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A.Lancia Vocabulary strategies for the Numeracy Classroom Developing good listening and questioning skills in Numeracy.

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Presentation on theme: "A.Lancia Vocabulary strategies for the Numeracy Classroom Developing good listening and questioning skills in Numeracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 A.Lancia Vocabulary strategies for the Numeracy Classroom Developing good listening and questioning skills in Numeracy

2 A.Lancia Contents Contents Pg 2 Vocabulary knowledge in Numeracy Pg 3-5 How do we support classroom talk? Pg 6 Asking “good” questions Pg 7 How do we support listening skills in the classroom? Pg 8-9 References Pg 10 Contents Pg 2 Vocabulary knowledge in Numeracy Pg 3-5 How do we support classroom talk? Pg 6 Asking “good” questions Pg 7 How do we support listening skills in the classroom? Pg 8-9 References Pg 10

3 A.Lancia Vocabulary knowledge is as essential to learning Mathematics as it is to learning how to read. Vocabulary Knowledge in Numeracy

4 A.Lancia Children learn Mathematics best by using it, and understanding the language of Maths gives students the skills they need to think about, talk about and assimilate new Maths concepts as they are introduced. Vocabulary Knowledge in Numeracy

5 A.Lancia While young students learn how to “do” Math, they must also learn to articulate this new learning. Students must develop good questioning and listening skills in order to develop their Mathematical vocabulary. Vocabulary Knowledge in Numeracy

6 A.Lancia How do we support classroom talk? Students are encouraged to ask “good” questions. This can be achieved by asking themselves... Students are encouraged to ask “good” questions. This can be achieved by asking themselves...

7 A.Lancia Asking “good” questions Students are encouraged to ask themselves...

8 A.Lancia How do we support listening skills in the classroom? Be Patient Allow for “Wait Time” Use prompting cues Keep their body language open Face the person they are speaking to Students are encouraged to...

9 A.Lancia How do we support listening skills in the classroom?... Give the speaker their full attention. Wait patiently for their turn. Listen without interrupting. Maintain comfortable eye contact. Not be distracted. Students are encouraged to...

10 A.Lancia References Talking Mathematics – Supporting children’s voices. Corwin, Storeygard and Price Vocabulary Strategies for the Mathematics Classroom – Dr. David Chard and Professor of Reading, University of Oregon

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