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Chapter 15. A. New Land Disputes 1. U.S. added more than 500,000 sq. miles from Mexican American War SPARKED FIGHT OVER SLAVERY.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15. A. New Land Disputes 1. U.S. added more than 500,000 sq. miles from Mexican American War SPARKED FIGHT OVER SLAVERY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15

2 A. New Land Disputes 1. U.S. added more than 500,000 sq. miles from Mexican American War SPARKED FIGHT OVER SLAVERY

3 2. Regional Differences A. One solution proposed was the Wilmot Proviso which prohibited slavery in any part of the territory Northern Controlled House = PASSED Southern Controlled Senate = DID NOT PASS BILL DID NOT PASS B. Resulted in Sectionalism

4 SECTIONALISM: Southerners, Westerners and Northerners began to identify themselves regionally and not as Americans. The people would put the needs of their region over the needs of the nation.

5 3. The California Question A. Most Californians opposed slavery B. If California became free state – balance between free and slave states in the SENATE would change favoring free states And Think! Why would most Californians opposed slavery?

6 What effect did the book have on slavery? B. Uncle Tom’s Cabin


8 A. Compromise of 1850

9 1. California enter Union as a free state

10 2. The rest of Mexican Cession = federal land. Slavery issue decided by popular sovereignty

11 3. Texas would give up some land and the U.S. government would pay off it’s debt to Mexico

12 4. Slave trade would end in Washington D.C. (not slavery)

13 5. A new fugitive slave act was passed

14 B. Reactions to Compromise of 1850 1.Opposed by John C. Calhoun A.Claimed it would destroy nation’s balance and lead to Civil War B.Believed the South had a right to secede from the Union 2. Favored by Daniel Webster A. He was instrumental in getting the bill passed

15 C. The Fugitive Slave Act

16 1. Details A.Made it a crime to help runaway slaves B.6 months in jail and $1000 fine for helping slaves C.Only white slaveholders could testify D.Commissioners earned $5 for setting slave free and $10 for sending them back to slavery

17 2. Reactions A.Thousands of African Americans fled to Canada B. Northerners hate Fugitive Slave act especially because no trial by jury C. Most peacefully resisted but violence erupted in Anthony Burns Case

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