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Recycling and Composting A project by “Green Girl” ATP 2008-2009 Project.

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2 Recycling and Composting A project by “Green Girl” ATP 2008-2009 Project

3 A world in crisis As you are aware our environment is in a crisis at the present time. As you are aware our environment is in a crisis at the present time. Trees are being cut down every second. If everyone recycled we would save so may trees. Trees are being cut down every second. If everyone recycled we would save so may trees. Trees are one of our nations most important natural resources and they may someday be gone. They are the main way of getting oxygen except for some other small shrubs and without them we would not breath. Once they are gone they are gone and our nation and world will be without the needed amount of air. Trees are one of our nations most important natural resources and they may someday be gone. They are the main way of getting oxygen except for some other small shrubs and without them we would not breath. Once they are gone they are gone and our nation and world will be without the needed amount of air. Composting is a very important way to help our earth. Since our trees are being cut down the richer soil will help us to re-grow these trees faster and will fill our landfills slower. Composting is a very important way to help our earth. Since our trees are being cut down the richer soil will help us to re-grow these trees faster and will fill our landfills slower. Also composting helps our animals because animals eat the compost and since when we don’t recycle we cut down more of their trees it is taking away their food supply. Also composting helps our animals because animals eat the compost and since when we don’t recycle we cut down more of their trees it is taking away their food supply. We already are taking away their home and food we can at least give them some food to eat. We already are taking away their home and food we can at least give them some food to eat.

4 We can help! My plan is to get all of the students or the majority of them at least to recycle and hopefully even start to compost too! I hope to give the entire student body a poll in the beginning of the week and add them up to see how many kids recycled and composted before my project and then take another poll at the end of the day on Friday to calculate how much of a difference the project has made. I would like to have recycling and composting bins placed in the cafeteria. Also I plan to try to get time on the morning announcements so that I will be able to share facts with the student body on why it is important to recycle and compost and what it can do for them. I would also try to make a sculpture made completely out of things you can recycle and put that in the front lobby or where it is convenient.

5 How much do we throw out that can be recycled? On average our school uses 1,625 milk cartons weekly. And on average our school uses 250 juice cups weekly. That's a grand total in just those two items of 1,875 cartons per week. In a single month our school uses 11,438.In a year that total would come to 75,000 cartons. In all the schools combined we use approximately 450,000 cartons each year. That is a lot of cardboard. Since each container is approximately 14 inches in perimeter then that is 630,000 inches of cardboard.

6 How will this improve our school? First of all it will give a better reputation to our school by showing once again that our school cares. First of all it will give a better reputation to our school by showing once again that our school cares. Also even though there will be a small profit involved when buying composting and recycling bins for the cafeteria it will be worth every dime to see that we are helping save our earth and let our human race life possibly longer on earth. Also even though there will be a small profit involved when buying composting and recycling bins for the cafeteria it will be worth every dime to see that we are helping save our earth and let our human race life possibly longer on earth.

7 Credits Thank you for taking time to view this slide show and I hope that we can have our entire school help to make a big difference for doing such a small thing. Thank to Mrs. Zimmerman for giving this project and helping create this idea. Have a good day!

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