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THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20030 Mission PDR Cost & Schedule Review Probe & Probe Carrier Program Management Director of Civil and Commercial Space Michael Cully.

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Presentation on theme: "THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20030 Mission PDR Cost & Schedule Review Probe & Probe Carrier Program Management Director of Civil and Commercial Space Michael Cully."— Presentation transcript:

1 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20030 Mission PDR Cost & Schedule Review Probe & Probe Carrier Program Management Director of Civil and Commercial Space Michael Cully Manager of Finance and Planning Purshina Patel

2 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20031 Program Management Agenda  Swales Generic Preliminary Process Flow  Swales Generic Detail Design Process Flow  Schedule Process  Schedule Contingency Overview  THEMIS Major Milestone Schedule  Mission Level Critical Path Analysis  Critical Path Analysis Drill Down  Probe Slack Analysis  Flight Software Build Schedules  Example of Open Plan Schedule (Detail Schedule with 1500+ tasks)  WBS Reporting Levels –UCB/Swales reporting levels  Cost Proposal Development Summary  Summary of Costs per WBS  Cost Management at Swales  Phase B Burn Rate  Major Risk Areas

3 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20032 Preliminary Design Process

4 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20033 Detail Design Process

5 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20034 Schedule Process  Phase B –Vendors & Subsystem Leads work in MS Project due to ease of use –MS Project will not meet the long term needs of the program –Current master schedule / Open Plan (Welcom s/w suite) Converted into Open Plan Allows for the ingest, digest and output of both MS Project and PRIMAVERA Ability to link to accounting system Ability to perform complex resource scheduling Ability to perform Monte Carlo risk analysis –Phase B detail schedule Using interval milestones to drive program (i.e. completion of drawing package or start of s/w build 2) Based on Phase A information WBS Driven Vendors supply MS Project files driven by SOW –ARDE –Aerojet –GDDS Planner performs logic check of schedules and assesses need dates based on the Phase A anchor dates and then loads this information into Open Plan –Reporting will continue in MS Project Final testing of system complete in November Easy conversion from Open Plan to MS Project

6 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20035 Schedule Process  Integration & Test Schedule –Based on input from GSFC pre-confirmation review Creating further detail for the I&T flow Emphasis on Instrument Integration Emphasis on Environmental Test program Including the “nitty-gritty” type activities Using 5 day work week / 8 hour days Applying resource loading / leveling Also assessing production planning and it is integrated with Work Order Authorization (WOA) system

7 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20036 CSR Schedule Contingency  Schedule contingency is driven by Long Lead Procurements: –Propellant Tanks –RCS –Transponder –BAU Single Board Computer Power Control Electronics SMEX/TRIANA Comp Card –Base Panel  Probe 1 is completed first and is the trail blazer for Probes 2 – 5  Baseline is 12 weeks of schedule contingency (60 working days) between Probe 1 Delivery and the start of Probe I&T  The “A” Team consists of the full complement of the I&T Team. The “A” team builds Probe 1 and then bifurcates into two Teams to build Probes 2-3 & Probes 4-5 in parallel. A residual of the “A” team continues on with the environmental testing of Probes.  Probe Carrier is built in parallel by a separate Mechanical Team and links up with Probes at test facility  Schedule contingency at back end of program has been lumped into a full 60 days (4W +4W +4W) based on direction from GSFC

8 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20037 Major Milestone Schedule #1  General Assumptions –Five day work week with 8 hrs per shift –Exception to above rule will be TV/TB testing and major moves –I&T schedule constrained by Team availability starting with Probe 1 build –Weekends can be used to make up schedule prior to mission I&T

9 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20038 Summary Schedule

10 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/20039 Major Milestone Schedule #2 Potential earlier delivery of Instruments allows earlier start of I&T Bus integration contingencies Currently working day to day scheduling flow with UCB

11 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200310 Major Milestone Schedule #3 Probe Carrier contingency is in parallel with Probe schedule contingency Probe #1 has significant slack at end of I&T Unused slack will be utilized for mission simulations (based on resource availability)

12 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200311 Critical Path Analysis  Project management philosophy –All items are potential critical path items unless they are managed properly Focus on the current critical path item Focus on delta between ‘slack’ and ‘contingency’ Develop strategies to minimize durations Simultaneously keeping all other items off the critical path with constant schedule vigilance and workarounds Critical path defined as activity flow with < or = zero slack based on interval milestone dates Pink path defined as activity flow with less than ten days of slack

13 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200312 Mission Level Critical Path

14 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200313 Critical Path Analysis Drill Down  Current critical path at Probe level –Base panel composite structure delivery to RCS vendor This will subsequently drive availability of base panel for IDPU integration –Side panel composite structure delivery to Solar Array vendor Since Solar Array is last item to be installed prior to start of Environmental test program it inherently has slack in current schedule –Overall structure deliveries are driven by thermal cycling & strength testing of each Probe prior to delivery to I&T  Probe Carrier is off the critical path –Built in parallel with Probes 1 – 5 –Has adequate schedule contingency  Flight software is off critical path –Using commercial processor boards and Engineering Development Unit

15 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200314 Probe 1 Component Slack Analysis

16 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200315 Probe 2 Component Slack Analysis

17 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200316 Probe 3 Component Slack Analysis

18 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200317 Probe 4 Component Slack Analysis

19 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200318 Probe 5 Component Slack Analysis

