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> > > > Prepared for COP-4991 Component-Based Software Development Professor: S. Masoud Sadjadi COP 4991 – Fall 2006 – Term Project Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "> > > > Prepared for COP-4991 Component-Based Software Development Professor: S. Masoud Sadjadi COP 4991 – Fall 2006 – Term Project Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 > > > > Prepared for COP-4991 Component-Based Software Development Professor: S. Masoud Sadjadi COP 4991 – Fall 2006 – Term Project Presentation

2 COP 4991 – Fall 2006 – Term Project Presentation - > 2 Agenda  Introduction  Proposed System  System Architecture  BPEL Processes  Web Service Partners  Testing  Demo  Summary

3 COP 4991 – Fall 2006 – Term Project Presentation - > 3 Introduction  Purpose of the System –Motivation and problem statement.  Scope of the System –What should be expected from your system and what should not be expected.  Objective and Success Criteria –How should we evaluate the system?  Current System (if any) –If there is any current system that is capable of doing the functionality expected from your system, then explain what are their shortcomings, how you address those, and whether you are reusing them.

4 COP 4991 – Fall 2006 – Term Project Presentation - > 4 Proposed System  Overview –In a high-level fashion, explain what is the proposed system  Functional Requirements –What functionality your system is supposed to provide to its end users.  Non-functional Requirements –What are the quality of service provided in your system, including security, performance, fault tolerance and so on.

5 COP 4991 – Fall 2006 – Term Project Presentation - > 5 System Architecture  Overview  Hardware/Software Mapping –Basically a diagram that shows all the components of the system, on what node each are deployed, and what are the dependency and flow of information (control and data flow) among the components.  Persistent Data Management –If there is a need to save persistent information on a secondary storage, then how you have done so.  Access Control and Security –If there is a login/logout or any other measures of security provided in your system, then explain them.

6 COP 4991 – Fall 2006 – Term Project Presentation - > 6 BPEL Processes  BPEL Process 1  BPEL Process 2  …

7 COP 4991 – Fall 2006 – Term Project Presentation - > 7 Web Service Partners  Web Service 1  Web Service 2  …

8 COP 4991 – Fall 2006 – Term Project Presentation - > 8 Testing  Test Suite –How did you plan to test your system (simple and informal). –What are the input/output that you used to test your system.  Successful Tests –Did you come up with any tests that cause the system to fail? If so, report some of the interesting ones and share your experience with your classmates

9 COP 4991 – Fall 2006 – Term Project Presentation - > 9 Demo

10 10 Summary  Lessons learned!  To do and Not to do  Estimated time spent on each part  …

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