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Text mining. The Standard Data Mining process Text Mining Machine learning on text data Text Data mining Text analysis Part of Web mining Typical tasks.

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Presentation on theme: "Text mining. The Standard Data Mining process Text Mining Machine learning on text data Text Data mining Text analysis Part of Web mining Typical tasks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Text mining

2 The Standard Data Mining process

3 Text Mining Machine learning on text data Text Data mining Text analysis Part of Web mining Typical tasks include: – Text categorization (document classification) – Text clustering – Text summarization – Opinion mining – Entity/concept extraction – Information retrieval: search engines – information extraction: Question answering

4 Supervised learning algorithms – Decision tree learning – Naïve Bayes – K-nearest neighbour – Support Vector Machines – Neural Networks – Genetic algorithms

5 Supervised Machine learning 1. Build or get a representative corpus 2. Label it 3. Define features 4. Represent documents 5. Learn and analyse 6. Go to 3 until accuracy is acceptable First test features: stemmed words

6 Unsupervised Learning – Document clustering HAC K-means BIRCH …

7 Applying machine learning on text Text Representation (Feature Extraction) preprocessing Indexing Weighting Model Dimensionality Reduction Similarity measure: how to compare text

8 Feature Extraction: Task(1) Task: Extract a good subset of words to represent documents Document collection All unique words/phrases Feature Extraction All good words/phrases Some slides by Huaizhong Kou

9 Feature Extraction: Task(2) While more and more textual information is available online, effective retrieval is difficult without good indexing of text content. While-more-and-textual-information-is-available-online- effective-retrieval-difficult-without-good-indexing-text-content Feature Extraction Text-information-online-retrieval-index 16 5 2 1 1 1 1

10 Feature Extraction: preprocessing and Indexing(1) Identification all unique words Removal stop words Removal stop words Word Stemming Training documents Term Weighting Naive terms Importance of term in Doc  Removal of suffix to generate word stem  grouping words  increasing the relevance  ex.{walker,walking}  walk  non-informative word  ex.{the,and,when,more}

11 Feature Extraction: Indexing(2) Vector Space Model (VSM) is one of the most commonly used Text data models Any text document is represented by a vector of terms Terms are typically words and/or phrases Every term in the vocabulary becomes an independent dimension Each term in the text document would be represented by a non zero value which will be added in the corresponding dimension A document collection is represented as a matrix: Where x ji represents the weight of the ith term in jth document

12 Feature Extraction:Weighting Model(1) tf - Term Frequency weighting w ij = Freq ij Freq ij : := the number of times jth term occurs in document D i.  Drawback: without reflection of importance factor for document discrimination. Ex. ABRTSAQWA XAO RTABBAXA QSAK D1 D2 A B K O Q R S T W X D1 4 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D2 4 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1

13 Feature Extraction:Weighting Model(2) Tf-idf: simple version w ij = Freq ij * log(N/ DocFreq j ). N : := the number of documents in the training document collection. DocFreq j ::= the number of documents in which the jth term occurs. Advantage: with reflection of importance factor for document discrimination. Assumption:terms with low DocFreq are better discriminator than ones with high DocFreq in document collection A B K O Q R S T W X D1 0 0 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0.3 0 D2 0 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14 Feature Extraction: Weighting Model(3) Tf-IDF weighting = TF * IDF ] ABKOQRSTWX 0 4/12 * (lg(2/2)1/12*(lg(2/1)

15 Feature Extraction: Weighting Model Tf-IDF weighting Entropy weighting where is average entropy of ith term and -1: if word occurs once time in every document 0: if word occurs in only one document Ref:[13]Ref:[11][22]

16 Feature Extraction: Dimension Reduction Document Frequency Thresholding X 2 -statistic Latent Semantic Indexing Information Gain Mutual information

17 Dimension Reduction:DocFreq Thresholding Document Frequency Thresholding Calculates DocFreq(w) Sets threshold  Removes all words: DocFreq <  Naive Terms Training documents D Feature Terms

18 Similarity measure There are many different ways to measure how similar two documents are, or how similar a document is to a query Highly depending on the choice of terms to represent text documents – Euclidian distance (L2 norm) – L1 norm – Cosine similarity

19 Document Similarity Measures

20 Document Similarity measures

21 Document Clustering: Algorithms k-means Hierarchic Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) …. BIRCH Association Rule Hypergraph Partitioning (ARHP) Categorical clustering (CACTUS, STIRR) …… STC QDC

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