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11/03 BELLRINGER 4+ SENTENCES As the US was recovering slowly from the effects of the Depression, another threat loomed on the horizon in Europe. In reaction.

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Presentation on theme: "11/03 BELLRINGER 4+ SENTENCES As the US was recovering slowly from the effects of the Depression, another threat loomed on the horizon in Europe. In reaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/03 BELLRINGER 4+ SENTENCES As the US was recovering slowly from the effects of the Depression, another threat loomed on the horizon in Europe. In reaction to the rise of dictators in several European nations, FDR addressed Congress and identified four “essential freedoms”: speech, religion, from want, from fear. Which of these do you think is most important and why?

2 WORLD WAR TWO 1935-1950

3 DICTATORS COME TO POWER Why?Why? Treaty of VersaillesTreaty of Versailles World-wide DepressionWorld-wide Depression New democracies flounderedNew democracies floundered

4 DICTATORS COME TO POWER Totalitarian – government that controls every aspect of citizens lives (Soviet Union, Germany, Italy)Totalitarian – government that controls every aspect of citizens lives (Soviet Union, Germany, Italy) Fascism – philosophy that says nation is more valuable than the individual (Germany, Italy)Fascism – philosophy that says nation is more valuable than the individual (Germany, Italy) Communism – philosophy that says everything is publicly owned but managed by the government (Soviet Union)Communism – philosophy that says everything is publicly owned but managed by the government (Soviet Union)

5 DICTATORS COME TO POWER The Soviet Union – Joseph StalinThe Soviet Union – Joseph Stalin Italy – Benito MussoliniItaly – Benito Mussolini Germany – Adolf HitlerGermany – Adolf Hitler Spain – Francisco FrancoSpain – Francisco Franco Japan – Military dictatorshipJapan – Military dictatorship

6 AGGRESSIVE ACTIONS BEGIN 1931 - Japan invaded Manchuria1931 - Japan invaded Manchuria 1935 - Italy invaded Ethiopia1935 - Italy invaded Ethiopia 1936 - Germany supports a civil war in Spain1936 - Germany supports a civil war in Spain 1936 – Japan invades China1936 – Japan invades China

7 AGGRESSIVE ACTIONS BEGIN 1931 - Japan invaded Manchuria1931 - Japan invaded Manchuria 1935 - Italy invaded Ethiopia1935 - Italy invaded Ethiopia 1936 - Germany supports a civil war in Spain1936 - Germany supports a civil war in Spain 1936 – Japan invades China1936 – Japan invades China

8 Hitler is encouraged by a lack of response from the rest of the world Rhineland (1937) Austria (1938) Czechoslovakia (1939) MUNICH PACT (September 1938) – appeasement Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia (1938)

9 August, 1939 – German/Soviet non-aggression pact September 1, 1939 – Poland attacked – WWII begins September, 1939 - June 1940, all of western Europe Poland - the “line in the sand” August, 1940, Battle for Britain

10 1941 - Germany “Wolf Packs” – submarines – begin sinking ships in the Atlantic Germany invades the Soviet Union May, 1941 Germany broke the non-aggression pact



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