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Introduction Lesley Grierson. Floor Plans Risk Assessment & The Home Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Lesley Grierson. Floor Plans Risk Assessment & The Home Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Lesley Grierson

2 Floor Plans Risk Assessment & The Home Environment

3 What ? Yes ….Floor Plans A drawing most often associated with architecture and building engineering. A floor plan is a drawing usually done to scale, showing a view from above, of the relationships between rooms, spaces and other physical features at one level of a structure.

4 Example

5 Why ? To evidence base clinicians observational skills To pre-empt potential risks To highlight exits To share visual information increases retention and promotes recall Improves comprehension and Enhances critical thinking skills

6 Who ? Anybody can draw a floor plan it does not need to done to scale -: ‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’ Leonardo Da Vinci

7 Example

8 Where ? Judging by the fact that I have been invited to speak to you all today would suggest that the floor plans should be made :- Accessible – in Multi Disciplinary notes Prominent position – follow on from crisis plan Be attainable for all staff

9 When ? It maybe used to gain insight into environment Navigational purposes Decision making Maintaining safe environment Enhance communication with external agencies if crisis situation occurred

10 Confusing

11 Choice

12 Strange

13 Whichever ? Staff safety is paramount

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