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In a DEMOCRACY how do we BOTH get the job done & provide People what that want?

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Presentation on theme: "In a DEMOCRACY how do we BOTH get the job done & provide People what that want?"— Presentation transcript:

1 In a DEMOCRACY how do we BOTH get the job done & provide People what that want?

2 Assumptions Government RRT OSC

3 Steps Ask RRT members, “What do you want?” Categorize and prioritize Assign Advocates

4 6 or 1/2 Dozen Best Practices Assessment Response Management Systems Safety Decision Making Information Management

5 Time Slots Tuesday Inland Area Wednesday Workgroups Thursday RRT Meeting 4 hr session 1 hr-Workgroup Intro - FireDept. 30min-overview 1 hr - formal 30min-overview

6 Implement Each category: Assign an Advocate Advocate: Gets their subjects on schedule Feedback: Develop a + critique system

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