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World Geography Global Studies 9 Mrs. Hart. What is geography? Geography is the study of people, their environments, and the resources available to them.

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Presentation on theme: "World Geography Global Studies 9 Mrs. Hart. What is geography? Geography is the study of people, their environments, and the resources available to them."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Geography Global Studies 9 Mrs. Hart

2 What is geography? Geography is the study of people, their environments, and the resources available to them. There are two types of geography; physical and cultural.

3 Physical Geography Physical geography cover topics relating to the surface of the earth – landforms like mountains and plateaus, glaciers, climate and weather, oceans, earth-sun interactions, environmental hazards, and more.

4 Cultural Geography Cultural geography is also known as human geography. It covers a wide range of human interaction with the land. It includes language, religion, medicine, cities, economics, entertainment, and much more.

5 Five Themes of Geography: Location Location tells where a place is on the surface of the Earth. Location is considered to be absolute or relative. Absolute location is the exact place where an area is located. It is measured using longitude and latitude.

6 Longitude and Latitude Longitude (shown as vertical lines) is the angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and seconds, of a point east or west of the Prime (Greenwich) Meridian. Latitude (shown as horizontal lines) is the angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and seconds of a point north or south of the Equator.

7 Five Themes of Geography: Place Place refers to the physical and human characteristics of an area, including natural and human-made landmarks. Physical characteristics of a place help determine where people live and do business. Human-made structures also help to describe a place.

8 Five Themes of Geography: Human-environmental Interaction Human-environmental interaction refers to how people have shaped and have been shaped by places in which they live.

9 Five Themes of Geography: Movement Movement refers to the way that people, goods, and ideas have traveled from one place to another. The result of movement has been the spreading the of customs, traditions, and other ways of doing things. Together these elements along with others, form what we call a culture.

10 Five Themes of Geography: Region Region refers to an area of the world that has common characteristics. Climate and other geographical features can be used to identify a region. Cultural characteristics many also distinguish one region from another.

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