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Developing Commercial Design Plan Micah Rooke Georgia CTAE Resource Network 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Commercial Design Plan Micah Rooke Georgia CTAE Resource Network 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Commercial Design Plan Micah Rooke Georgia CTAE Resource Network 2010

2 To gain a clients confidence and to assure your success in completion of project you must have a plan

3  Indentify the Project  Assess the client characteristics  Analyze the environment  Develop a preliminary budget  Compile a design resource file  Plan use of space  Choose a style and color scheme  Select backgrounds, furniture, lighting, and accessories  Present the design ◦ Get feedback from client on the changes to be made.  Implement the design

4  Expanding Facilities: to increase production a business may need more space for employees and equipment.  Updating Technology: May need to install new technology to stay competitive.  Meeting Regulations: Changes in zoning codes or insurance policies may call for replacing pipes or adding sprinklers. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires business to be more accessible  Changing Image: Changing a company’s interior space to keep up with current trends can be part of improving or changing their image.  “How will you stay current to help your clients when they come to you for answers for their interior solutions?”

5  What is the goal? Whether the client wants one file cabinet or 200 you need to treat the job with the same professionalism and expertise. This is how you begin to build a long lasting client relationship. Questions to ask…… What do they want to accomplish? What is your budget? How knowledgeable is the client about what their needs are? What is the time frame to complete the project? What is the clients current credit situation?

6 Success will result from understanding the clients needs.  Existing Office/commercial space  Blue prints for future office/commercial space  Incorporate Universal Design and Sustainability issues  Who will be using the area?  How often will it be used?

7  Inventory the existing space  Activities/services space will provide  Storage areas  Background spaces (flooring, walls, windows lighting  Furnishings and accessories  Measure space and furniture

8 A Cost Estimate must be presented to client and include the following  Cost of item including shipping cost  Vendor supplying item  Delivery times (estimated)  Contingency Fee  Design Services Fee

9 You must be able to convey to the client the final project to their satisfaction before placing an order.  Photos  Brochures  Paint/wallpaper/carpet samples  Large projects may require trips to showrooms or manufacturers headquarters Begin compiling a physical resource file and an electronic resource file to reference. This will be valuable information for future jobs.

10  Drawing Floor Plans  Elevations allow a visual guide  Computer Aided Design (CAD) Discuss the importance of a well designed plan that will meet the needs of your client?

11  Style This will be one of the most important steps within the process. This will reflect and relay the client characteristics. This can include the furnishings and architectural details.  Color What atmosphere will the color selected for the project create? Why would a hair salon wall color be different from the walls in a full service spa?

12  Lighting: what is the purpose of the lighting for the project? Is it designed for employee tasks? Is it to emphasize a piece of art work in a lobby?  Furniture: What tasks will be performed from this location? What about durability?  Accessories: Paintings, prints, wall tapestries, company logos may provide aesthetic features as well as advertising for the company.

13  Renderings  Sample Boards  Computer Presentations  Models  Electronic Presentation Good communication skills as well as a professional organized presentation will be key in a successful design presentation.

14  Three “key” parts to your oral presentation  1. Introduction  main features of the design  2. Discuss the design  detailed analysis of design solutions  3. Summary  review key features of the design

15 The Timeline If you want to work with this client and keep their trust/business this step is critical  When must the project be complete?  The clients job is to insure the items will be there at the time they are scheduled.  How do you handle delays?  Final sign off

16  Introduction  Discussion of the Design  Summary Use these presentation skills with all your presentations so that you will know your client has a clear understanding of the job. Have students practice these parts of the presentation with each other in the classroom. You can pick a product you are trying to sell to a client such as a stack chair or new type of filing system.

17  Develop a projected time line  Ordering purchases  Schedule installations  Deal with backordered items  Make sure you are on budget and no extra costs come up. Keep good communication throughout the project with your client and update frequently with any delays that could ensue. What solution would you have for your client if their grand opening was to be delayed due to furniture items on backorder ?

18 A job well done! Satisfaction!

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