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Get out your take home quiz and CPS Clicker.. Bacterial morphology deals primarily with how the bacteria are shaped and how they are grouped together.

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1 Get out your take home quiz and CPS Clicker.


3 Bacterial morphology deals primarily with how the bacteria are shaped and how they are grouped together.

4 Cocci - round bacterial cells. Bacilli - rod-shaped bacterial cells. Spirilli - spiral- shaped bacterial cells.

5 diplo - a prefix used with the shape name to indicate pairing of cells. strepto - a prefix used with the shape name to indicate filaments. staphylo - a prefix used with the shape name to indicate clusters.

6 What are some other things that help you to identify a bacteria? Cell Wall Cell Wall – gives the bacteria its shape; Flagella Flagella – allows bacteria to move from place to place (only in some); Endospore Endospore – think of it like a bacteria “seed” (only in some bacillus)

7 Viral Structure DNA or RNA core surrounded by protein shell called capsid Some form a lipid rich covering around the capsid called the envelope Envelope may have spikes to help chemically recognize & attach to the host cell Shape determined by the capsid

8 Helical Consist of nucleic Consist of nucleic acid surrounded by acid surrounded by a hollow protein cylinder or capsid and possessing a helical (twisted) structure. a hollow protein cylinder or capsid and possessing a helical (twisted) structure. Tobacco mosaic virus

9 Polyhedral consist of nucleic acid consist of nucleic acid surrounded by a surrounded by a polyhedral polyhedral (many-sided) shell or capsid. Adenovirus Respiratory Infections

10 Enveloped Enveloped consist of nucleic consist of nucleic acid surrounded acid surrounded by either by either a helical or polyhedral core and covered by an envelope. Influenza A Flu Flu

11 Binal (complex) have neither helical nor polyhedral forms, are irregular shaped, or have complex structures T4 Bacteriophage Infect bacteria Infect bacteria

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