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Peter Niblett WS-Notification Face-to-Face 12 Sep-15 Sep 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Niblett WS-Notification Face-to-Face 12 Sep-15 Sep 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Niblett WS-Notification Face-to-Face 12 Sep-15 Sep 2005

2 2 Agenda - 12 th September (UK times)  1:30 Opening Roll Call Scribes (4 half days) Approval of minutes from August 29th [1] Review agenda Meeting objectives  2:00 Action items review  2:25 Public Review Draft comments  2:30 Possible new issues BaseNotification "pending changes" [4] Level of WS-Addressing [5] Comments from Kirk Wilson on WS-Topics 1.3c [6] Inconsistent approaches to optionality of PullPoints [7] Possible reference to composition with XACML [8]  3:15 Break  3:30 Summary for new phone joiners  3:45 BrokeredNotification issue resolution WSN 3.24 Identifying a Registered Publisher WSN 2.60/3.25 Use of WS-Resource Access Pattern WSN 3.26 Mismatch between WS-Brokered and WS-BaseNotification Faults  4:45 BaseNotification issue resolution WSN 2.59 Use of PullPoints WSN 2.58 Lifetime of PullPoints  6:30 Adjourn

3 3 Agenda - 13 th September (UK times)  9:30 WS-Topic issue verification (UK attendees)  12:30 Lunch  1:30 Open the phone link Appointment of scribe Summary of morning session  1:45 Base/Brokered Notification issues Possible new issue on Pseudo-schema Issue 4.2 impact on WS-BaseN. Inconsistent approaches to optionality of PullPoints [7] 2.58/2.59 Final summary  2:15 Base and BrokeredNotification: PRD2 plans  2.30 Break  2.45 Resume WS-Topics review  3:30 Summary for new phone joiners  3:45 WS-NotificationPolicy  4:30 Primer  5:30 Adjourn

4 4 Meeting Objectives  Answer Public Review comments on WS- BaseNotification and WSBrokered Notification  Resolve open issues on those specifications  Plan PRD 2 for those specifications  Produce PRD1 for WS-Topics Issue verification Remaining issues  Agree approach to Primer and Policy specifications

5 5 WS-Topics issues To be verified –4.2: source document for FullTopicPathExpressions (the topic set is different from a topic space and not fully specified) Verified OK –4.3: XPath 1.0 as an additional dialect for FullTopicPathExpression –4.5: Remove aliases –4.9: Specifying the Ad-hoc topic space is cumbersome –4.16: When are wildcards and aliases resolved? –4.20: SimpleTopicExpression type as xsd:token –4.22: Finality of TopicSpace –4.25: Remove references to specs that aren’t in standards orgs –4.26: Remove dependency on WSRF-RP –4.27: Remove default value for message types –AI85: Replace TopicPath by TopicExpression Further work required: –4.4: domain-specific extension to topic spaces (how can you extend if you don't have access to the domain name used by the initial topic space). –4.21: TopicSpace location attribute –4.23: Resolving XML Names in the TopicExpression content –4.24: Namespace prefix change may result into unbound QNames –4.28: Miscellaneous corrections

6 6 Outstanding Work  Base Notification Issue 4.2 – item 4 Typos –“Pending changes” –David Hull AI Remaining BaseN issues –2.57 Destroy operation name –2.58 Lifetime of pull points –2.59 Use of pull points for 3 rd party notification –2.60 Reference to WS-RAP –2.61 PRD1 uses an interim level of WS-Addressing  Brokered Notification Remaining issues –3.23 Destroy operation name –3.24 Identifying a registered publisher –3.25 Reference to WS-RAP –3.26 Mismatch between base and brokered faults –3.27 PRD1 uses an interim level of WS-Addressing –3.28 Inconsistent approach to pull point optionality

7 7 Action Items AI 81 - Chairs to recruit editors for the primer AI 85 - WS-Topics editors to respond to questions raised in Kato- san's email [2] regarding use of terms TopicPath, TopicExpression, TopicPathExpression, and the names of the related Faults. AI 128 - Dave C to create a new issue to take the additional Faults out of WS-BrokeredNotification and use the Faults that are specified in WS-BasedN. AI 129 – Issue 2.59 Pullpoints - David Hull to send out a rev of the spec to reflect the consensus reached during discussion on the call AI 130 – Peter N to send out an email asking to clarify the questions and what is the expected scope of making a change to the current spec. AI 131 – Matt Roberts to do a refresh of his 3.24 proposal based on the discussion on August 29th AI 132 - David Hull to fix inconsistency in BaseN 6.4.1

8 8 “Pending changes”  WS-BaseNotification Line 725 should be Line 1981(and b-1.xsd)UnableToDestroyPullPointType type should be UnableToDestroyPullPointFaultType Line 1986(and b-1.xsd) UnableToDestroyPullPoint element should be UnableToDestroyPullPointFault Line 1987(and b-1.xsd) UnableToDestroyPullPointType type should be UnableToDestroyPullPointFaultType Line 2012(and b-1.xsd) UnableToCreatePullPointType type should be UnableToCreatePullPointFaultType Line 2017(and b-1.xsd) UnableToCreatePullPoint element should be UnableToCreatePullPointFault Line 2018(and b-1.xsd) UnableToCreatePullPointType type should be UnableToCreatePullPointFaultType Line 2538 (and bw-1.wsdl) UsubscribeRequest should be UnsubscribeRequest Line 2487 (and bw-1.wsdl) GetCurrentMessage operation should include MultipleTopicsSpecifiedFault Line 2507 (and bw-1.wsdl) UnableToDestroyPullPoint fault name should be UnableToDestroyPullPointFault Line 2508(and bw-1.wsdl) UnableToDestroyPullPoint message should be UnableToDestroyPullPointFault Line 2519 (and bw-1.wsdl) UnableToCreatePullPoint fault name should be UnableToCreatePullPointFault Line 2520(and bw-1.wsdl) UnableToCreatePullPoint message should be UnableToCreatePullPointFault  All of the fault types defined in WS-BaseNotification and WS-BrokeredNotification extend wsrf-bf:BaseFaultType. Some of these types, for example wsnt:UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFaultType, extend wsrf-bf:BaseFaultType with additional child elements. This causes a schema validation error (Unique Particle Attribution), because of the xsd:any included in the BaseFaultType definition.  It is anticipated that WS-BaseFaults will change the definition of BaseFaultType in order to remove this problem. In the interim, we suggest that implementers take a copy of the BaseFaultType definition and edit it to remove the xsd:any.

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