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Exploring Physical Science 1.1 How to do the Foldable in your Homework Notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Physical Science 1.1 How to do the Foldable in your Homework Notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Physical Science 1.1 How to do the Foldable in your Homework Notebook

2 2nd Science Notebook for Homework: Study Guide/Foldable This was formerly called a Foldable, but now instead of making separate “booklets” for each section/topic, all the questions will be answered in the Study Guide Notebook. You should have already set up your Table of Contents pages A-D and numbered the pages.

3 Directions Copy the title of the Foldable in the top margin of page 1. Exploring Physical Science 1.1 Tab 1: What is Science? p 6/ 1. Define science.; 2. Give two examples of how you use your knowledge of science in your everyday actions. 3. Explain what can cause scientific knowledge to change; 4. Explain what is often the first step in gathering knowledge; Tab 2: What is Physical Science?, p 7/ 1. Define physical science; 2. Define matter; 3. Give an example and picture of matter; 4. Define energy; 5. Give an example and picture of a form of energy. Tab 3: Chemistry and Physics; Branches of Physical Science, p 8/ 1. Define chemistry; 2. Give an example and picture; 3. Define physics; 4. Give example and picture;

4 Page 1 in your Homework Notebook Exploring Physical Science 1.1

5 Enter Foldable Title in Table of Contents PageDescription 1Exploring Physical Science 1.1

6 Page 1 Go back to page 1, cut out the first strip, Tab 1, and tape it on the first line. Exploring Physical Science 1.1 Tab 1: What is Science? p 6/ 1. Define science.; 2. Give two examples of how you use your knowledge of science in your everyday actions. 3. Explain what can cause scientific knowledge to change; 4. Explain what is often the first step in gathering knowledge;

7 Page 1 Start reading the textbook then answer all the questions under this tab. Notice that the page you will start reading on is on the tab right before the /. Exploring Physical Science 1.1 Tab 1: What is Science? p 6/ 1. Define science.; 2. Give two examples of how you use your knowledge of science in your everyday actions. 3. Explain what can cause scientific knowledge to change; 4. Explain what is often the first step in gathering knowledge;

8 Directions Make sure you read the textbook, don’t just look for answers! Also review any labs and notes completed in class. Read the textbook together.

9 Tab 1 –Define Science After you read the textbook, it is time to start answering the questions. Look at question 1 under Tab 1. It is Define science.

10 How to find the BEST definitions. Let’s suppose you’re in a hurry one night and decide to take a shortcut and just copy the definition from the back of the book. Everyone turn to the glossary.

11 How to find the BEST answers Let’s read the definition in the glossary together. Now read it several times to yourself and try to memorize it. Close the book and try to repeat the definition. Take turns in your group doing this. Was it easy?

12 How to find the BEST answers Now turn to page 7. Notice there is a definition in the margin. What do you notice? Is it different from the one in the glossary?

13 How to find the BEST answers Now look at the definition we read in the body of text. Read it again, silently to yourself and try to remember it. Each member of the group now try to repeat the definition of science. Compare the two different definitions and discuss in your group which would be a better definition for you to put in your study guide to remember.

14 Directions Go back to the Study Guide and copy this definition, Write neatly- print or type- in complete sentences. Restate each question-no credit will be given if not restated. Leave spaces in between questions.

15 Tab 1 –Define Science 1. Science is the process of gathering knowledge about the natural world.

16 Tab 1-Q 2 Give two examples of how you use your knowledge of science in your everyday actions. 1. You may not find all answers in the textbook- review your labsheets and any notes you may have taken (1.1.1- in your journal) 2. Climbing up a ladder- you know you can’t just step off the ladder. You know you can slide down a slope. You know paper will burn.

17 Directions Remember, Study Guide is being constructed by you, FOR you, to reinforce your learning. Study while constructing! Have someone quiz you over it after you’ve studied.

18 Tab 1- Q 3 3. Explain what can cause scientific knowledge to change; Sometimes the answer may not be in your notebook or the textbook, but would be something you should be able to answer from class discussions. Scientific knowledge will change as new discoveries are made or new knowledge is obtained.

19 Tab 1- Q4 4. Explain what is often the first step in gathering knowledge Making observations then asking questions is often the first step in gathering knowledge.

20 Tab 2: Q 1 Define physical science; Start reading on page 7 to find answers for Tab 2. Physical science is the study of matter and energy.

21 Tab 2, Q 2 Define matter; Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. It’s the “stuff” that everything is made of.

22 Tab 2, Q 3 Give an example and picture of matter. People, air, water.

23 Tab 2, Q4 Define energy Energy is the ability to do work.

24 Tab 2, Q 5 Give an example and picture of a form of energy. Electricity is a form of energy. A solar powered calculator is an example of technology using this energy.

25 Tab 3, Q 1 Define chemistry; Start reading on page 8 to find answers for Tab 3. Chemistry is the study of all forms of matter and how matter interacts with other matter

26 Tab 3, Q 2 Give an example and picture of chemistry; Mixing vinegar and baking soda causes a chemical reaction.

27 Tab 3, Q 3 Define physics The study of energy and the way energy affects matter

28 Tab 3, Q 4 Give example with picture of physics

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