pebbles prepared by Freeze-sintering process have good mechanical properties (the average crush load is 50N) ; Li 2 TiO 3 Pebbles have good surface feature by using sol-gel method. XRD pattern of Li 4 SiO 4 pebbles Main properties (Li 4 SiO 4 ) by melt spraying method

19 3. Progress on R&D: 3. Progress on R&D: Fabrication of Be Pebbles Chinese VHP-Be BeBeO%AlCFeMgSi Other metallic elements 1#≥99%0.7500.0060.0600.0500.0030.009<0.04  Be metal of high performance was developed in China.  Be pebbles have been produced by Rotating Electrode Process (REP) method in China. Related performance tests are on going.  A new project to develop higher quality Be pebbles in China is being implemented for the ITER project. Main chemical composition of Chinese Be 1# Be Pebbles (D=1mm) Micrographs of Be Pebbles (D=1mm)REP Facility at HBSM Co. Be (wt%)98.3 BeO (wt%)1.67 Al (ppm)235 Si (ppm)18 Mn (ppm)58 Mg (ppm)≤10 Co (ppm)≤10 Sample of Be Pebbles(D=1mm) Chemical Composition of Be pebble

20 3. Progress on R&D 3. Progress on R&D: Helium Coolant Test Loop Flow diagram of He Loop Layout of He Loop The construction of a small He Test Loop to validate circulator technology will be completed soon. - The He test loop has two impellers. It uses aerostatic bearings to avoid oil lubricating. Flow diagram of small He loop ParametersMaximum flow rate /kg -1 s Inlet pressure /MPa Maximum pressure head /MPaHe inlet/outlet temperature / ℃ Circulator~0.3580.4~50/65 A prototyped Helium Test Loop to validate TBM components and design is also to be built in SWIP. The circulator will use magnetic bearings. The flow rate will up to 1.3kg/s. 3-D view of circulatorImpeller of circulator Cross-section view Main parameters of circulator design

21 21 Fabrication of Key Components of He Test Loop

22 22 3. Progress on R&D: Fabrication Process of U-Shaped FW A small-sized mock-up (1:3) of U-shaped first wall is completed; Two kinds of fabrication method of U-shaped FW have been considered;

23 23 3. Progress on R&D: Fabrication of Small Sized Mock-up A full-sized mock-up with 2X2 sub-modules arrangement using the RAFM steel (CLF-1) as structure material will be completed in this year.

24 4. TBS R&D and Delivery Plan 1. CN HCCB TBS qualification activities –Helium experimental loop (1:3) construction (2010.01-2011.06) –Conceptual design of CN HCCB TBM(2010.01-2012.12) –CN TBM testing and update design (2011.06-2013.12) –Preliminary design of CN HCCB TBM (2013.01-2013.12) –Prototype helium loop construction (2012.01-2014.06) –Large scale TBM mock-up tests (2014.06-2015.12) –Final design of CN HCCB TBM (2014.01-2015.12) 2. CN HCCB TBS delivery activities. –Main TBS components fabrication (2016.01-2017.06)  Final TBS design in ITER.  Main TBS components fabrication.  TBS function tests (domestic). –CN TBS delivery (2016.12-2017.06) –CN TBS acceptance tests in ITER site (2017.06-2017.12) –EM TBM delivery (2018.01-2018.06) –EM-TBM System acceptance tests(2018.06-2019.06) 3. EM-TBM will be installed in ITER port after the first plasma shutdown (2019 ) 24 High flux test reactor

25 25 Domestic and Intl. Cooperation Domestic and Intl. Cooperation CAEP: China Academy of Engineering Physics; CIAE: China Institute of Atomic Energy; SJTU: Shanghai Jiao Tong University; ASIPP: Institute of Plasma Physics; Academy of Sciences ; NCEPU: North China Electric Power University; NECB: Nuclear Engineer Corporation, Beijing NPIC: Nuclear Power Institute, China; IMPCAS: Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; TUINET: Tsinghua University, Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology; XJTU: Xi’an Jiao Tong University; SICCAS: Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences ; HBSMC: Haibao special metal materials Co. SWIP CAEP CIAE ASIPP XJTU NCEPU NCIRD IMPCAS NPIC TUINET SICCAS SJTU SWIP CAEP CIAE ASIPP XJTU NCEPU NCIRD IMPCAS NPIC TUINET SICCAS SJTU Design TeamR&D Team Safe & QA Team SWIP CAEP CIAE SJTU ASIPP NCEPU XJTU IMPCAS NPIC TUINET SICCAS HBSMC SWIP CAEP CIAE SJTU ASIPP NCEPU XJTU IMPCAS NPIC TUINET SICCAS HBSMC SWIP CAEP CIAE NCEPU ASIPP TUINET NPIC TUINET NCIRD SICCAS SWIP CAEP CIAE NCEPU ASIPP TUINET NPIC TUINET NCIRD SICCAS CN HCCB TBM A lot of domestic units are joined into CN HCCB TBM program, including universities, institutes and industry company

26 CN HCCB TBM will be operated and tested on ITER through international cooperation under the frame of partnership with ITER parties. China is interested in other TBM concepts as a partner in HCPB-TBM, WCCB-TBM and LiPb-based TBMs. China HCCB TBM is open to cooperation with other ITER parties. Some informal discussions, for instance, CN-EU,CN-JA, CN-KO, has been started. CN-US bilateral cooperation meeting on TBM program will held on Nov.7-9, 2011. Intl. Cooperation and Partnership Domestic and Intl. Cooperation

27 5. Summary HCSB TBM with the Solid Breeder/Helium coolant/ RAFM material is the primary option of the Chinese TBM program. Updated design, current progress on R&D, test and delivery plan up to the installation in ITER (2019) are presented. Relevant R&D on key techniques for the HCSB TBM concept are supported by the Chinese ITER- DA domestic agency (2009-2012), including: –TBM optimization design and validation of key technologies; –Fabrication of Li 4 SiO 4 pebbles and Be pebbles to large-scaled level; –Fabrication of structure material RAFM to ton level; –Construction of High Heat Flux Test Facility (Power:400kW); –Construction of small-scale and prototyped Helium Test Loop. Testing HCSB TBM on ITER will be implemented with the cooperation of domestic and international institutions and industries.

28 Thanks for your Attention !

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