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Presentation Outline IV. Political and Economic Changes a)Politics under Mao (1949-1976) b)Economics under Mao c)Economic Changes since Deng Xiaoping.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Outline IV. Political and Economic Changes a)Politics under Mao (1949-1976) b)Economics under Mao c)Economic Changes since Deng Xiaoping."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presentation Outline IV. Political and Economic Changes a)Politics under Mao (1949-1976) b)Economics under Mao c)Economic Changes since Deng Xiaoping (1978-present) d)Political Changes since Deng Xiaoping

3 IV. a) Politics under Mao (1949-1976) Mao Zedong was the founder of the People’s Republic of China and its first Chairman and paramount leader Like Stalin, Mao cultivated and encouraged a cult of personality making China more of a one man dictatorship, rather than a one party dictatorship

4 The typical Chinese home in the 1950s included a portrait of Mao Zedong

5 In the early years of the new communist republic rule was still somewhat chaotic and decentralized Mao may have been the paramount leader but he had little control over the daily affairs in each town across vast China The establishment of the mass line was one way Mao and the Communist Party could communicate with people at the local level

6 Toward a more centralized rule: The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-69) Mao launched the Cultural Revolution in 1966 His revolution had the following objectives: 1) eliminate all foreign and Western influences 2) eliminate his enemies within the Communist Party 3) return China to a more pure form of communism Students were mobilized to fight on behalf of Mao

7 During the Cultural Revolution political enemies were arrested and many were killed China became politically isolated as its relationship with the Soviet deteriorated Political enemies were humiliated in public during the Cultural Revolution.

8 IV. b) Economics under Mao By the mid 1950s Mao had established a command economy as economic planning became more centralized Peasants were forced on to collective farms Mao’s economic focus was on agricultural and industrial development on a large scale

9 The Great Leap Forward (1958) Mao’s objective was to transform China from a backward undeveloped country into an agricultural and industrial force The plan was to dramatically increase industrial and agricultural output within five years

10 The Great Leap Forward turned out to be a massive failure China’s GDP actually declined, its industrial output grew only a little and overfarming and mismanagement lead to a major famine in 1960 An estimated 35 million people died during the Great Famine

11 Peasants Poorly educated Unable to produce high quality steel Forced to sell all food to the state Lacked motivation and ownership Diverted from fields to work in industries Lowered agricultural output Why the Great Leap failed:

12 China in 1976 Mao Zedong died in 1976 and left a China that was in political and economic disorder With no clear successor a power struggle emerged with Deng Xiaoping finally seizing power and becoming paramount leader in 1978

13 IV. c) Economic Changes since Deng Xiaoping 1978-present Beginning in 1978 Deng made several major economic changes: 1)ended the system of collectivization and allowed the privatization of farms 2)created special economic zones in coastal cities which allowed a degree of capitalism 3)Encouraged foreign investment and trade

14 Deng’s reforms were gradual but they triggered dramatic growth in China’s economy

15 Privatized farms locally operated and profitable Special economic zones like the one in Shenzhen encouraged private business and development Foreign direct investment created jobs, increased consumer choice, and increased GDP


17 IV. d) Political Changes since Deng Deng restored order to China but resisted democratization Notable reforms include: 1979 Legal Code 1982 Constitution (Basic Law) Reintroduction of national examinations for university entrance Creation of village elections peaceful succession and transfer of power

18 1979 Legal Code/1982 Constitution An attempt to establish rule of law Listed freedoms and rights of each Chinese citizen (religion, speech, association, etc.) In reality, not all these rights and freedoms have been protected

19 Village Elections Village elections allow citizens to elect members to the Local People’s Congress Elections are semi- competitive A democratic element in an authoritarian system Deng wanted to increase the Party’s legitimacy among the peasants and villagers

20 Peaceful transfer of power Deng stepped aside in 1993 allowing Jiang Zemin to become the President and paramount leader of China Jiang left office peacefully in 2003 allowing Hu Jintao to become the President and paramount leader of China In 2013 Xi Jinping is expected to become China’s next paramount leader Xi Jinping standing beside China’s current leader Hu Jintao.

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