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Credit Union Leaders Speak Out! Cheryl Bryne, Executive Director Cu Source of Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Credit Union Leaders Speak Out! Cheryl Bryne, Executive Director Cu Source of Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Credit Union Leaders Speak Out! Cheryl Bryne, Executive Director Cu Source of Canada

2 Cheryl Byrne September 17, 2003

3 CUSOURCE Highlights Phase I operational September 15 th Phase II operational January 2004 CUIC Course sales continue to rise Ontario CUSOURCE classroom course selection available Pilot testing successful

4 CUSOURCE Phase I 60 credit union job positions and technical competencies Learnings mapped, where available On-line registration CUSOURCE Live Informal Knowledge – i.e. RMA Industry Analysis Tool Courses –90 NETG e-learning courses –Harvard Mentor Manager courses –CUIC courses –Ontario classroom courses

5 CUSOURCE Phase I Benefits: Performance management tool Career pathing tool On-line registration, tracking and reporting E-learning opportunities CUIC Designations Medicine Hat College Athabasca University On-line branch meetings and product demos On-line networking and topic discussions

6 Entering on your favourite browser presents the CUSOURCE home Already registered? Enter your ID and Password

7 CUSOURCE Dynamic Customization Signing in tells the system: –Who you are –Your job position or whether you are a member –Your C.U. and province –Your CUSOURCE permissions –Courses taken or in progress –Areas of interest, subscriptions and favourites The CUSOURCE screens are then dynamically personalized just for you

8 Your Name Your C.U.

9 My Profile allows you to update your name, address, email etc. Make sure to keep this information up to date so the system, management and CUSOURCE can communicate with you – click to continue Your Name Your C.U.

10 Details of your own Learning Plan

11 Credit Unions Subscribers Credit unions may subscribe for $300/yer and gain access to many more features including: –Ability to manage their employee’s training –A wide range of reporting –360 º Evaluations –The opportunity to be active participants in the sharing of knowledge

12 Under each of the options to the right is an explanation of the functionality

13 CUSOURCE Phase II January 2004 More e-learning available and mapped Commercial lender training modules All classroom training from Centrals Lending and Marketing Community of Practice Pilots CUIC exam registration on line Informal Knowledge Increasing

14 CUSOURCE Classroom Courses Fall 2003 Governance - 3 sessions Project Management Win-Win Negotiations

15 CUSOURCE Ontario Representatives Kathy Clutterbuck, Sr. Mgr. Client Relations Joan Ellis, Sr. Mgr. CUIC Sharon Burkholder, CUSOURCE Rep Beth McElroy, Student Support Advisor Cheryl Byrne, Executive Director

16 Thank You

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