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Preparing the Country Report and Report Cards
In this session, we will discuss the process of using the collected information and data from the evaluation, keeping in mind analysis of collected data, consensus building, writing a final report, media briefing, and sharing the report with the WBTi secretariat etc. We will also discuss various ways by which the report could be utilised.
Summary The Process Contents of the Country Report
Templates: Report and report card Analysis and Verification process
The Assessment Process and Finalising the Report
WBTi Team at IBFAN Asia RCO After the assessment process is completed and findings are shared with the WBTi secretariat & IBFAN Asia by the country coordinator, Analysis & Verification Process begins Trains Country Coordinator Collect information, Conduct assessments, finalise amongst core group and prepare a report Formulates Core group This slide summarizes the process of assessment of Policies and Programmes on IYCF at national level using WBTi. WBTi team at IBFN Asia RCO trains country coordinators in a three day workshop in the methodology to use WBTi. Country coordinators, at country level formulates a core group of experts keeping COI in view. The core group prepares a draft report using the WBTi questionnaire. This report is shared with a larger group of assessment partners in a day long meeting. Suggestions coming forward in this meeting are discussed and suitable suggestions are incorporated in the final consensus draft report. This report is submitted to the IBFAN Asia RCO for further action. Report presented to a wider audience for review and comments and build consensus Assessment Partners Incorporate comments and suggestions into the final outcome of the report
Process of Generating Report Card
Accomplish WBTi assessment at country level Report sent to RCO for verification Data uploaded on web based tool after due procedure Grading, color coding, maps and graphs are created to prepare a report card on a prescribed template through the tool Prepare country report card for advocacy After accomplishing the assessment at country level, the draft report is shared with the IBFAN Asia RCO. RCO verifies the data and facts used for preparing the report with the help of a standard process of varification. The process used by IBFAN Asia RCO is described in the next slide. Once the report is verified, and finalised, it is sent to the country coordinator for approval. The approved report is uploaded on the WBTi web portal. The portal assigns grades and color codes to the report. Maps and graphs can also be generated on the portal by the registered users. Using the color coding, grades, graphs and maps, a country report card may be generated. Using the information available on the web portal, a country report card, thus can be prepared for further use.
Contents of a Country Report
Basic Information 1. Country Name 2. Assessment Year 3. Photo 4. Introduction Background Assessment process followed by the country List of the partners for the assessment process The report has these contents and most countries do follow a uniform pattern, but it is not that essential. Countries can make their own decision on design and layouts as well. We do have a template to assist. Logos are also provided.
Report Template
The template for the country report is available on the web portal and also may be procured electronically from the IBFAN Asia RCO.
The process of report analysis and verification follows a standard process which includes looking for basic structure of the report; information about the assessment process followed by the country and a list of country partners for the assessment process. Subsequent slides will explain it in more details. Verification Process
Assessment Findings Part - I : policy and programmes (indicator 1-10)
Sources of findings Gaps Recommendations For the indicators on policies and programmes (indicator 1-10), the analysis focuses on the findings filled up by the country in the questionnaire for the individual indicator. I t also looks into the source of information used to fill up the questionnaire. Finally it looks into the gaps and recommendations based on the assessment findings.
Analysis and Verification Process
Part - II : infant feeding practices (indicator 11-15) National in scope data. Source of the data with year Summary comments Recommendations For the indicator on IYCF practices (11-15), the analysis focuses on scope of the data, source and year of the data. It also look into the summary comments and recommendations.
Analysis & Verification
If some discrepancy or deficiency is found in the submitted report, it is brought into the notice of the country coordinator. In this report, about the presence of the comprehensive IEC strategy for improving IYCF says “to some extent”. However, the recommendation says, “ There is no on questionnaire says there is no comprehensive IEC strategy for improving IYCF. A note was put to the country coordinator to explain this discrepancy. Similarly, there was no source of information provided for this indicator. Again, a note was put to the CC.
Contd If some discrepancy or deficiency is found in the submitted report, it is brought into the notice of the country coordinator. Here, the source of information has been cited as the core group. A record of the minutes of the meeting has been asked from the CC. In the second graphic, data for the initiation of breastfeeding not available in the country. But the report contained data from a medical college. The CC was requested not to use the data which is not of national scope and to indicate that data for this particular indicator is not available.
Contd. For : Indicator 3: • Implementation of the International Code: We Verify with ICDC Blue SOC (State of the code by country) After looking into the basic information, the analysis looks into the sanctity of the data using some standard reports and other documents available in the public domain. For example, for indicator 3 on Implementation of the International Code, countries are asked to refer to the latest version of the State of the Code by Country document developed periodically by International Code Documentation Centre (ICDC)
Contd.: Indicator 4 Indicator 4: Maternity Protection:
Verify with WABA “Status of Maternity Protection by Country” (see WBTi portal) Verify with Ratifications of C183 Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183) available on ILO website: ( Similarly for the indicator 4 on Maternity protection, two important documents to be referred are WABA’s Status of Maternity Protection by Country and information about the Ratifications of C183 Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183).
Finalisation Reports requiring clarifications/corrections are sent back to the country coordinator This process goes on till the report is finalized Final report is sent to the country coordinator for written approval as well After the the country coordinator agrees, the report is uploaded on the web portal, which generates scores and colour coding. Analysis Cont….
Report Card Template The report template, which is MS Word document is provided to the Country Coordinator on WBTi website to insert the country data and prepare a Report Card for the country. This is a single sheet of paper containing assessment scores on the front side and other infprmations like key gaps, key recommendations, process of assessment etc on the reverse side. Reverse side also contains space for putting logo and contact details of country groups/ persons who accomplished the assessment. IBFAN Asia and BPNI logos and contact information are already placed on the template.
How to make use of report cards
Who can use the information generated by WBTi
Govt. agencies To include interventions in the country plan discussion ---- implementation To focus more on critical areas Donor agencies To focus on areas of immediate concerns and fitting in their plans Media To develop stories on the pressing issues To initiate a debate in public domain The report and the report card may be used by the government agencies to develop the country plans; donor agnecies to focus on areas of immediate concers; media to develop stories on pressing issues and initiate debates etc.
Civil Society Organisations can use the report for
Advocacy with govt. agencies MOHFW / MOPH MWCD MON HIV/AIDS agency Labour ministry MO Internal security/ Home Ministry of statistics Ministry of Law Others Advocacy with UN agencies Advocacy with Donors Advocacy with Media Advocacy with professional organizations Sharing with other civil society groups and having a collective response To develop actions on campaigns, trainings, code monitoring etc. Civil Society Organiations may use the report/report card for advocacy with various relevant groups.
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