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MARRIAGE AND FAMILY FORMATION IN FOUR STATE SURVEYS M. Robin Dion Heather Hesketh Courtney Harrison Presentation for National Governor’s Association Center.

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Presentation on theme: "MARRIAGE AND FAMILY FORMATION IN FOUR STATE SURVEYS M. Robin Dion Heather Hesketh Courtney Harrison Presentation for National Governor’s Association Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY FORMATION IN FOUR STATE SURVEYS M. Robin Dion Heather Hesketh Courtney Harrison Presentation for National Governor’s Association Center for Best Practices July 22, 2004

2 Marital Status of Parents Statewide Government Assistance

3 Majority Believe that Parents Should Be Married Majority of all samples value and aspire to marriage, low-income or not Majority of all samples value and aspire to marriage, low-income or not Across states, 1/3 to 1/2 believe cohabitation is acceptable Across states, 1/3 to 1/2 believe cohabitation is acceptable 2/3 in each state say that people who have children together ought to be married 2/3 in each state say that people who have children together ought to be married –In 2 states, fewer people receiving government assistance endorse this belief

4 Relationship Interaction is Crucial to Quality and Stability Statewide Government Assistance Percent Strongly Agree/Agree FLOKUTFLOKUT My relationship with my spouse/partner is more important to me than almost anything else 838991717746 I may not want to be with my spouse/partner a few years from now 1088121216 My partner frequently insults or criticizes me 65281210 My partner withdraws during arguments 161715242726 Mean number of weeks since date/evening out --104--2013

5 Never-Married Low-Income New Parents Aspire to Marriage, But Struggle 69% of romantically involved mothers and 81% of fathers want to marry their partners 69% of romantically involved mothers and 81% of fathers want to marry their partners Many committed but unmarried relationships deteriorate rapidly after birth of a child Many committed but unmarried relationships deteriorate rapidly after birth of a child Top reasons for ending relationships Top reasons for ending relationships –Infidelity (“cheating”) - 56% –Not getting along - 30% –Money problems - 12% –Data from Louisiana Fragile Families Survey

6 Widespread Interest in Marriage/Relationship Education Statewide Samples GovernmentAssistance Percent FLOKUTFLOKUT Would consider using relationship education, such as workshops or classes, to strengthen relationship 796474877283 Considers it a good or very good idea for government to develop programs to strengthen marriage and reduce divorce 678587908886

7 Implications Low-income groups have highest need and are most open to marriage education Low-income groups have highest need and are most open to marriage education Never-married parents aspire to marriage; may benefit if timing and content are right Never-married parents aspire to marriage; may benefit if timing and content are right Public support for spending resources on initiatives to strengthen marriage is high Public support for spending resources on initiatives to strengthen marriage is high

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