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Sclar Large Animal Emergency Evacuation Introduction to NIMS & ICS BLM providing animal evacuation during 2007 southern California Fires.

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Presentation on theme: "Sclar Large Animal Emergency Evacuation Introduction to NIMS & ICS BLM providing animal evacuation during 2007 southern California Fires."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sclar Large Animal Emergency Evacuation Introduction to NIMS & ICS BLM providing animal evacuation during 2007 southern California Fires

2 What is NIMS?  National Incident Management System A comprehensive, national approach to incident management. Applicable across jurisdictional levels & functional disciplines Improves coordination & cooperation between public & private entities

3 What is ICS?  Incident Command System A KEY component of NIMS A standard for emergency management across the country  Utilized by any emergency responders for fire, biohazard, flood, terrorist attacks, planned events,  An entire management system

4 Why do I need to know about NIMS & ICS?  All State & local organizations are required to adopt and employ NIMS as a condition for federal preparedness assistance grants, contracts and other activities.  We work with and at the direction of these local and state authorities. We must therefore be conversant with these protocolsand terminology

5 Why do we need a National Incident System?  Events of September 11 have underscored the need for and importance of national standards for incident operations, communications, personnel qualifications, resource management, information management and supporting technology.  To provide for domestic incident response allowing interoperability & compatibility among all responders.

6 NIMS Components  Comprised of several components working together as a system to provide a national framework – preparing for, preventing, responding to and recovering from domestic incidents.

7 The components are  Command & Management  Preparedness  Resource Management  Communications & Information Management  Supporting Technologies  Ongoing Management and Maintenance

8 Which affect Sclar how???  Management Structures are based on 3 key organizational systems: ICS (Incident Command System) Multiagency Coordination System Public Information System  We need to be aware of the above and how the organizational systems interface and blend with our functions.

9 Use of Position Titles Organizational LevelTitle Incident CommandIncident Commander Command StaffOfficer General Staff (Section)Chief BranchDirector Division/GroupSupervisor UnitLeader Strike Team/Task Force THIS IS WHERE WE FIT IN Leader

10 E.O.C. or I.C.P. O.E.S. ANIMAL CONTROL SCLAR IC LIAISON Sclar Field Ops CHAIN OF COMMAND & Contact Points Field Ops Sclar Leader Sclar Supervisors (1 for each 7 volunteers) Volunteers

11 Where do we fit in?  We are considered a resource. We are therefore considered a “task force” or “strike team” in the organizational levels. Within our own group, we have “resources”, including volunteers, equipment, communications skills  Regardless of the incident, we will be at the bottom of the chain of command.

12 What DON’T we do?  We don’t release information. All information is released through the IC Press Information Officer. Big trouble if you talk out of turn.  We don’t “jump chain”. We adhere to the chain of command  We don’t refuse to do something (without good cause relating to safety) when asked.

13 Why do I need this training?  Where we fit in during an event  So we can be effective in animal evacuations  Safeguard our own life & lives of others  As with any job, we must be familiar with the verbiage, chain of command  We are expected to adhere to protocols. We need to know the rules

14 Which FEMA courses do I need?  IS 100 – Intro to Incident Command System  IS 200 – ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents  IS 700 – National Incident Management System (NIMS), an Introduction

15 How long does this take?  Depending on your internet connection, probably an hour and a half to three hours for each course. Need not take the entire course at one sitting, you can split it up in segments.  Courses are available outside of the internet.

16 Contact us  We would like to assist you in facilitating course completion(s) and testing.

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