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Adoption a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another who is not kin transfers all rights and responsibilities from the original parent.

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Presentation on theme: "Adoption a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another who is not kin transfers all rights and responsibilities from the original parent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adoption a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another who is not kin transfers all rights and responsibilities from the original parent or parents requires societal recognition, either through legal or religious sanction Lopez, Camille Cecilia S.

2 Top Reasons To Consider Adoption unable to conceive children of their own some known genetic trait that would result in a child with poor health health concerns relating to pregnancy and childbirth divorce or death of one parent to avoid contributing to perceived overpopulation Lopez, Camille Cecilia S.

3 Contemporary adoption practices can be divided into two forms Open adoption fully disclosed adoption interact directly with biological kin letters, emails, telephone calls, or visits. Arrangements regarding contact are typically informal. legal rights of guardianship are terminated adoptive parents become the legal parents. Closed adoption non-identifying information is shared between the parties involved medical history no further information is shared between the parties involved It may occur because of abuse or neglect the parties involved do not want any contact. Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. semi-open adoption,

4 Two Types of Adoption Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. Domestic Adoption adopting a child within the country where you reside a private child adoption or an agency child adoption.

5 Local Adoption in the Philippines Three types of adoption Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. licensed agency finds and develops adoptive families legal rights of the child, the parents who gave birth to the child and the parents who will adopt the child, are all equally protected. Agency adoptions biological parents make a direct placement of the child to a relative or a member of their extended family Family or relative adoptions either be a direct placement to a family known by the child's biological parents or through the use of an intermediary or a go-between Private or independent adoptions

6 Who can adopt? Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. Filipino Citizens 1. Of legal age 2. In possession of full civil capacity and legal rights 3. Of good moral character 4. Has not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude Reference: Civil Law Bar Operations 2008

7 Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. Who can adopt? 5. Emotionally and psychologically capable of caring for children 6. At least sixteen (16) years older than adoptee, except when adopter is biological parent of the adoptee or is the spouse of the adoptee’s parent 7. In a position to support and care for his/her children in keeping with the means of the family Reference: Civil Law Bar Operations 2008

8 Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. International Adoption Inter-country adoption permanent parents of a child born in another country adoptive parents must meet the legal adoption requirements of their country of residence and those of the country in which the child was born. Two Types of Adoption

9 Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. 1.Possession of the same as the qualifications for Filipinos 2.His/her country has diplomatic relations with the Philippines 3.Has been living continuously for 3 years (provided that absences not exceeding 60 days per 1 year for professional, business, or emergency reasons are allowed) in RP prior to filing of decree is entered except this may be waived under the following: Reference: Civil Law Bar Operations 2008 Who can adopt?

10 Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. (i) A former Filipino Citizen who seeks to adopt a relative within the 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity (ii) One who seeks to adopt the legitimate or illegitimate child of his/her Filipino spouse (iii) One who is married to a Filipino Citizen and seeks to adopt jointly with his/her spouse a relative within the 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity of the Filipino spouse Who can adopt? Reference: Civil Law Bar Operations 2008

11 Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. 4. Has been certified by his/her diplomatic or consular office or any appropriate government agency that he/she has the legal capacity to adopt in his/her country 5. His/her government allows the adoptee to enter his/her country as his/her adoptee 6. Has submitted all the necessary clearances and such certifications as may be required Who can adopt? Reference: Civil Law Bar Operations 2008

12 Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. WHO MAY BE ADOPTED: 1. Any person below 18 years old who has been administratively or judicially declared available for adoption 2. The legitimate child of one spouse by the other spouse 3. An illegitimate child by a qualified adopter to improve the child’s status to that of legitimacy

13 Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. 4. A person of legal age if, prior to the adoption, said person has been consistently considered and treated by the adopter(s) as his/her child since minority 5. A child whose previous adoption has been rescinded 6. A child whose biological or adoptive parent(s) has died, provided that no proceedings shall be initiated within 6 months from the time of death of said parent(s) WHO MAY BE ADOPTED:

14 Effects of Adoption On the Adoptee – new parents offer hope for a better future and a normal life – gain a relationship that is permanent and healthy – experience the self-worth – Attention deficit disorders, eating disorder, alcohol abuse – at their teen age sometimes feel distant to some people and feel insecure Lopez, Camille Cecilia S.

