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Copenhagen, 7 June 2006 Toolkit update and maintenance Anton Cupcea Finsiel Romania.

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Presentation on theme: "Copenhagen, 7 June 2006 Toolkit update and maintenance Anton Cupcea Finsiel Romania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copenhagen, 7 June 2006 Toolkit update and maintenance Anton Cupcea Finsiel Romania

2 2 2006 Planning Extensions:  Security mechanism  Advanced search on content  Discussion forum  Email notifications  Manager tool for researchers and institutions  Light publishing platform  Helpdesk agent  Link checker  Photo archive

3 3 Security mechanism  STATUS 2005  Three concepts that define the security model:  Users  Permissions  Roles

4 4 Security mechanism  PROPOSED EXTENSIONS  Workgroups  Groups of users which have a common scope  Easy and clear management of workgroups  Anti-spam mechanisms  Easier interface  Sortable tables  User’s page more detailed

5 5 Advanced search  STATUS 2005  Internal search page  Query string on title, description, keywords  Only one language to search in at a time  It will search in files  All kinds of content  External search page  The CHM network

6 6 Advanced search  PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT  Internal search  Choose language(s) to search in  Choose type(s) of content  Choose range of release time of content  Choose to search or not in files  External search  Choose language(s) to search in

7 7 Discussion forum  STATUS 2005  MessageBoard product  Already used in various EEA and EIONET websites  Not multilingual  Only offers a simple discussion list support

8 8 Discussion forum  PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT  DiscussionForum – a standalone component  Layout integrated in portal’s GUI  Threaded messages, email notifications  Same accounts as for the rest of portal  Users’ profiles  Administrators can:  Add/delete discussion topics  Open/restrict topics  Block users, post messages, close topics

9 9 Email notifications on new content  STATUS 2005  ChangeNotification product  Instant notifications  Newsletters on a given period of time  Pitfalls:  Not multilingual  Not fully compatible with Naaya  Users have to register locally  Subscribers are notified about new content only

10 10 Email notifications on new content  PROPOSED SOLUTION  Multilingual (labels, messages, notification texts sent to subscribers)  Same accounts as for the rest of portal  Subscribers will be able to choose areas of interest  Users’ profiles  The newsletter text will be displayed and reviewed by administrators  Subscribers will receive notifications also on modifications of content, posting of comments, discussion forum activity

11 11 Researchers and institutions  STATUS 2004  ResearchManager product previously developed for CHMv1  Storage for environmental experts and institutions, cross- referenced.  Not multilingual

12 12 Researchers and institutions  PROPOSED SOLUTION  Develop a multilingual tool for storing the researchers and institutions  Fully integrated with the existing PTK  User feedback to be provided for designing this tool  Existing data to be analysed (e.g. national databases)

13 13 Light publishing platform  STATUS 2005  DocManager product  Not multilingual  Offers a simple document sharing tool for workgroups

14 14 Light publishing platform  PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT  LightPublishing product, a working spaces inside a CHM portal  Multilingual in terms of user interface  Possibility to restrict folders  An entire folder downloaded as a zip  Upload of zips, automatically extracted and posted

15 15 Helpdesk Agent  STATUS 2005  HelpDeskAgent standalone product - tracks and responds to ticket Helpdesk issues  Properly described, indexed and found (priority, status, category)  Pitfalls:  Not multilingual  It’s own settings (e.g. email server)  It’s own GUI

16 16 Helpdesk Agent  PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT  Multilingual in terms of user interface  Enhanced notification system  Filters added, in order to make reports easily printable  Anti-spam mechanisms added  GUI integration with the CHM portals

17 17 Link checker  STATUS 2005  NaayaLinkChecker product  Automatic searching and logging of the remote broken links published across the portal  Logs the errors

18 18 Link checker  PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT  Multilingual in terms of user interface  Modern accessible markup  Better display of the broken links logs

19 19 Photo archive  STATUS 2005  NaayaPhotoArchive product  Allows publishing of large images  Searchable  Different sizes for images

20 20 Photo archive  PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT  Better integration in CHM portals  Reference in other types of content  Proper retrieving of photos in external search engine such as Google  Multiple choices for archive’s display

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