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Y Fframwaith Llythrennedd a Rhifedd
The Literacy and Numeracy Framework
Y Brif Reswm/ The Main Reason
The Minister for Education and Skills has made raising standards of literacy and numeracy in schools a priority. Literacy and numeracy skills are absolutely essential in order for young people to reach their potential whether they are planning to enter further or higher education or the employment market. The National Literacy Programme and the National Numeracy Programme set out the actions the Welsh Government intends to implement to improve literacy and numeracy standards in Wales. The plans for a statutory national framework and for a system of national testing are integral to both programmes.
Amcanion Aims Amcanion allweddol y FfLlRh yw:
helpu athrawon pob pwnc i adnabod a chynnig cyfleoedd i ddysgwyr gymhwyso llythrennedd a rhifedd ar draws y cwricwlwm. disgrifio’n fanwl gywir y disgwyliadau cenedlaethol blynyddol ar gyfer llythrennedd a rhifedd . helpu i asesu cynnydd dysgwyr mewn llythrennedd a rhifedd a llunio adroddiadau blynyddol i rieni/ofalwyr yn seiliedig ar asesiadau athrawon fel bod athrawon, dysgwyr a rhieni/gofalwyr i gyd yn glir sut mae dysgwyr yn datblygu a beth yw eu camau nesaf. Ni fydd data’n cael eu casglu ar lefel genedlaethol. The key aims of the LNF are to: help teachers of all subjects to identify and provide opportunities for learners to apply literacy and numeracy across the curriculum. describe, with precision, the annual national expectations for literacy and numeracy. help determine learner progress in literacy and numeracy and provide annual reports to parents/carers based on teacher assessment so that teachers, learners and parents/carers are all clear how learners are progressing and what are the next steps. There will be no national level data collection.
Beth sydd yw y Fframwaith? What is the Framework?
Un ar gyfer bob blwyddyn ysgol. Gwahanu mewn i dair rhan: Llinynnau, Elfennau a Mae dysgwyr yn gallu… One framework for every year. Three part: Strands, Elements and Learners are able to…
Pam? Why? 2008 – cwricwlwm newydd a fframwaith sgiliau newydd: Rhif
Cyfathrebu TGCh Meddwl Cwricwlwm Cymreig ABCh Ond teimlwyd nad oedd plant a phobl ifanc yn defnyddio sgiliau llythrennedd a rhifedd ddigon mewn pynciau eraill. 2008 –new curriculum and new skills framework: Numeracy Communication ICT Thinking Cwricwlwm Cymreig PSE But – the feeling were that children and young people didn’t use and extend their literacy and numeracy skills enough in other subjects.
Y Fframwaith Llythrennedd a Rhifedd
Amser i Newid (eto!) Cwricwlwm: Cymraeg Saesneg Mathemateg Gwyddoniaeth Hanes Daearyddiaeth Addysg Grefyddol Celf Cerddoriaeth Dylunio a Thechnoleg Addysg Gorfforol Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol TGCh Y Fframwaith Sgiliau: Meddwl TGCh Cwricwlwm Cymreig ABCh Y Fframwaith Llythrennedd a Rhifedd (Hen sgiliau Cyfathrebu a Rhif)
Literacy and Numeracy Framework
Time to Change (Again!) The Curriculum: Welsh English Mathematics Science History Geography Religious Studies Art Music Design and Technology Physical Education Personal and Social Education ICT The Skills Framework: Thinking ICT Cwricwlwm Cymreig PSE Literacy and Numeracy Framework (The old Communication and Numeracy)
Sut mae’n gweithio? How does it work?
Dysgu’r sgil adeg gwersi Mathemateg ac Iaith. Teach, learn and develop the skill during Maths and Language lessons. Defnyddio, datblygu a chymhwyso’r sgil mewn pynciau eraill (gwaith thema). Use, develop and apply the skill in other subjects (our theme work).
Er Enghraifft For Example
Gwers Iaith Dysgu sut i greu llythyr personol. Language Lesson Teach/learn how to write a personal letter. Gwers Thema (Hanes) Ysgrifennu llythyr fel efaciwi. Theme Work (History) Write a letter as an evacuee.
Amserlen TimeTable
Cofiwch! Just Remember! Cofiwch fod yna wahaniaeth rhwng Iaith a Llythrennedd/Mathemateg a Rhifedd. Pwnc Cwircwlwm Sgil Traws Gwricwlaidd Iaith Llythrennedd Mathemateg Rhifedd Remember there is a difference between Language and Literacy/Maths and Numeracy. Curriculum Subject Cross Curriculum Skill Iaith Literacy Mathemateg Numeracy
Ein Cynllunio/ Our Planning
Rydym ni yn cynllunio’n wythnosol: Iaith, Mathemateg a Thema. Rydym yn cynllunio o’r Cwricwlwm gan sicrhau ein bod yn datblygu’r sgiliau. Byddwn yn dysgu Iaith a Mathemateg yn bore. Byddwn yn datblygu sgiliau llythrennedd a rhifedd adeg ein gwersi thema yn y prynhawn. We plan on a weekly basis: Language, Maths and Theme work. We plan from the curriculum and we ensure that we develop the skills. We will develop/teach language and maths in the mornings. We will develop the literacy and numeracy skills during our theme work in the afternoons.
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