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© Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Making MBTI ® feedback more memorable and meaningful Vanessa Rhone, Lead Consultant.

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1 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Making MBTI ® feedback more memorable and meaningful Vanessa Rhone, Lead Consultant

2 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Why the changes? People want to take the process more easily beyond best fit There is a desire to start applying the awareness to real situations as quickly as possible Practitioners would like to have readily available materials that bring the MBTI process to life for both individuals and groups Conclusion: we need a new, refreshing way of delivering the MBTI process to encourage development of all preference pairs and whole type

3 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Current improvements More emphasis on applying all preferences effectively and appropriately, rather than over-emphasis on best-fit type More emphasis on bringing the MBTI process to life and linking with organisational applications Go further: develop simple action plans for personal development New exercise tool kit for group feedback, that can be used in addition to current exercises A range of application reports available for best-fit types

4 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. New-style MBTI Step I Feedback

5 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. New feedback materials For the practitioner:  PowerPoint slides  Group Feedback Kits  Feedback prompt cards For participants:  Development Workbook  Introduction to Type booklet  Flip a Type Tip!

6 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. MBTI Development Workbook Replaces the Report Booklet Provides a much fuller, interactive experience for respondents Promotes self-exploration, encouraging the user to record what they learn and helping to identify development actions and goals Supports respondents in putting their new understanding of type into practice back in the workplace

7 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Purpose is more important Giving a greater focus at the beginning on WHY an individual is completing the MBTI questionnaire prevents the “SO WHAT?” moment at the end Encouraging individuals to ‘own’ personal reasons for completing the MBTI process leads them to look for relevant applications themselves, throughout the feedback Recording these allows you to refer back to the applications at the end of the feedback, and suggest further work with you

8 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. How a workbook can achieve this On page 3 of the MBTI workbook there is a list of nine areas where the MBTI instrument can really add value to performance Clients are encouraged to tick those areas that especially apply to them in their role On the next page they are encouraged to further personalise their thinking around these issues

9 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. General application areas Improving working relationships Developing your leadership style Improving communication Improving problem-solving strategies Resolving conflict Managing change Understanding stress reactions Valuing diversity in working style Considering team and organisational culture

10 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. New feedback cards

11 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Characteristics Tend to act before thinking Prefer to get into action Talk things through More expressive when interacting Gain energy from interaction Have a breadth of interests Tend to think before acting Prefer to spend time on reflection Think things through More contained when interacting Gain energy from concentration Have a depth of interests Remember, E–I is not about sociability or social confidence

12 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Question and prompt cards Supports you by providing scenarios to explore with the respondent Features helpful prompts

13 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Exploring personal examples In one-to-one feedbacks, the practitioner can use the cards to encourage discussion of typical examples of the MBTI preference pairs In group feedback, this is the biggest moment of challenge – there is one of you and many of them – how do you encourage a discussion of personal examples and debrief these with MBTI expertise? We need some way to give your clients the MBTI expertise to ask and debrief open questions amongst themselves, without being dependent on you Try using a structured exercise eg scratchcards

14 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Scratchcards Get into pairs and pretend you are exploring the MBTI concepts for the first time Each person picks two scratchcards (one about work and one about home) Their partner discusses and probes each question Then they both scratch off the silver spot on the side that best fits their answer

15 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Recording personal examples In the workbook, on page 15, there is space to make a note of the exploration of Extraversion and Introversion from the scratchcards For one-to-one feedback, this will be a record of the examples from the feedback cards

16 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Making it memorable

17 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Dealing with reported type A more adult approach to giving out reported type is not to keep it secret until the end! Giving the individual their reported type data as they are considering each preference pair allows a ‘best fit’ of each preference as we go along Page 16 of the workbook has E–I reported type written in (by you, beforehand!) This has been copied from the MBTI report The clarity of preference scale has been replaced by boxes, to avoid the idea of trait

18 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Applying learning After each preference pair, encourage clients to apply their learning to their roles at work This will be especially important for leaders, as we have already stressed that leaders need to develop BOTH sides of each preference pair to be effective

19 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Flip a Type Tip! Watch our Flip A Type Tip demo on YouTube at

20 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Pulling together your whole type There is still great significance to understanding your four-letter best-fit type, so this is the place to do it Your client will already have benefitted from applying what they have learned, so if they can’t decide their best fit, it isn’t quite so bad You will already have demonstrated the value of the MBTI framework (and the value that you have added of course!)

21 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Action planning Getting your client to write down action plans commits them to action You could keep a record and remind them at agreed milestones These actions could give you a starting point to suggest further work with your clients

22 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. MBTI Step I application reports Communication Style Report Decision-making Style Report Team Report Conflict Style Report Stress Management Report Career Report

23 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Leave them with possible next steps The back of the workbook shows possible next steps.

24 © Copyright 2013 OPP Ltd. All rights reserved. Thank you!

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