15 Effects of Adoption On the Adoptive parents – blessed on the opportunity to extend a helping hand to a child in need – allowed to view and impact a young and impressionable life – feeling of self-worth in guiding a child to achieving their full potential – sense of dejection and defeat instilled into their minds – some may complain of not experiencing an intimacy from their adopted child – Sometimes they become overprotective about the child Lopez, Camille Cecilia S.

16 Virtues of a Health Care Professional Virtues – traits of character or habits of disposition to think and act in ways that are good – do what is morally right – moral excellence that puts order into life and makes both the possessor and the act good

17 THE VIRTUES FidelityHonestyHumility CompassionJusticeCourage Prayerfulness Lopez, Camille Cecilia S.

18 When the marital act of sexual intercourse is not able to attain its procreative purpose, assistance that does not separate the unitive and procreative ends of the act, and does not substitute for the marital act itself, may be used to help married couples conceive. Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, based on Vatican Instruction

19 FIDELITY Faithfulness to trust and promise TRUST is the basis of patient-healthcare professional relationship Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. avoiding conflicts of interests: using a patient as a means to advance power, prestige, etc. In healthcare

20 HONESTY both in truthfulness and integrity Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. Telling the patient the truth about his illness, its nature, prognosis, etc. Telling the risks & dangers of different advanced technologies In healthcare If a couple cannot conceive a child by using own (their) sperm and egg cells, even with medical assistance… - Accept infertility - Explore other alternatives (e.g. adopting) If a couple cannot conceive a child by using own (their) sperm and egg cells, even with medical assistance… - Accept infertility - Explore other alternatives (e.g. adopting)

21 HUMILITY Recognizing one’s capabilities and limitations accepting deserved praise and denying underserved praise Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. continuously updating one’s knowledge patient knows best accepting colleagues may know better In healthcare

22 COMPASSION feeling for the loss/ suffering of another Self sacrifice voluntarily given for the benefit of another Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. Listening to patient’s anxieties or parents worries Telling bad news kindly to a dying patients In healthcare

23 JUSTICE Constant will to give another his due Adjusting what is owed Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. Offering needed healthcare to a smoker charging the poor less than the usual professional fee In healthcare

24 COURAGE Doing what is right without undue fear True to one’s calling Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. Fights for the patient’s rights and works for improvements in healthcare delivery despite threats, unpopularity and deprivations In healthcare

25 PRAYERFULNESS Seek God’s help in everything one does Prayer provides consolation, encouragement and strength Lopez, Camille Cecilia S.

26 Assisted Insemination “Assist” by placing the laboratory treated sperm of the husband (AIH) / donor into the wife’s vagina, cervical canal, and uterus In Vitro Fertilization: in a Petri dish Not the normal environment of fertilization In Vitro Fertilization: Human embryo freezing Early detection of male / female gender Pre-implantation diagnosis of genetic chromosomal abnormalities If an embryo has an abnormality, it is not transferred to the uterus but is DISCARDED Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. Early Human Embryo healthcare provider : Give Protection: to human beings from the time of fertilization forward Veatch, R. (Ed.) (1997). Medical Ethics (2nd ed.). Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Separates marital act of sexual intercourse and procreative aspects of human sexual activity

27 Surrogate Parenthood Can be done using Full surrogacy Partial surrogacy “Vendor” or as a “Favor” Psychological effects on all parties Gamete-InterFallopian Transfer Maximizes fertilization of egg within fallopian tubes Normal site Procedure should avoid possibility of extracorporeal conception Ova collected but not transferred to the body should not be fertilized in vitro Adoption Adopting parents rescue an already- existing child from a situation of homelessness Self-giving love Theological virtues of Faith Hope Charity Lopez, Camille Cecilia S. Separates marital act of sexual intercourse and procreative aspects of human sexual activity

28 Lopez, Camille Cecilia S.

29 END. THANKS! Lopez, Camille Cecilia S.

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