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Thoracic Surgery 04/23-05/25 Adewuni Seyi Ojo. DateAttending/ResPt name/MRDxCase 4/24/12Cassano/OjoHx testicular cancer with cystic mediastinal mass VATS.

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Presentation on theme: "Thoracic Surgery 04/23-05/25 Adewuni Seyi Ojo. DateAttending/ResPt name/MRDxCase 4/24/12Cassano/OjoHx testicular cancer with cystic mediastinal mass VATS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thoracic Surgery 04/23-05/25 Adewuni Seyi Ojo

2 DateAttending/ResPt name/MRDxCase 4/24/12Cassano/OjoHx testicular cancer with cystic mediastinal mass VATS with mediastinal cystic mass biopsy 4/25/12Cassano/OjoPersistent pneumothorax following MVC VATS, right lung decortication, bronchoscopy 4/26/12Cassano/OjoEmpyemaLeft thoracotomy, decortication, drainage of empyema 4/27/12Cassano/OjoWound infection, hx lung cancer, s/p RUL lobectomy Incision and drainage of chest wall abscess, drainage of pleural effusion Cassano/OjoBronchiectasis, recurrent pneumonia Right lower lobectomy, wedge resection of right middle lobe Cassano/OjoMediastinal and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy Mediastinoscopy, lymph node biopsy, bronchoscopy

3 DateAttending/ResPt name/MRDxCase 5/1/12Cassano/OjoMediastinal lymphadenopathy Right thoracoscopy, mediastinal node biopsy Cassano/OjoInclusion body myositis, s/p right lower lobe resection, closure of bronchopleural fistula with wound dehiscence Reopening right thoracotomy, partial decortication Cassano/OjoHx breast cancer, right pleural effusion Right thoracoscopy, pleural biopsy, right lung, pleurodesis 5/8/12Nicolato/OjoEmpyema s/p chest tube placement Left thoracotomy, drainage and decortication 5/11/12Cassano/OjoPersistent empyemaLeft thoracotomy, drainage, decortication

4 DateAttending/ResPt name/MRDxCase 5/11/12Nicolato/Suys/p MVC, left chest wall trauma, bronchopleural fistula Bronchoscopy, repair of bronchopleural fistula with pericardial patch, repair of lung laceration Cassano/OjoLeft hilar lung cancerLeft pneumonectomy Cassano/OjoHx cirrhosis, right hydrothorax Right thoracotomy, decortication 5/13/12Nicolato/YoungRespiratory failure, poor oxygenation Placement of ECMO circuit 5/15/12Cassano/OjoLung cancerRight thoracotomy, right upper lobe bleb resection, mediastinal lymph node sampling

5 DateAttending/R es Pt name/MRDxCase 5/15/12Cassano/OjoS/P CABG, ESRD, recurrent right pleural effusion Right thoracoscopy, mechanical pleurodesis Cassano/OjoRight lung mass, hx right breast cancer Right thoracotomy, right upper lobe wedge biopsy 5/18/12Cassano/OjoHx lymphomaRight VATS, right mediastinal biopsy Cassano/OjoSpontaneous pneumothorax, left lung blebs Left VATS, blebectomy Cassano/OjoHx Histoplasmosis, lung lesionsLeft VATS, left lung wedge biopsy 5/22/12Cassano/OjoMediastinal adenopathyLeft VATS, mediastinal node biopsy Cassano/OjoMVC, left flail chest, hemothoraxLeft VATS, evacuation of hemothorax Cassano/OjoRight lung cancerRight thoracotomy, right lower lobectomy, mediastinal node sampling

6 Complications DateAttending/ResPt name/MRCaseDx 5/13/12Nicolato/YoungPlacement of ECMO circuit Ischemic right foot, withdrawal of care, death 4/6/12Cassano/HartwichHx inclusion body myositis, s/p right lower lobe resection, closure of bronchopleural fistula wound dehiscence

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