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Hofstra JRNL10 Prof. Vaccaro.  SPJ compiled a list of things for student journalists to do before they graduate. Let ’ s take a look at that list to.

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Presentation on theme: "Hofstra JRNL10 Prof. Vaccaro.  SPJ compiled a list of things for student journalists to do before they graduate. Let ’ s take a look at that list to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hofstra JRNL10 Prof. Vaccaro

2  SPJ compiled a list of things for student journalists to do before they graduate. Let ’ s take a look at that list to start… CLICK HERE

3  Before jobs come internships and before internships comes on-campus experience; school paper, school websites, school magazine, school radio station, school TV. Get my drift?  Many internships look for some previous experience. If you submit a resume with nothing compared to your competitor who has done all of the above … he or she wins.  How do I get started? Knock on the door, say hello and be open to new things. Send an email. Make a phone call. Network. Do it all. Now is the time.

4  Freelance for outside publications or radio stations … you don ’ t need a previous internship, you need some clips (on-campus) or something substantial to show you can perform the task.  Treat your classmates and peers as competitors … always try to be better off in your career and your experience then others you know. Always try to be the hardest worker you know.  What can you do, that others haven ’ t? What will someone say wow about?  Network at functions, meetings, cold call people, ask power position individuals for advice.

5  I ’ m nervous, I never wrote or did anything like this before. So what! That ’ s what college is for … test it out, see if you like it.  How much is enough? Do I get involved with everything? It depends on your major and career goals. Everyone is different. Assess your goals and do what you think is necessary. Talk to a professor/advisor.  I work, I commute, I take a full course load, how am I supposed to do more? Sacrifice is an important characteristic. Understand that need to work hard now to reap the benefits of landing a job later. Remember that there is always someone out there working harder.

6  Prepare: Update your resume, edit your resume, let someone look it over, put it on plain white paper, do not be fancy. Write a cover letter specific to that internship, be to the point, not longwinded and overly creative.  Target: Where do you want to apply? Proximity … to your home or your campus housing, where you live. But if you want to move, then open the search wider.  None of them are guaranteed, so don ’ t take chances by applying to only a few.  Apply: Four-month lead time … don ’ t wait until May for a summer internship. The beginning of the semester is a good rule of thumb.  Interview: If you get called in, that ’ s a good thing. You need to look presentable, speak clearly, do not show any signs of nervousness and come prepared with understanding the company you might intern at shortly.

7  Time to get a job … apply for everything and anything. With this job market, there are no guarantees.  Use your connections and networks from four years of college.  See if the place you interned at is hiring.  How many jobs should I apply for? As much as it takes. 250-300 is not too much by the way.

8  Continue to stay active in the craft… free-lance for things nationwide if you ’ re up for it.  For broadcast students, remember that PA jobs or low level part-time jobs are good to start with … you can work your way up fast, so don ’ t turn them down.  Use Hofstra and its alumni network.  Consider going to graduate school  If you want something bad enough, you ’ ll figure out a way to get a job. Do not let the market dictate your future, only you can affect the outcome of your life and career.

9  You have a resume, cover letter, clips and ambition, but it ’ s not enough  Create a Twitter feed that you can list on your resume, Facebook if you want, but not necessary. Show the employer you know social media … everyone uses it.  Open a LinkedIn account  Create a digital portfolio …

10  Must always be 1 and only 1 page  Don’t lead with an “objectives” statement  Don’t lead with your education/degrees  Play up ALL communication/journalism related activities  Break up into sections: journalism experience, miscellaneous, education, references  Always include at least 2-3 references

11  In class, let ’ s create a Linked In page if you don ’ t already have one …

12  Reminders …  Bring resume/cover letter to be critiqued next class  ALL FINAL WORK DUE next week!

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