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Absolute Monarchs in Europe, 1500-1800 Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism.

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1 Absolute Monarchs in Europe, 1500-1800 Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism

2 Spain’s Powerful Empire Philip II becomes king of Spain, the wealthiest, most powerful nation in Europe He defends Roman Catholicism against Protestantism and Islam Spanish riches help stimulate a golden age in the arts

3 Problems Weaken the Spanish Empire Spain’s economy weakened due to inflation, noble’s not having to pay taxes, and spending too much money on imports The Dutch revolt and break away from Spain to form a new nation

4 The Independent Dutch Prosper Had religious tolerance Dutch traders make the Netherlands a center of European trade & banking Dutch art flourishes in a climate of prosperity

5 Absolutism in Europe Absolute Monarchs: kings or queens who wanted all the power They believe in divine right: the idea that God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God’s representative on earth Centralized authority, colonial wealth, and warfare and unrest fuel the growth of absolute rule

6 Group Activity Create an annotated brochure or poster promoting Spain or the Netherlands in the 1600s. Include the attractions of life in that country, such as economic life, politics, art and culture, geography and resources, and social trends. As always, creativity and neatness count.

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