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Big Geography—global nature of WORLD History Out of Africa to Eurasia, Australia, Americas map-interactive-2D-animation.html.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Geography—global nature of WORLD History Out of Africa to Eurasia, Australia, Americas map-interactive-2D-animation.html."— Presentation transcript:


2 Big Geography—global nature of WORLD History Out of Africa to Eurasia, Australia, Americas map-interactive-2D-animation.html map-interactive-2D-animation.html When? http://www.bradshawfoundation. modern_humans_bldg_blog_2008.jpgcom/journey/ http://www.bradshawfoundation. modern_humans_bldg_blog_2008.jpgcom/journey/


4 A. Use of fire (first used 750,000 years ago) in new ways 1. Aid in hunting and gathering—slash and burn agriculture 2. Protect against predators 3. Adapt to colder environments

5 B. Developed a wider range of tools adapted to different environments from tropics to tundra Europe—new tools--bow and arrow, spear thrower (as depicted in Lascaux; needles and multilayered clothing Australia—use of boats

6 C. Economic structure—Small kinship groups who made what was needed “The Original Affluent Society “ Relatively Egalitarian How do we know? Modern hunter/gatherer societies Why? No surpluses Women’s role was vital to survival

7 some groups exchanged PEOPLE, IDEAS, and GOODS Patterns of 200 miles Spread of Venus Figurines Spread of religious ideas—Dreamtime in Australia Spread of Clovis point technology Austronesians migrated to Madagascar Similar cyclical views of time


9 Most famous LascauxLascaux

10 tepe/musi-photography tepe/musi-photography Evidence that hunter-gatherers interacted for religion

11 a. It was the period when mankind settled all regions of the earth except Australia and the Americas. b. It was a period when mankind adapted to live in every environmental niche from the frigid arctic, to rainforests, to mountains, to deserts. c. It was a period of slow technological development. d. It encompassed well over 90 percent of the time that human beings have inhabited the earth.

12 A

13 a. their continued reliance on a gatherer-hunter lifestyle meant that the settlement communities remained roughly the same size as before they settled down. b. they maintained the same egalitarian social organizations that they possessed before they settled down. c. they were able to accumulate and store more goods. d. they no longer needed a clearly defined leader to direct their yearly migratory movements.

14 C

15 a. typically have less leisure time than members of agricultural or industrial societies. b. have been referred to as “the original affluent society” not because they had so much but because they wanted or needed so little. c. typically have longer life spans than members of agricultural or industrial societies. d. do not intentionally or unintentionally alter their environments.

16 B

17 a. Egalitarian social structure b. Relations between genders c. Gathering and hunting lifestyle d. Variety of lifestyles that one could partake in

18 a. A more precise chronological sequence for the spread of mankind across the planet b. A better understanding of their religious beliefs c. If more hunter-gatherer societies existed today d. A better understanding of the origins of our species

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