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Romania Conversational Language Brown Bag. Location.

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Presentation on theme: "Romania Conversational Language Brown Bag. Location."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romania Conversational Language Brown Bag

2 Location

3 Romanian Map

4 About Romania

5 Alternative Video

6 Agenda Facts about Romania Brief Language History Dialects Common Phrases Diversity Did you know?

7 Facts About Romania Population 22,276,056 (Est. 2007) Capital Bucharest; 1,853,000 Area 238,391 square kilometers (92,043 square miles) Languages Romanian, Hungarian, German Religion Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, Catholic Currency Leu / Euro Life Expectancy 71 Literacy Percent 98.7% President Traian Basescu Government Democracy based on French Gov.

8 Language History Derived from Latin as Roman Empire Annexed Dacia as province Due to its geographical isolation -first language that split from Latin, not influenced by other Romance languages

9 Common phrases Common words and phrases English RomanianPhonetical transcription Romanian (person) (m.) român, /ro'm ɨ n/ (f.) româncă /ro'm ɨ n.kə/ Greetings! Salut! /sa'lut/ What's your name? Cum te cheamă? /'kum.te.kěa.mə/ How are you? Ce mai faci? /' ʧ e.maǐ.fa ʧʲ↘ / Goodbye! La revedere! /' Bye! Pa! /pa/ Please. Vă rog. /və'rog/ Sorry. Îmi pare rău. / ɨ m ʲ'rəǔ/ Thank you. Mulţumesc. /mul. ʦ u'mesk/ Yes. Da. /da/ No. Nu. /nu/ I don't understand. Nu înţeleg. /'nu. ɨ n. ʦ e.leg/ Where's the bathroom? Unde este toaleta? /' ǐes.te to.a.le.ta/ Do you speak English? Vorbiţi engleza? /vor'bi ʦʲ.eŋ' I am a tourist. Eu sunt turist. /jeu sunt tur‘east/

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