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Data Tables. Describe this room. What do you notice about this room?

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Presentation on theme: "Data Tables. Describe this room. What do you notice about this room?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Tables

2 Describe this room. What do you notice about this room?

3 Types of Data Categorical Data (Qualitative Data) – Describes a quality about the individual or thing Descriptive – style of music, color, shape Bright, crowded, black tables, yellow eye wash, big board, blue chairs

4 Types of Data Numerical Data (Quantitative) – Describes a quantity about the individual or thing Count or Measure – height, time, # of 2 doors, 18 tables, 40 chairs, one flag, 6 period folders, 2 computers

5 How to Collect Data Surveys Studies Experiments

6 Collecting Data What is your favorite activity/hobby? How long do you spend doing that activity/hobby? – Survey the students at your table – Set up your data table StudentActivityTime

7 Class Data What activities/hobbies did the class enjoy the most often? Activity # Students

8 Collecting Data What is your favorite fast food restaurant? How often do you eat there a week? – Survey the students at your table – Set up your data table StudentFast Food# Times

9 Class Data What fast food restaurants did the class enjoy the most often? Fast Food # Students

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