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New Zealand vs. Germany By Justin Eicher. New Zealand Located in the Pacific Ocean East of Australia The capital is Wellington The unofficial language.

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Presentation on theme: "New Zealand vs. Germany By Justin Eicher. New Zealand Located in the Pacific Ocean East of Australia The capital is Wellington The unofficial language."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Zealand vs. Germany By Justin Eicher

2 New Zealand Located in the Pacific Ocean East of Australia The capital is Wellington The unofficial language is English with 89.8% people speaking it and Maori 14.1% There are 4,401,916 people living across the two islands The major religion is Christianity making up 44.3% of the pop and the rest are the normal Hindu, Buddhist, Islam etc. No subcultures are mentioned but I would imagine that native Maori people and those that can identify with more then one type of nationality would make up any subcultures.

3 History In 800 A.D the Polynesian Maori reached New Zealand 1840 chiefs meet and make compact with Britain 1843 – 1872 land disputes between Brits and natives end up with defeat of natives and Brit colony 1907 became independent and supported UK in both world wars 1980 participation and help in armed conflicts dies off.

4 Todays conflicts Recent conflicts are made up of addressing grievances of Maori natives A dispute of a territorial claim in Antarctica A rise in the consumption in amphetamines

5 Economy As it sits now the economy is stable after recuperating from a recession in 2009. This was a result in a ending of dependence on Brit imports for a free market economy boosting incomes but separating social levels. GDP – 136 billion Labor Force – 7% farming 19% industry 74% serveries 6.4% unemployment

6 Values and Symbols The New Zealand people value the beliefs and customs associated with the Maori culture pulling on its art and cultural teachings. The coat of arms, national flag, kiwi (bird), and Koru are all symbols known to them Colors blue, white, red, green, black

7 Values and Symbols cont. Yd0Y

8 My opinion Like – I like that even though there is a large presence of outsider influence like the Brits the people still hold true to their roots as Maori people. Dislike – it is hard to find something not to like about the area I suppose it the education system is not the best and poverty does run throughout the country

9 Which one? I love America do not get me wrong, but it would be great to live in an area that is so connected to its history and culture. Their story is a more successful version of our own Natives and it good to see that the people still thrive in their culture and country together.

10 Germany Located in central Europe between France and Poland Capitol is Berlin Mainly speak German but also is common to know languages based in the Cyrillic alphabet as well as English and French 80,996,685 people live in the country 34% identify with Protestantism 34% with Catholic 3.7 Muslim and 28.3 % no belief and other No subcultures mentioned. The Germans are proud people and the nationalistic attitudes make subcultures difficult

11 Histroy This is more easy to talk about the write about because there is not enough space. The highlights are 1850 -1871 Ovb uses tact and political wars to unify the split Germany Germany quickly became dominate Economic power Kaiser William II wanted a bigger navy and expansion against ovb wishes leads into WW1 Defeated and in economic distress Hitler rises to power WW2 Present.

12 Conflicts No outstanding conflicts to date Has become gather of refuges from Serbia, Turkey, Iraq, Russia etc. Source of some drug component chemicals for South America cocaine, Southwest Asian heroin, and Latin American cocaine

13 Economy Strong economy rebuilt after WW1 debts and end of cold war. 5 Th largest in the world GDP – 3.227 Trillion Jobs – 1.6% Farming 24.6% industry 73.8% serveries 5.3% unemployment

14 Values and Symbols Germans are proud people having been forged as a country out of a time of great nationalism. Support their own culture very strongly and value history especially their own. sMs

15 My opinion Like – I love the focus and history and art of their culture. WE study our own history here but I do not feel it is with the same fervor and respect that they tech Dislike – Although it is out of respect I do not like the punctuality and times and the formalness of speaking. I feel it would be very stressful to remember and maintain, but then again if I was born there it probably would not be to hard to keep up.

16 Live there? I would love to live in Germany. My grandparents lived there for a time and have nothing but fantastic stories. Also being part German it would be great to go and live in a place I have partially come from. I do like American culture do not get me wrong and I know I just said otherwise in the last slide but I think I would enjoy living in the German culture more then the American culture. The formalness and respect to people, education, and history/art is just something I would love to have in my life.

17 Pictures

18 Cont.

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