20 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200319 Flight Software Development THEMIS Flight Software BuildPlanned Start Planned Finish Flight Like ETU Required Build 0 Development03-Sept-200331-Oct-2003No Build 0 Test Conduct03-May-200415-May-2004Yes Build 1 Development09-Dec-200301-Apr-2004No Build 1 Test Conduct01-Apr-200415-Apr-2004No Build 2 Development02-Apr-200401-Sep-2004Yes Build 2 Test Conduct01-Aug-200431-Aug-2004Yes Build 3 (Cleanup Build )01-Sep-200426-Nov-2004Yes Build 3 Test Conduct29-Nov-200417-Dec-2004Yes Commercial Cold-Fire BAU EDU Required by May 03, 2004

21 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200320 Flight Software Schedule

22 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200321 Example of Open Plan Schedule This page intentionally left blank View graph will be available at the meeting

23 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200322 Financial/Monthly Reporting Levels to UCB

24 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200323 Financial/Monthly Reporting Levels to UCB Spares

25 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200324 Cost Basis of Estimates * Note: Yes indicates that this WBS element has lower level WBS elements, which include NRE, hardware, and RE items. Primary = Represents primary means of pricing. Secondary = Represents secondary means of pricing. Probe and Probe Carrier

26 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200325 Cost Basis of Estimates * Note: Yes indicates that this WBS element has lower level WBS elements, which include NRE, hardware, and RE items. Primary = Represents primary means of pricing. Secondary = Represents secondary means of pricing. Probe and Probe Carrier

27 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200326 Summary Of Costs Probe & Probe Carrier

28 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200327 Cost Management @ Swales  General Tracking of Costs –Subsystem Leads responsible for monitoring all labor and material charges Charge numbers are opened at the fifth WBS level –PM and Subsystem Leads review weekly spending via on-line reports Cost data available weekly –Major subcontracts are Firm Fixed Price with $ Milestones consistent with SOW (exception to Hammers) –Contractors working via purchase order or cost-reimbursement, invoice bi- monthly PM sign off required prior to processing  Phase B - Budgets versus actual spending worked at summary level  Phase C/D – Swales internal Performance Measurement System –Budget Cost Work Schedule (BCWS) developed in Open Plan for each major subsystem –Budget Cost Work Performed (BCWP) calculated by statusing of Open Plan –Actual Cost Worked Performed (ACWP) compared to BCWS & BCWP to assess performance –Estimates To Complete (ETC) initiated for WBS elements projected to be > 10% of Budget At Completion (ITD + ETC)

29 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200328 Phase B Burn Rate  Labor Hours (as of 10/24/03) –Exceptional labor performance against original plan –Slower start up in staffing in some areas (Electrical Engineering) –On average we are using a more experience staff than we proposed resulting in efficiencies in design –Trend should level off consistent with cost proposal in next several months –Current labor savings will be used to buy down risk in phase C/D

30 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200329 Phase B Burn Rate  Subcontract/Material (as of 10/24/03) –Lag between billing and processing ~ 2 weeks Bills being processed ~ $705K First invoices: Tanks, RCS, Ball, Hammers, Jupin –Outstanding commitments ~ $920K –Slower ramp up of major subcontract Hammers Company running true to original plan –Budget included $1.3M for electronics vendor - GDDS not on board yet

31 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200330 Current Open Risks  The Stoplight Report ranks all of the Open risks Update planned for December 2003

32 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200331 Major Risk Areas  Separation System Design & Test –Number one risk for Probe & Probe Carrier going into / coming out of Phase B was Separation System Move to more classical approach for Separation System (Marman Band) Reducing overall risk Will require more resources in order to achieve performance levels –Engineering Test program will begin in second quarter of 2004  Antenna Design –A result of FAST Antenna not meeting THEMIS requirements embarked on antenna RF pattern study at Ball. Requires more NRE expenditures Recent analysis indicates that the geometry works Antenna currently not on critical path  Single Board Computer –Flight Software issue (paging) with original baseline would have driven schedule and test program. Move to ColdFire allowed for use of Commercial ColdFire board early on in FSW test program. –Cost reserves applied to lower long term risk on the program –Engineering Development Unit planned for second quarter of 2004

33 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200332 Major Risk Areas  Long Lead Procurements –Tanks & RCS contracts are on track with substantial savings against original budgets –Thruster sizing increase reduces operational risk and increases burn efficiency  Magnetic & ESD Requirements –Continue to work magnetic & ESD requirements with UCB/UCLA –Final Solar Array pricing will be driven by magnetic cleanliness and ESD compliance  BAU Part Pricing –Continue to work design and EEE parts requirements –Final pricing of BAU will be driven by specific parts implementation  Quality Assurance Requirements Changes –Recent proposed changes to QA requirements particularly in parts area Force re-opening of contract discussions with vendors Cause significant schedule delays. Result in an overall increase in costs to the program

34 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200333 Mission PDR Cost & Schedule Review Probe & Probe Carrier Program Management Backup Slides I&T/Launch Site Flows Examples of Detail Schedules

35 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200334 Preliminary Generic Probe Bus I&T Flow

36 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200335 Preliminary Instrument / Bus I&T Flow

37 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200336 Probe and Probe Carrier Environmental Test Flow Mass properties & Spin Balance Modal Signature, Protoflight/Acceptance Sine and Random Vibe 2/1 Separation Test Thermal Vacuum (& Thermal Balance on Probe 1) Post Environmental CPT Ready for PCA Integration Assemble Probe Carrier Probe Mass Mockups Install Harness & Thermal ELV Fit Check (If Required) Modal Survey, Qual Sine Burst (Fixed Base) Qualified Probes and PC Begin Integration Integrate Probes 2 -5 with PCA CPT Acceptance Sine Vibe & Protoflight Acoustic Test (3712 PAF & Band) RF Performance & Self Compatibility test CPT, Mission Sim, Launch Sim Deintegrate Probes & PC, Pack Separately Probes 2-5 I&T Ship to KSC for Launch Preliminary

38 THEMIS MPDR PM 11/12/200337 Launch Site Flow

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