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Southern Colonies.  George Calvert, Lord Baltimore  Catholic  Wanted a safe place for Catholics who were persecuted in England  Died before he received.

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Colonies.  George Calvert, Lord Baltimore  Catholic  Wanted a safe place for Catholics who were persecuted in England  Died before he received."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern Colonies

2  George Calvert, Lord Baltimore  Catholic  Wanted a safe place for Catholics who were persecuted in England  Died before he received the grant  His son, Cecilius, inherited the colony  Named after the Virgin Mary.

3  Chesapeake Bay; up the Potomac River  Fertile countryside  Tobacco  Corn  Fruit  Vegetables  Livestock

4  Main settlement of Maryland  Had large estates for close relatives and aristocrats from England  Promised 100 acres to each male settler, 100 for his wife, 100 for each servant, 50 for each child  Also imported African slaves and indentured servants

5 PennsylvaniaMaryland  Calvert and Penn families argued over boundary between the colonies.  1760s; hired two British astronomers  Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon  Rocks were painted to create a visual boundary line  Boundary line between the North and South

6  Protestants outnumbered Catholics in Maryland  Calvert had to create a law to protect the Catholics  This law allowed Protestants and Catholics the right to worship freely.

7 William Berkeley  Wealthy tobacco owners in Virginia had the best lands near the coast.  New settlers were forced to move inland.  Governor Berkeley sent explorers over the Blue Ridge Mountains to open up the Virginia territory.

8  Arrived at Jamestown when he was 26.  Had gotten into a lot of trouble in England and his father hoped that sending him to Virginia would straighten him out.  He was a cousin to the governor’s wife.

9  After only one year in Virginia, he became a member of the governor’s council.  Previously, only wealthy land owners who had been in the colony for a period of time were allowed to be on the council.

10  Berkeley had told the Native Americans that the settlers would stay off their lands.  Bacon, however, opposed the governor.  Many refused to stay out of the lands in the west.

11  1676  Bacon led a rebellion of westerners in an attack on Native American villages.  Then, he set fire to the capital and drove Berkeley into exile.  The rebellion ended when Bacon died.  Showed that the colonists were not willing to be restricted to the coast.



14  1663  King Charles II created a large colony south of Virginia  Named Carolina. This meant “Charles’ land.”  1680 – main settlement – Charles Town  The colony eventually separated into North and South Carolina

15 North Carolina  Settled mostly by farmers  Grew tobacco and sold timber products  Did not have a good harbor  Relied on Virginia’s ports and merchants to conduct their trade

16 South Carolina  Fertile farmland  Great harbor at Charles Town  Eliza Lucas – page 89  Slave labor ◦ Island of Barbados ◦ Slaves were used to produce sugar on the island ◦ Worked rice fields in Carolina ◦ By 1708, more than half the people in southern Carolina were slaves

17 James Oglethorpe  A colony for English debtors and poor people could make a fresh start  Also used as a buffer to the Spanish settlements in Florida  Savannah – main settlement  1751 colony failed and was given back to the crown

18  Quebec  Fur trapping  Trade  Fishing  Built forts and trading posts  Worked with the Native Americans and became friends  No permanent settlements

19  Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America.  Also expanded into western and southern parts of what would one day be the United States.  1609 / 1610 – established Santa Fe  Spanish priests created a string of missions to Christianize the Indians

20  Britain and Spain  Britain and France  France and Spain  When fighting broke out in Europe, it would often break out between the colonists; especially those in Georgia and Florida

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